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Why did Krsna put spots that resemble the mark of a rabbit on the moon?

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In the Nrisimha Purana the following statement is given:



bhagavati ca harav ananya-ceta

bhrsa-malino ’pi virajate manushyah

na hi sasa-kalusa-cchabih kadacit

timira-parabhavatam upaiti candrah



The meaning is that even if one fully engaged in the devotional service of the Lord is sometimes found engaged in abominable activities, these activities should be considered to be like the spots that resemble the mark of a rabbit on the moon. Such spots do not become an impediment to the diffusion of moonlight. Similarly, the accidental falldown of a devotee from the path of saintly character does not make him abominable.


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I just realized that the rabbit drawing was not a joke and likely the Purana was really referencing those old craters on the moon. I had never heard of the lunar rabbit and just assumed it meant footprints. Now I see however that Prabhupada says 'the spots' not just 'spots'. Now the fault seems much much larger than my little rabbit footprints, but we still get moonshine.




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Chapter 10. The Opulence of the Absolute



adityanam aham visnur

jyotisam ravir amsuman

maricir marutam asmi

naksatranam aham sasi




adityanam--of the Adityas; aham--I am; visnuh--the Supreme Lord; jyotisam--of all luminaries; ravih--the sun; amsu-man--radiant; maricih--Marici; marutam--of the Maruts; asmi--I am; naksatranam--of stars; aham--I am; sasi--the moon.



Of the Adityas I am Visnu, of lights I am the radiant sun, I am Marici of the Maruts, and among the stars I am the moon.


The Sanskrit word "sasi" is the masculaine nominative singular meaning "that which contains the rabbit, the moon."


In the Gita where it says sasisuryanetram meaning "the moon and sun being your eyes." sasi the moon, containing the rabbit.



Chapter 11. The Universal Form



anadi-madhyantam ananta-viryam

ananta-bahum sasi-surya-netram

pasyami tvam dipta-hutasa-vaktram

sva-tejasa visvam idam tapantam




anadi--without beginning; madhya--without middle; antam--without end; ananta--unlimited; viryam--glorious; ananta--unlimited; bahum--arms; sasi--moon; surya--sun; netram--eyes; pasyami--I see; tvam--You; dipta--blazing; hutasa-vaktram--fire coming out of Your mouth; sva-tejasa--by Your; visvam--this universe; idam--this; tapantam--heating.



You are the origin without beginning, middle or end. You have numberless arms, and the sun and moon are among Your great unlimited eyes. By Your own radiance You are heating this entire universe.


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It might seem that the feminine zazI means moon, and the masculine zaza means meteor, a man who can be led around (like the moon is led by the earth), a man born under a particular constellation, or a rabbit/antelope (since its image is on the moon). That makes more sense to me since I don't expect the image of a rabbit/antelope on the moon to have been there forever, but I do expect the Bhagavad-gita to have been here forever. And of course, it makes no sense to use the same word for rabbit and antelope unless this is the case, that they are named after the moon spots.


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