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Ras Khan Krishna devotee

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That Ras Khan was one of the many Muslim Krishna bhakts? (like Bhikan, Ras Khan and Malik Mohhammed Jayasi of Padmavat). He renounced everything to live in Vrindavan, upon seeing a baniya?s son, whom he worshipped as Krishna. Hundreds of Krishna bhajans have been written by Muslims like Amir Khusro, Rahim, Hazrat Sarmad, Dadu, Baba Farid, many of which are part of the Guru Granth sahib.

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Before he became a true devotee of Lord Krishna, he was in love with the son of a merchant (baniya), whose leftovers he used to eat. Once, he overheard brahmins talking to each other saying that, one should be devoted to Lord Krishna the way, Ras Khan is devoted to baniya's son. Upon hearing this, a change came over Ras Khan, who quit everything and went to Vridavan and remained there permanently. One more version says that, while he was going for Mecca with others, somone described the beauty of Lord Krishna, and he dropped the plans of going to Mecca and remained in Vrindavan for ever.But the bhajans written by him are very famous.

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