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When you chant hare-krishna or pray to false gods like krishna, durga et all, are you not insulting Allah? Are you not offending plenty of Muslims who pray to the one true god? How can you call this religion? Is religion, according to you, all about hurting the sentiments of other people? Instead of worshipping Allah, you worship a blue person who didnt even exist, he is a myth, and by doing so, you are not only cheating yourself but hurting millions of people who know the real nature of Allah. This must stop, for your own sake, at least.




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your ignorant if you dont see that we pray to the same god, even tho they might have different religions or different teachings, your ignorant if you dont see that god is not just some person with a name sitting in a cloud telling people to kneel before him and get into holy wars.


We live in our peace, in our harmony, krishna and hinduism is what makes sense to us, it is what happen 5000 year ago without a doubt. There is nothing you can say or do to change that. If I chant hare krishna and offend you, then so be it, I couldent care less what you think.

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"Is religion, according to you, all about hurting the sentiments of other people?"


isn't that EXACTLY what YOU are all about when you come to this site?



primitive people chose primitive religions and then they try to force it on others - this is what all semitic religions (including Islam of course) do. see the current crusades from christians, jews and muslims? see the scores of people killed by PEOPLE LIKE YOU in the name of religion? this is what YOU are all about...


we are the tolerant Aryans... we will let you wallow in your own ignorance because you can't understand any better right now. we are not going to muslim sites trying to offend or convert anybody. but you are not simply ignorant - no, you are a real offender. I'm actually surprised the moderators dont ban your IP address from posting.

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Ahmed when Muslims learn to live with others without enslaving, raping, and bombing those people in the name of Allah your words may be taken seriously.


Go preach to the massive amount of sick fanatics in your own religion while you can before the Americans feel driven to end your "civilization" in a flash. Scarey picture. In one hour all the cities in the Middle East vaporized.


Talking philosophy is one thing, but in your opening line you sought to strike at the heart of those very people that you pretend to want to dialoge with.


The stone throwing age has passed. So has the need for your religion.

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well Ahmed, it doesn't offend us when you pray to Allah. You have no right to be "offended" by someone else's religion. At the point where religion compels you to encroach on the lives of innocent people trying to force your own beliefs on them, it is no longer religion?


Even if you believe Allah is the only god, how can you expect people to convert and become good Muslims when you say such terrible things about the person most important in their lives... yes you heard me right.. the Person. Because for us god is the Almighty and a Person at the same time. Even a Muslim wouldn't tolerate an insult to his own mother, so just imagine us. The kind of love you have for your mother, but multiplied billions upon billions of times. That is what we feel for God. So if you insult Him, even if He is not God in your eyes, He is God in our eyes, and so we will not listen to anything you have to say from that point on. How do you expect to convert people like that? Oh well, Allah help you to find your way through the world to Him...

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I think Ahmed is trying to make some good points regarding vedic religion, how shallow it is and all the rest of it. Why attack him instead of accepting the truth?


Special Guest Star from Chennai, India

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The difference between Sanatan Dharma & Islam is that the Sanatan dharmis know God cannot be limited. God is ashim or unlimited. The Hindus can say, "Yes, Allah is also name of God!"

But Muslim always "God can only be Allah, no other name!" Since when did Allah become so limited?


Really, Vaishnavas don't insult pious Muslims or disbelieve that God is also known as Allah. BUT, Muslims insult everyone else.


It is too bad. Sorry...

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The bus breaks down. The passengers all get out and are standing around the bus. Three passengers, a Red Indian, a Muslim, and a Cowboy, start talking...


The Red Indian says, "Once my people were many, now we are few!"


The Muslim says, "Once my people were few, now we are many!"


The Cowboy says, "Yeah, that cause we ain't played Cowboys 'n' Muslims yet.

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