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Why is Amavasya (dark moon night) considered inauspicious?

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Amavasya ends the Moon's waning phase, after which it grows in size and radiance making it auspicious. But since the Moon is dark that night, Amavasya can be seen as inauspicious.


Is it on this night that the sastras recommend to kill a goat and offer it to Goddess Kali (for those who cannot give up the eating of meat)?


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These are silly superstitions.

The moon is only dark from our earthly perspective.

The bhakti path is perpetually lighted as it is sourced

in Radha's devotion.

Tis not a blinding light like the sun's but a gentle,

binding light like the moon's.

Do not fear the darkness of the moon.

That darkness is called Shyaam.

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