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I used to practice Krsna Consciousness 24/7 X 365 ,but since I've left the temple...

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It's very seldom that am I practice Krishna Conscious sadhana or vaidhi-bhakti devotional service,at least externally .


Now it's all in the mind ,my own little mind and heart,the offering of prayers and obeisances and bowing down before Sri Krishna it's all in the mind.


But my mind is not at all purified to practise pure bhakti in the purified mind.


So what am I practising after all?

Am I being deceived into bhakti-abasa or shadow bhakti by the cheating mind?

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I live so far from any temples and with all the political struggles going on I am not sure I would want to go to a temple anyway. I just have a bookcase with all my Prabhupada books and picture of Prabhupada that I put in front of the books and I pray to Prabhupada for guidance. It works great and I don't have to travel half way around the world to try and find a temple. I thought I read a story about a brahmana who was accepted back into Vaikuntha by just worshipping Krishna in his mind by cooking for krsna in his mind. Its all about sincerity. If Krishna sees sincerity he accepts the worship.

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It's Krishna's mercy that is nagging at you, prodding you on. Be thankful for it. If that is lost then so are you.




Mercy comes in many forms,I hope to appreciate Krsna in these multifarious forms.

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WE ARE BEING CRUSHED BY THE WHEEL OF TIME, and at the same time, we are thinking that we are very happy. This is called maya. It is maya's grace that in any condition of life, when the suffering is very, very acute, still the living entity thinks, “I am enjoying.” Maya's arrangement is very peculiar. We see sometimes in the airplane, even an Indian eating the intestine of the hog and enjoying. There is a preparation called naphi in Burma. Every householder has a big jug at the door, and any animal that dies is put in it. If one opens it, the bad smell is so strong that whole neighborhood will be polluted. So they keep it for some years, and when it is decomposed they strain the juice and keep it in bottle. And when there is some festival, they give little and people enjoy it. When my Guru Maharaja was alive he had one temple in Burma. So when they were making puris with nice ghee, all the inhabitants came and said, “Oh! What you are doing? This is intolerable!" The flavor of ghee was intolerable, and the flavor of naphi is tolerable. We are in a peculiar condition in this material world.


But do not think that when Krsna comes, He is subjected to this suffering. No. He does not become affected or, rather, infected with these three modes of nature. He’s eternal. There is no such thing as past, present and future for Him. We are also of the same quality, but under the condition of material nature we are controlled by the time factor. Therefore Prahlada Maharaja is regretting, “I am being crushed by this time factor.” But we are thinking, “It is all right.” This is called ignorance. “These living entities,” Krsna said, “ are My part and parcels.” So they should remain with Him just like the fire and the spark. Unfortunately we have fallen down and the result is we are being crushed. So if one is serious to be saved from this crushing process they should learn from Prahlada Maharaja. “Kindly pick me up. You are most powerful. Now I surrender. I rebelled against You, and now I have realized my precarious condition of life.” The animals do not understand this. In human life we should come to the understanding that we are not living happily. We are being crushed by the wheel of time in so many ways. When this sense comes, then we are human.


Simply we, a few members of the Krsna consciousness movement, are going door to door trying to convince them, “Sir, you are not this body.” They don’t care for it. It is a very difficult task. To push on the Krsna consciousness movement requires great patience, perseverance, and tolerance. Those who have taken to Krsna conscious preaching work should know that things are not going to happen easily. Maya is very, very strong. Very, very strong. Anyway, if by reading all these literatures given by God Himself, we come to our senses that He is so great and so merciful, then it becomes possible to surrender unto Him. So if one is intelligent, he takes it immediately: “Oh, it is so nice. He’ll give me all protection? Let me surrender.” Business finished in one second. This is wanted. Be surrendered to the lotus feet of Krsna, and be saved from these clutches of maya.

Thank you very much.

(Class by Srila Prabhupada Feb.29,1976)

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