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SB 4.8.27

The great sage Narada told Dhruva: My dear boy, you are only a little boy whose attachment is to sports and other frivolities. Why are you so affected by words insulting your honor?



Ordinarily if a child is rebuked as a rascal or fool, he smiles and does not take such insulting words very seriously. Similarly, if words of honor are offered, he does not appreciate them. But in the case of Dhruva Maharaja, the ksatriya spirit was so strong that he could not tolerate a slight insult from his stepmother which injured his ksatriya prestige.


SB 4.8.28

My dear Dhruva, if you feel that your sense of honor has been insulted, you still have no cause for dissatisfaction. This kind of dissatisfaction is another feature of the illusory energy; every living entity is controlled by his previous actions, and therefore there are different varieties of life for enjoying or suffering.



In the Vedas it is said that the living entity is always uncontaminated and unaffected by material association. The living entity gets different types of material bodies because of his previous fruitive actions. If, however, one understands the philosophy that as a living spirit soul he has an affinity for neither suffering nor enjoyment, then he is considered to be a liberated person. It is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (18.54), brahma-bhutah prasannatma: when one is actually situated on the transcendental platform, he has nothing for which to lament and nothing for which to hanker. Narada rsi first of all wanted to impress upon Dhruva Maharaja that he was only a child; he should not have been affected by words of insult or honor. And if he were so developed as to understand honor and insult, then this understanding should have been applied in his own life; he should have known that honor and dishonor are both destined only by one’s previous actions; therefore one should not be sorry or happy under any circumstances.



Perhaps I laugh too much to be a ksatriya. But I sure feel like one. I make some pretty amazing claims. It should be cause for concern. But all I do is laugh. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


You see, all I have to do to really be successful is complete my service… follow through. The result is not my concern. I get whatever benefit either way. I am really enjoying the "potential" even now.


Hare Krsna! All glories to Prabhupada!


Can my enemies offer anything more than insults? I wish they'd try! (he was singing)


(Maybe it's my "action" that separates me from so many. A gOOd maybe?)

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SB 4.8.33

One should try to keep himself satisfied in any condition of life—whether distress or happiness—which is offered by the supreme will. A person who endures in this way is able to cross over the darkness of nescience very easily.


Material existence consists of pious and impious fruitive activities. As long as one is engaged in any kind of activity other than devotional service, it will result in the happiness and distress of this material world.


When we enjoy life in so-called material happiness, it is to be understood that we are diminishing the resultant actions of our pious activities. And when we are put into suffering, it is to be understood that we are diminishing the resultant actions of our impious activities. Instead of being attached to the circumstantial happiness and distress resulting from pious or impious activities, if we want to get out of the clutches of this nescience, then whatever position we are put in by the will of the Lord we should accept.


Thus if we simply surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we shall get out of the clutches of this material existence.

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