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I will always be with you through my books and orders. I will always remain with you

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Another Classic Theistic Comment:


"Prabhupada Vani school. The only requirement for enrollment is interest. For advancing to upper grade levels we need service and submissive inquiry.


In public schools to advance from 7th to 8th grade sometimes they send you along even if you didn't complete your studies.


Not so in Prabhupada Vani school. In that school advancement is measured in terms of internal change and growth. No cheating allowed, the testing procedures are absolute."


Beautiful,sweet and delectable.Go !Theist! Go!


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  • 7 months later...

Prabhupada: So this movement should be pushed very vigorously. And so far, we have become successful. And enemies will be always, as soon as there is something good. That is the way of material world. Even Krsna had enemies, what to speak of us. Eh? So many enemies, but He was powerful; He killed all them. Nobody could kill Him, but there was attempt to kill Him from the very beginning of His birth. He had so many enemies. As soon as Kamsa heard that his sister is now newly married, but as soon as there was some foretelling, "Ah, you are taking care of your sister so nicely. The eighth child of this sister will kill you.Oh, where is your child? Where is pregnancy?" Nothing. He became angry. "So why wait for eighth child? Kill my sister." Long, long before taking birth of Krsna, the mother was to be killed. This is the position of this material world. So he became so bad that "My sister..."


He did not consider that "She is my sister, and she is just newly married. Where is pregnancy? Where is child? And that is the eighth child, and what will happen after that?" No consideration. Immediately, "Kill him, kill her." This is the position. So we are instructing: no intoxication. So those who are flourishing by selling cigarettes and wine and liquor, they do not...


"Immediately kill him." Oh, yes, in this way. "If they, the movement goes and becomes very strong, then our business will be lost. Kill him." So naturally they will be enemies. The same thing, the Kamsa saw that "This my sister, now she is married. So although it will take some long time, but here is the cause." So they are thinking like that. No meat-eating, then all slaughterhouses will be closed: "They're enemy." Although there is no such symptom that slaughterhouse is going to be closed, but they'll think like that. They'll think like that, the same way. There is no ex...


(break) ...pregnancy, first, second, third, then eighth, and the child will go, take birth and... They are thinking like that. So the modern civilization, we are everyone saying. Because you have forbidden: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling. The whole Western world living on these four pillars. Just see our position. And the same conscious way, everyone is thinking, "If this movement goes on, then how all these nightclubs will go on? How all breweries will go on? How all slaughterhouse will go on, cigarette factories will go on?" This is all foolish. So you cannot expect that we will get more, many friends. That is not possible, because the world is full of Kamsas, demons. So we have to struggle and... In the face of so many obstacles we have come to this standard that there is one Hare Krsna movement; it is very dangerous to the modern way of life. That much is great, advance. They're feeling the pulse. Now when they are meeting, state obstacles. Everywhere we are meeting obstacles. In Singapore.


Pusta Krsna: We went to the airport.


Prabhupada: Yes.

Pusta Krsna: And practically they didn't even want to let us stay in the airport. We had to stay there only for four hours to catch the next flight. They are so much...


Prabhupada: This is our position. Gradually they will show Hare Krsna movement. In India also, although India's...


They will want to crush down this movement. So this will be up to Him. Krsna or Krsna's movement, the same thing. And Krsna was attempted to be killed by Kamsa class of men and his company, the demons. So it will be there; it is already there. Don't be disappointed, because that is the meaning that it is successful. Krsna's favor is there, because Krsna and Krsna's movement is not different, nondiff..., identical. So as Krsna was attempted to be killed, many, many years before He appeared... At eighth child, if the mother produces child yearly, still ten years, eight years before His birth, the mother was to be attempted to be killed.


[srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, May 3, 1976, Honolulu]


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  • 3 weeks later...



Satsvarupa: They get nice attendance on Sunday. Many people come.


Prabhupada: There is good hope.


Satsvarupa: Oh, yes. Good book distribution here too.


Prabhupada: That is the most successful. Wherever book distribution is going on nicely, that is successful, because people are in gross ignorance. They are taking this temporary life as everything. Very horrible condition. We are trying to explain what is the actual life. ….. Only hope is that you distribute books, as much as possible, whole Europe, whole America. If they come to some day, they will realize what is this value. [break] … day they will realize that what valuable books we have left for the study of the whole world. That will come.


Morning walk, June 28, 1975, Denver


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