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The following is an email sent out to Iskcon leadership by the publisher of the Dipika website, the author named Umapati Swami used to work on Chakra before leaving and starting Dipika.




RE: Blasphemy on Chakra

Wed, 23 Jun 2004 15:42 +0800


[To Praghosh (SDG) and a lot of devotees, half of them with

"Swami" appended to their names.]


The fact that Ekstrand is less intelligent has been known to many of us for

years. But I don't go for this jazz that she's just some stupid bitch

anyway, so who cares? Gender has nothing to do with it. Ananda is a man, and

so is Nitai, at least physically.


Ekstrand and her cohorts are broadcasting these insults to Srila Prabhupada

all over the world, and in the name of ISKCON. Innocent new devotees are

reading this on a website that they think is an official ISKCON website.

That's what's got to be stopped. It is not possible to put a gag on Ekstrand

and the others, but it is possible to disown them.


What the hell does it take to get some action around here? You sure sounded

tough when you acted in that play. Where is it now that we need it? There

are other GBC's receiving these e-mails. Is anyone going to do something?



I have added Giridhari Swami as a receiver.


Your most humble servant,


Umapati Swami




It would appear from the tone and rhetoric used by the good Swami that he has taken upon himself the mantle of the "protector" of Iskcon from the "dangerous" and seditious writings found on Chakra.


First off I would like to congratulate the Swami for his sincere desire to stand as the bulwark against ideas and thoughts that might "contaminate" the simple minds who may become confused by hearing or reading from Chakra.


Unfortunately in this day and age their is danger at every turn, one cannot even go outside into society without being bombarded by ideas and thoughts that are diametrically opposed to the teachings of the Vaishnava Acharyas.


Everywhere we go we see advertisements for sinful life, not only advertised but promoted as the topmost goal of our lives, Kali Yuga is in full swing at every step.


What is a devotee to do ?


Luckily for us we have Umapati Swami and his crew of protectors, with our little brains and tender faiths we need to be sheltered from any thoughts not deemed admissible by a sanctifying editor of reality like the good Swami and company.


Too bad for Srila Prabhupada that he did not have these divine protectors around to prevent unacceptable points of view from being openly expressed. Srila Prabhupada and his disciples were left to fend for themselves whenever confronted by a different opinion, they would actually have to debate others with differing opinions, those who would hear these debates were unfortunate it would seem, if only Umapati and his warriors of virtue could have saved us from that evil.


If Umapati Swami and his divine warriors of virtue could have kept those influences away then Srila Prabhupada would not have been exposed to contrary opinions, the devotees would never have heard debate and everyone would have been better off.


So I have to give my respect and admiration for these valiant defenders of the faith. Why should we hear different opinions on different topics ? We have the Shastra and that is all we should hear.


We should chant loudly whenever we encounter an opinion that is contrary to our protectors, if anyone allows a differing opinion into our midst then by all means, cast the sinner out, it is an abomination, we should be exposed to nothing but the truth.


All those who would allow a competing philosophy or opinion to be heard by a vaisnava should be asked to leave the association of devotees, what will the degenerates try next ?


Women will start to think that they are not to see themselves as second class citizens, they may even think they have something to say that has any value at all !


Oh what wicked ways will come when the floodgates of freedom to express an opinion not sanctioned by Jet setting monks is tolerated !


The successful path has been shown and followed, and we can see the results in Iskcon's history, do we want to change that glorious heritage and endanger our precious reputations ?


Please Lord, I beseech thee, send us more noble warriors to protect us and keep us on the pure and perfect path they have led us down, they have been a shining example of virtue and pure like gold is their example for to follow.


All glories to the assembled devotees !!


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