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Reporter: Who will succeed you when you die?

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Reporter: Who will succeed you when you die?


Srila Prabhupada: I will never die!


Devotees: Jaya! Haribol!


Srila Prabhupada: I will live forever from my books and you will utilise.


(Interview, Berkley, 17/7/75)




Indian Lady: ... is that spiritual master still guiding after death?


Srila Prabhupada: Yes, yes. Just like Krsna is guiding us, similarly spiritual master will guide us.


(General lectures, 69/09/23)




Eternal bond between disciple and Spiritual Master begins from the day he hears.


(Letter to Jadurani, 4/9/72)




The influence of the pure devotee is such that if someone comes to associate with him with a little faith, he gets the chance of hearing about the Lord from authoritative scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita. This is the first stage of association with the pure devotee.


(Nectar of Devotion, (1982 Ed.), p146)




These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing.


(Letter to Rupanuga Das, 19/10/74)




Regarding parampara system, there is nothing to wonder for big gaps. [...]We have to pick up the prominent acaryas and follow from him.


(Letter to Dayananda, 12/4/6




These great souls (members of the disciplic succession) were not mere luminaries like comets appearing in the firmament for a while and disappearing as soon as their mission is done. They are like so many suns shining all along to give light and heat to succeeding generations. Long time yet to roll on when they will be succeeded by others of sublime mind, beauty and calibre.


(Bhaktivinoda Thakura)





So those disciples who don't have the opportunity to see you or speak with you...


Srila Prabhupada:

That he was speaking, vani and vapuh. Even if you don't see his body, you take his words, vani.



But how do they know that they're pleasing you?


Srila Prabhupada:

If you actually follow the words of Guru, that means he is pleased. And if you do not follow, how can he be pleased?



Not only that, but your mercy is spread everywhere, and if we take advantage, you told us once, then we will feel the result.


Srila Prabhupada:




And if we have faith in what the Guru says, then automatically we'll do that.


Srila Prabhupada:

Yes. My Guru Maharaja passed away in 1936, and I started this movement in 1965, 30 years after. Then? I am getting mercy of Guru. This is vani. Even if Guru is not physically present, if you follow the vani, then you are getting help.



So there is no question of ever separation as long as the disciple follows the instructions of Guru.


Srila Prabhupada:

No. Cakhu-dano-dilo-jei. What is the next one?



Cakhu-dano-dilo-jei, janme janme prabhu sei.


Srila Prabhupada:

Janme janme prabhu sei. So where there is separation? Who has opened your eyes, he is birth after birth your prabhu.


(Room conversation, 21/7/75)






Is there any way for a Christian to do without the help of a Spiritual Master. To reach the spiritual sky through believing the words of Jesus Christ and trying to follow his teachings?


Srila Prabhupada:

I don't follow.


Tamala Krishna Goswami:

Can a Christian in this age, without a Spiritual Master, but by reading the Bible, and following Jesus's words, reach the ...


Srila Prabhupada:

When you read the Bible, you follow the Spiritual Master. How can you say without. As soon as you read the Bible, that means you are following the instruction of Lord Jesus Christ. That means that you are following the Spiritual Master. So where is the opportunity of being without Spiritual Master.



I was referring to a living Spiritual Master.


Srila Prabhupada:

Spiritual Master is not question of ... Spiritual Master is eternal...so your question is 'without Spiritual Master'. Without Spiritual Master you cannot be at any stage of your life. You may accept this Spiritual master or that Spiritual master. That is a different thing. But you have to accept. As you say that "by reading Bible", when you read Bible that means you are following the Spiritual Master represented by some priest or some clergyman in the line of Lord Jesus Christ.


(Morning Walk, Seattle, 2/10/6





You have asked if it is true that the spiritual master remains in the universe until all his disciples are transferred to the spiritual sky. The answer is yes, this is the rule.


(Letter to Jayapataka, 11/7/69)



Regarding Sankirtana and book distribution, book distribution is also chanting. Anyone who reads the books that is also chanting and hearing. Why distinguish between chanting and book distribution? These books I have recorded and chanted, and they are transcribed. It is spoken kirtanas. So book distribution is also chanting. These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing. Book distribution must not be neglected. (S.P.L. to Rupanuga dasa, 19th October, 1974)


When a devotee is perfectly qualified in chanting the transcendental vibration of the holy name, he is quite fit to become a spiritual master and to deliver all the people of the world. The chanting of the holy name is so powerful that it gradually establishes its supremacy above everything in the world. The devotee who chants it becomes transcendentally situated in ecstasy and sometimes laughs, cries and dances in his ecstasy. Sometimes the unintelligent put hindrances in the path of chanting this maha-mantra, but one who is situated on the platform of love of Godhead chants the holy name loudly for all concerned. As a result everyone becomes initiated in the chanting of the holy names--Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. (T.L.C. Chapter 1



Please try to popularize this book throughout England as much as possible. Because if these books are read, there is no doubt that many sincere souls shall be attracted and will join you in your work for Krishna. So please try for selling these books, it shall be considered as the greatest service. (S.P.L. to Gurudasa 1/12/6


One Krishna book sold means we go forward one step in our Krishna Consciousness. We should always remember this. (S.P.L. to Visnujana Maharaja 4th April 1971)


But in my heart I want that KRSNA book in small or large form, should be distributed in every home who are English-speaking people. (S.P.L. to Karandhara May 17th 1971)


I am glad to hear that you are distributing nicely books and magazines. The more we sell books, the more we advance in KC, and the more we help others to have solid information how they may take advantage of their human form of life and achieve the supreme perfection. So I want that you should now increase very greatly this selling of books and literatures. (S.P.L. to Kulasekhara 20/1/72)


I am very glad to hear all the good news, especially that you want to sell books more and more. That is the best preaching work; each book sold means there is some practical effect of preaching, there is some tangible progress. So try to sell books as many as possible in your country, and in this way, so long you remain active but not for your personal sense-gratification, so long you remain active only satisfying Krishna's senses, then this movement will be successful without any doubt. As soon as someone wants to satisfy his own senses, then he fails at everything. (S.P.L. to Kuruksetra 23/11/12)


Actually producing and distributing books is our most important engagement, all other engagements culminate in this one end--distribution of books. (S.P.L. to Tamala Krsna 27th July 1973)


I understand from Karandhara that you are one of the most staunch supporters and workers for distributing our books and I assure you that it is the highest service to my Guru Maharaja. Thank you very much. (S.P.L. to Trai dasa 8/12/73)


So I am always emphasizing book distribution. It is the better kirtana. It is better than chanting. Of course chanting should not stop, but book distribution is the best kirtana. (S.P.L. to Srutadeva dasa 24/10/74)


I am especially pleased at how you are distributing our books, particularly to the schools and universities. This program is so important and should be increased more and more. We want to flood the world over with our books. So go on in this way and Krishna will surely bless you. (S.P.L. to Sri Govinda 21/1/71)


Actually this book production is most important, and you have pleased me very much. Just go on and flood the whole world with these Krsna books. (S.P.L. to Bali-mardana 8/873)


So I am very pleased with your activities. Now continue and increase. Everyone will want our books. We will always have customers. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy. (S.P.L. to Ghanasyama 20/11/75)


Your report of the book distribution there is very encouraging. Make program to distribute our books all over the world. Our books are being appreciated by learned circles, so we should take advantage. Whatever progress we have made, it is simply to distributing these books. So go on, and do not divert your mind for a moment from this. (S.P.L. to Ramesvara dasa 11/10/74)


So that is the real preaching, selling books. Who can speak better than the books? At least whoever buys, he will look over. If you have to sell books, do it by hook or by crook. The real preaching is selling books. You should know the tactic how to sell without irritating. What your lecture will do for three minutes, but if he reads one page his life may be turned. (S.P.L. to Bali Marden 30th September 1972)


The results show that there is no limit to our book distribution. Our books are qualified to be distributed unlimitedly. (S.P.L. to Ramesvara dasa 18/1/76)


The word kriyasu, meaning "by manual labor" or "by work," is important in this verse. One should engage in practical service to the Lord. In our Krsna consciousness movement, all our activities are concentrated upon distributing Krsna literature. This is very important. One may approach any person and induce him to read Krsna literature so that in the future he also may become a devotee. Such activities are recommended in this verse. Kriyasu yas tvac-caranaravindayoh. Such activities will always remind the devotees of the Lord's lotus feet. By fully concentrating on distributing books for Krsna, one is fully absorbed in Krsna. This is samadhi. (S.B 10.2.37)


These books are the life of human society. Others may be disturbed, but they cannot disturb this Srimad-Bhagavatam. Let any man come, but here they cannot touch. We are putting these books for deliberation before the topmost thinkers of human society. Therefore, I have to see that in all languages all of our books are published. If we strain, and if he takes one book home, some day people will come to understand what valuable knowledge they have received. It is transcendental literature. Nobody can challenge it. It is done so nicely, without any spot, the spotless Purana. Please continue like this to print books in all the languages for the benefit of suffering, misdirected humanity. (S.P.L. to Puranjana, 4th May, 1976)


Please print as many books as possible, this is my real pleasure. By printing these books of our Krsna Conscious philosophy in so many different languages we can actually inject our movement into the masses of persons all over the world, especially there in the western countries and we can literally turn whole nations into Krsna Conscious nations. (S.P.L. to Hrdayananda Maharaja, 21st December, 1974)


Anyway, print books, distribute profusely, and that will be the best preaching work. What will your three minutes' preaching do?--but if they buy one book, it may turn their life. (S.P.L. to Bhagavan 5th November, 1972)


Yes, that is a good proposal, print many many books in African language and distribute widely, that is real preaching work. If you sell a book to someone, that is better than your speaking to them--what will your three minutes' preaching do? But if they read a book it may turn their life. (S.P.L. to Brahmananda, 3rd November, 1972)






According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems. Out of many millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Krsna. By the mercy of both Krsna and the spiritual master, such a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service.



When we speak of brahmanda, we refer to the whole universe, or to the cluster of many millions of universes. In all universes, there are innumerable planets and innumerable living entities upon those planets in the air and in the water. There are millions and trillions of living entities everywhere, and they are engaged by maya in suffering and enjoying the results of their fruitive activity life after life. This is the position of the materially conditioned living entities. Out of many of these living entities, if one is actually fortunate (bhagyavan), he comes in contact with a bona fide spiritual master by Krsna's mercy. Krsna is situated in everyone's heart, and if one desires something, Krsna fulfils one's desire. If the living entity by chance or fortune comes in contact with the Krsna consciousness movement and wishes to associate with that movement, Krsna, who is situated in everyone's heart, gives him the chance to meet a bona fide spiritual master. This is called guru-krsna-prasada. Krsna is prepared to bestow His mercy upon all living entities, and as soon as a living entity desires the Lord's mercy, the Lord immediately gives him an opportunity to meet a bona fide spiritual master. Such a person is fortified by both Krsna and the spiritual master. He is helped from within by Krsna and from without by the spiritual master. Both are prepared to help the sincere living being become free from this material bondage. (C.C. Mad. 19.151.)


Srila Prabhupada says "as soon as a living entity desires the Lords mercy, the Lord immediately gives him an opportunity to meet a bona-fide spiritual master."


There is no difference between the spiritual master's instructions and the spiritual master himself. (C.C. Adi. 1.35)




Since one cannot visually experience the presence of the Supersoul, He appears before us as a liberated devotee. Such a spiritual master is no one other than Krsna Himself.



It is not possible for a conditioned soul to directly meet Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but if one becomes a sincere devotee and seriously engages in devotional service, Lord Krsna sends an instructing spiritual master to show him favour and invoke his dormant propensity for serving the Supreme. The preceptor appears before the external senses of the fortunate conditioned soul, and at the same time the devotee is guided from within by the caittya-guru, Krsna, who is seated as the spiritual master within the heart of the living entity. (C.C. Adi 1.5


In the text to the above verse such a representative is described as siksa guru. Srila Prabhupada elaborates on this in the purport "Lord Krsna sends an instructing spiritual master to show him favour and invoke his dormant propensity for serving the Supreme. The perceptor appears before the external senses of the fortunate conditioned soul"



There is no difference between me and my picture. (S.P.L. Jadurani, 4th September, 1972)




The eternal bond between disciple and spiritual master begins from the first day he hears. Just like my spiritual master. In 1922 he said in our first meeting, you are educated boys, why don't you preach this cult. That was the beginning, now it is coming to fact. Therefore the relationship began from that day. (S.P.L. to Jadurani, 4th September, 1972)


How that relationship develops is described as follows.

The influence of a pure devotee is such that if someone comes to associate with him with a little faith, one gets the chance of hearing about the Lord from authoritative scriptures like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. Thus, by the mercy of the Lord, who is situated in everyone's heart, one gradually develops his faith in the descriptions of such authoritative scriptures. This is the first stage of association with pure devotees. In the second stage, after one becomes a little advanced and mature, he automatically offers to follow the principles of devotional service under the guidance of the pure devotee and accepts him as the spiritual master. (N.O.D. Chapter 19)




It is the duty of the siksa-guru or diksa-guru to instruct the disciple in the right way, and it depends on the disciple to execute the process. According to sastric injunctions, there is no difference between siksa-guru and diksa-guru, and generally the siksa-guru later on becomes the diksa-guru. (S.B. 4.12.32)


Generally a spiritual master who constantly instructs a disciple in spiritual science becomes his initiating spiritual master later on. (C.C. Adi, 1.35)




Devotional service entails being initiated by a bona fide spiritual master and following his instruction in regard to hearing about the Lord. Such a bona fide spiritual master is accepted by regularly hearing from him about the Lord. (S.B. 3.5.42)


My guru maharaja, my spiritual master, used to say that you have to select a spiritual master not by seeing but by your ear, but by hearing. And you don't select a spiritual master who has got a very good hair or beard or some very beautiful feature, "Oh, he is a very good, nice looking." No. You must hear. Tad viddhi pranipatena. Sruti. The whole process is sruti. The Vedas are called sruti. The ear has to aural reception. (B.G. 4.24.34 Lecture, N.Y. 2nd August, 1966)




There is no comparison. There is no competition. Every word is for the good of the human society. Every word, each and every word. Therefore we stress so much in the book distribution. Somehow or other, if the book goes in one hand, he will be benefited. At least he will see, "Oh, they have taken so much price. Let me see what is there. If he reads one sloka, his life will be successful. If one sloka, one word. This is such nice things. Therefore we are stressing so much, "Please distribute book, distribute book, distribute book." A greater mrdanga. We are chanting, playing our mrdanga. It is heard within this room or little more. But this mrdanga will go home to home, country to country, community to community, this mrdanga. (S.B. Lec. 1.16.8., Los Angeles 5th January, 1974)


Out of the nine items of devotional service, book distribution falls in the category of sravanam kirtanam. Sravanam kirtanam is the beginning--to chant and hear. Book distribution is under this category of sravanam kirtanam. (S.P.L. to Satsvarupa, 19th January, 1975)


Regarding Sankirtana and book distribution, book distribution is also chanting. Anyone who reads the books that is also chanting and hearing. Why distinguish between chanting and book distribution? These books I have recorded and chanted, and they are transcribed. It is spoken kirtanas. So book distribution is also chanting. These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing. Book distribution must not be neglected. If things deteriorate that is another thing, but it is not the fault of book distribution. (S.P.L. to Rupanuga dasa, 19th October, 1974)




When a devotee is perfectly qualified in chanting the transcendental vibration of the holy name, he is quite fit to become a spiritual master and to deliver all the people of the world. The chanting of the holy name is so powerful that it gradually establishes its supremacy above everything in the world. The devotee who chants it becomes transcendentally situated in ecstasy and sometimes laughs, cries and dances in his ecstasy. Sometimes the unintelligent put hindrances in the path of chanting this maha-mantra, but one who is situated on the platform of love of Godhead chants the holy name loudly for all concerned. As a result, everyone becomes initiated in the chanting of the holy names--Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. (T.L.C. Chapter 1


Such vedanta-vadis, or the bhakti-vedantas, are impartial in distributing the transcendental knowledge of devotional service. To them no one is enemy or friend; no one is educated or uneducated. No one is especially favourable, and no one is unfavourable. The bhakti-vedantas see that the people in general are wasting time in false sensuous things. Their business is to get the ignorant mass of people to re-establish their lost relationship with the Personality of Godhead. By such endeavour, even the most forgotten soul is roused up to the sense of spiritual life, and thus being initiated by the bhakti-vedantas, the people in general gradually progress on the path of transcendental realization. (S.B. 1.5.24)



I wish that all of our Krishna Consciousness literature’s may be available to men of all languages throughout the world, so whatever assistance you can give in this connection is always appreciated. (S.P.L. to Sivananda, 22nd July, 1969)


(S.B. 1.5.24) purport: "Bhaktivedantas are impartial in distributing the transcendental knowledge of devotional service. To them no one is enemy or friend, no one is educated or uneducated. No one is especially favourable and no one is unfavourable.... thus being initiated by the Bhaktivedantas, the people in general gradually progress on the path of transcendental realization."


Following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Krsna consciousness movement is distributing the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and inducing people all over the world to chant. We are giving people an immense treasury of transcendental literature, translated into all the important languages of the world, and by the grace of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu this literature is selling profusely, and people are chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra with great delight. This is the preaching process of the Caitanya cult. Since the Lord wanted this cult preached all over the world, the International Society of Krishna Consciousness is acting in a humble way so that the vision of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu may be fulfilled all over the world, especially in the western countries. (C.C. Adi 16.19)




Srila Rupa Gosvami has described Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as maha-vadanya- avatara, the most munificent incarnation. Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not physically present now, simply by chanting His holy name (sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu nityananda sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda) people throughout the world are becoming devotees. This is due to the ecstatic chanting of the holy name of the Lord. It is said that a pure devotee can see the Lord every moment, and because of this he is empowered by the Lord. This is confirmed in Brahma-samhita: premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hrda yesu vilokayanti. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared five hundred years ago, but it cannot be said that now the potency of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is less powerful than it was in His presence. By hearing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu through the parampara system, one can be purified. Therefore in this verse it is said: tathapi tanra darsana-sravana-prabhave. It is not that everyone is able to see Krsna or Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu physically, but if one hears about Him through books like Sri Caitanya-caritamrta and through the parampara system of pure Vaisnavas, there is no difficulty in becoming a pure Vaisnava, free from mundane desires and personal motivations. (C.C. Mad. 17.51)





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So clear. One is left bewildered trying to see how opposing sides can maintain themselves year after year.


Maybe it is that selective hearing of only that which we think strengthens our preconceived notions. We must beat that rascal mind into submission.



These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing.


(Letter to Rupanuga Das, 19/10/74)




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The disciplic succession could never stop because it belongs to Krsna. There may be gaps in it from time to time but religion belongs to Krsna and He reserves the right to appear whenever there is a decline in religion. Fortunately for us in the western countries Krsna was able to find a sufficiently pious living entity in Srila Prabhupada to be our guru.

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