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How shall I mediate?

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I need help with mediating, I usual do it in the shower or in my room. If it is in my room I light up a candle, and today I offerd a cherry for krsn. I concetrate on the flame and start chanting hare krsna very low. I try to concertrate on the flame and the vibrations coming from my tounge, for 5 seconds I can keep a calm mind, but then the mind just starts talking again, I then try to make my self quiet again and continue, I hold my left hand over my right hand and let me thumbs touch eachother, and I also concetrate on pressure my thumbs give me. I try to imagen gods lotus feet, and i do get a clear image of his feet sitting in the lotus position. But my mind keeps talking, how can I keep my mind quiet for a good ammount of time, like 5 mins or so??? please help devoties.


Hare krsna

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Is the shower really a good place to mediate? Isn't it awfully cramped? The parties for whom you are mediating would have to be pretty close already to agree to a mediation in a shower.

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I am getting old for sure. Things people say are more and more reminding me of my past which I start reliving. LOL Oh well, is just a phase.


When I was 16 or so I heard one could get mystic powers through meditation. So I immediately beagan by lighting a candle, smoking some ganja and then trying to extinquish the candle by the power of my concentrated mind. Usually I would have some Moody Blues or Donovan playing in the background to enhance the overall mood.


Never blew out the candle with my mind but I did have some nice highs.


Guest, It's good that are chanting Krsna's name. That is real meditation. maybe save the fruit offering until you finish with the shower. You are crowding too many things in.


I no what you mean by trying to control the mind. It's near impossible for us all so don't feel alone. When it wanders don't worry about it as that is just more of the same. Just refocus on the sound Krsna and continue chanting.


The ability to stay fixed on the name is a gift that comes from the name Himself.


You can chant in lotus position, walking, working in a field, painting the house whatever.


You can chant before a picture of Krsna if you like and when the mind strays from the sound vibration it may fall onto the picture instead of some mundane image.


You could also place the candle before the picture and maybe aome inscense and a flower also if you like.


Most find it helpful to play a recording of Srila Prabhupada chanting japa as we chant. These are on tape and CD.


I find that sometimes just sitting in a temple room at a nearby Krsna temple will inspire me to chant more.


Please keep chanting under any circumstance.


Hare Krsna

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Haribol. Guest was quite funny, which is needed sometimes. I thought mediate was the quest, and I thought something was astir to bring the factions together to discuss the fractures within the vaiswnava community.


Then I pictured all the rtviks and GBCs, the independents, et al, in the shower, tryin to come up with something.


I know the writer meant meditate, but meditation is constantly going on, there is never a time when any living entity does not meditate. Its just how to control the meditation so that the object of meditation makes this natural event beneficial in the eternal sense.


Sadhana bhakti is the key on how to meditate. We dont want to think of krsna, we want to think of girls (or boys). Sadhana makes us focus on a particular boy, Krsna. Food, we always meditate on food, sadhana bhakti makes us focus on prasadam.


So, meditation is not a problem, but control must be gained by the individual. Japa is, at first mechanical, as are all the other items of sadhana bhakti. Practice without any attraction at all to the practices. Gradually, attraction comes, if one is deeply sincere about realization of God and the self.


Nectar of Devotion is the best manual on meditation, how, from offence, we gradually purify to partial attraction, to the full attraction of BHAVA.


Hare Krsna, no mediation in the showers is allowed. we must find another place, at least a place to sit down and take notes. ys mahaksadasa

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