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An Answer to Ananda dasa, "Only the Unattainable Guru Makes No Mistakes"

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An Answer to Ananda dasa

from Hari-sauri dasa

Posted June 15, 2004


[The following is a response to an article on Chakra.org entitled "Only the Unattainable Guru Makes No Mistakes," by Ananda dasa. I have not posted a link to the article because it is insulting to Srila Prabhupada and I don't want to encourage people to read it, but it is there if anyone wants to look for it.]


Here's a good riposte to Ananda dasa by Srila Prabhupada himself. Ananda repeatedly refers to sections of our teachings that he either doesn't like or understands as ancient, as if this is now left behind and modern times require something different. Not according to Prabhupada:


From a Lecture on SB 5.6.8, Nov. 30, 1976 Vrndavana:


So if this confidential knowledge, one who preaches without any compromise, he is the confidential servant of Krsna. There is no compromise. This is real religion. The Krsna says, na ca tasmad manusyesu kascid me priya-krttamah. So this is the person who has received the authority to draw mercy water from the ocean of mercy of Krsna. Saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastraih. And what Krsna said five thousand years ago, the same thing Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, same thing. There was no change, as there was no change between the statement of Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura and Narottama dasa Thakura. Sadhu sastra. As sastra, there is no change. Not that "Modernize. The sastra should be changed."


No. That is nonsense. That is not sastra. Sastra cannot be changed. "Circumstantially, it will be changed, seasonal changes." No. That is not sastra. Sastra means it is perpetual. What Krsna said five thousand years ago or Krsna said some forty millions of years ago to the sun god... Imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam [bg. 4.1]. He says, "I am talking to you that puratanam yogam." Not that "Because it has passed millions of years and now it is a different time, so I will have to change."


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No. He said, "I am talking to you that very old system." Is it not? Just see. The sastra cannot be changed. God's word cannot be changed. Then what will be the difference between God and ourselves? He is always perfect. He is always perfect. What He said forty millions of years ago, what He said five thousand years ago— that is also correct up to date. That is sastra. Not that "So many years have passed and it has become old. Now let us reform it and put it into new way."


No. You can put the same thing in a new way, but you cannot change the principle. Sadhu sastra guru-vakya, tinete kariya aikya. Sastra is never changed. And the sadhu... Sadhu means who follows the sastras. He is sadhu. He also does not change. Sadhu, sastra. And guru? Guru means who follows the sastra and sadhu. So there are three, the same. A guru will not change, that "It was spoken five thousand years ago. That is not applicable now. Now I am giving you something new, jugglery." He is useless. Sadhu sastra guru-vakya tinete kariya aikya. Yah sastra-vidhim utsrjya vartate kama karatah, na siddhim avapnoti [bg. 16.23]. These things are there." [srimad-Bhagavatam 5.6.8 — Vrndavana, November 30, 1976]


Ananda claims that he accepts Srila Prabhupada as his spiritual authority, so let him digest the above and stop his blasphemous vomit. What he is presently indulging in is called ardha-kukkuti-nyaya, half-hen logic. He wants to accept the things that are palatable to his own ideas and gratification but cut off the parts that require giving up his cherished mundane misconceptions. Sorry, if you separate the mouth from the rear, you get a dead chicken and no further production.


Your humble servant,

Hari-sauri dasa


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This is the direction Ananda das wants the movement to go. He is a homosexual activist tht wants to im pose that lifestyle on ISKCON.


From a letter he posted on Chakra:


I believe that, within ISKCON, we ought to begin a discussion on solemnizing same-gender marriages with temple ceremonies, just as we now celebrate opposite-gender marriages. I think it is the tide of history. We may fight it, some of us, like King Canute attempting to hold back the waters, but I believe most countries will have civil laws recognizing same-gender marriage.



I wish ISKCON well in their fight against this type of attack from within.


The topic of what can be modified according to time place and circumstance is an important one that i feel should be addressed openly and perhaps separate from any one specific issue. It certainly should not be left to popular vote.


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