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Plans to aggressively proselytize Indians now with ruling Congress Party in power

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Thousands Of Christian Schools Planned In New Delhi



DELHI, INDIA, June 1, 2004:


A Christian organization plans to set up 3,000 schools

around India's capital New Dehli amid hopes among missionary

organizations that the first ever non-Hindu Indian Prime Minister,

Manmohan Singh will support evangelical efforts. Singh's Congress

Party, headed by Italian Christian politician Sonia Gandhi, has

traditionally appealed to the Christians and missionaries in India. The

Missionary Network News (MNN) reported on May 31, 2004 that it hopes

with Singh in power, he will bring about "wind of change." The Congress

Party is lenient in enacting and enforcing laws restricting fraudulent

conversions or other extortive practices used by missionaries.


A Bibles For The World official recently revealed its plans to

aggressively proselytize Indians now with the ruling Congress Party in

power. "If we can open three thousand schools around New Dehli, we are

praying that the Lord of the Harvest will send laborers, and that He

will also provide the means whereby we will be able to bring education

to these people, and along with that, we will share with them the life

transforming message of the Lord Jesus Christ," stated Bibles For The

World's Rochunga Pudaite.


Pudaite said Christians in America are already sponsoring nearly 1,500

school children, a hospital, and a seminary in northeast India, a

region that has become Christian majority over the past decade due to

missionary activity and Christian militancy. MNN also said that

sponsors have helped plant "more than 300 Indian churches through

partnering with Indian national missionaries." In addition MNN said

"The story of Jesus for Children," was seen five months ago by an

estimated 69.5 million Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs including many

children when it was aired across India on December 27 on one of many

evangelical stations funded by American church-goers.


A recent study, claims this article, showed that over 800,000 Hindus

are converted each year by the Church and each year over US$145 billion

dollars are spent by the Church for evangelization activities world


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A recent study, claims this article, showed that over 800,000 Hindus

are converted each year by the Church and each year over US$145 billion

dollars are spent by the Church for evangelization activities world







Doesn't sound like a lot, but what were these Hindus doing before being converted? Did they know about Bhakti-Marga?


I am HINDU born, from age of 10 I was chanting Sri Satya-Naraya Nama, I was in such awe of God, I never knew about the fact you could see God personally, I did not EVER imagine this, I was thinking you have to perform amazing amount of Penance and Austerity, who would have though just by chanting. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, you can attain all perfection, under guidance of your Guru? Just because this is happening in India not mean much I feel, maybe they just have not met a Vaishnava, did USA meet any before Prabhupada? Haribol!

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Conversion at Full Momentum in Nepal

The Organizer


KATHMANDU, NEPAL, June 27, 2004: While on one hand abject poverty and

illiteracy have led the Maoists to strengthen their hold over Nepal, on

the other, Christian missionaries are trying to convert innocent and

poverty ridden Nepalese by offering them enticements of monetary

assistance and other aid. According to the Himalayan Times, the

strength of Christians is consistently increasing and as many as 100

churches have been built in Makwanapur district of Nepal. The local

people say that nearly 60,000 people of Tamang community have already

become Christians. Apart from them, people from Praja community too

have become Christians in large numbers. The local population has

revealed that both these communities are being converted to

Christianity by tempting them with food, clothes and economic



It may be noted that the majority of population in Makwanapur belongs

to Tamang community and the people of both Tamang and Praja communities

are quite poor and illiterate. The minds of the converts have been

filled with the beleif that Christianity will bring them relief from

disease, hunger and poverty. A pastor named Bholan, of a local church,

has said that all the churches in the district do not belong to any one

community and they have been established with money received from

different countries. A citizen named Hari Gopal Rimal from Kalikatar

region of the district has said that about 10 to 15 years ago, any

person who read the Bible was sent to prison, but today the situation

is such that in Kalikatar area, nearly more than a dozen churches have

sprung up very recently. Rimal's complaint is that the people of the

region are promptly taking to Christianity because they are very

impressed with the aid they receive from the missionaries during their

times of severe crises.


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Every individual has the inherent right to worship God(or not) in a manner of their own choosing. rather some dominant group decides they are right or wrong in choosing a way different from the dominant tradition or culture is nobodies business.


Hindu's rejected their own when some muslims put forcibly put meat in their mouths to make them "unclean". In some Mulim countries it's illegal to hear the chanting. In the very early seventies devotees and others were being kidnapped by so-called deprogrammers because the parents thought they had become brainwashed to chant Hare Krsna. Nut cases all. I haven't heard of the Buddhists being so stupid but who knows.

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1 - by protecting. The advantage is that the power of most people can be held together by casting away internal discordance temporarily. But people incline to ignore their own defects & p.s resulting in the weakness due to rising national pride. And if external pressure is removed, internal discordance will reemerge to result in the union's explosion.


2 - by strengthening. The advantage is that the internal defects & p.s can be solved to change power's contrastive ratio. As this is a strategy more natural, the people needn't amplify self-evaluation & the society will not undergo great shock.


Their essential dif. is that the decision-maker thinks whether the ent. or int. cause is primary.




The gov. might eat the fruit if balance were neglected.

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Even if this is true, are these people much much worse than the VJP? I think even they would have sold out their mother religion for a few bucks. They didn't even want to declare Vrindavan and Mathura religious cities.


You're never going to find a government in this Kali Yuga that is even remotely dharmic.


Conversion at Full Momentum in Nepal

The Organizer


I found this article very interesting, mainly because I have one friend of a friend who is a fundamentalist Christian, who in turn has a Nepalese friend who converted from Hinduism to Christianity. They expressed to me so much worry that Christians are treated very badly in Nepal, and the missionaries run the risk of being killed.


I'm quite appauled by the aggressive preaching tactics used by the today's Christians in India and Nepal. They should concentrate on converting their neighbors in the US and Western Europe rather than throwing money at the third world, in a feeble bid to maintain number strength.

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