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prasadam question

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not too important... do not eat and offer them when you are in charge of buying foods and cooking, but do not have problems, offer and eat if you go to friends, parents, relatives, restaurant and you find them as ingredients


again.. do not impose yourself a standard that you will give up after a while and do not quarrel or lose relationships for such details




as a principle you cannot offer what krsna does not accept.. it will increase karma, not reduce it


but, in the case of garlic and onions used as ingredients when eating outside this will be a valid offering


the fact that in this way you will not ruin relationships showing yourself as fanatic will give you great advancement

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I didn't know that you could do that when out. I just never offered the food when I was out at friends or whatever and there was garlic or onions in it. It is nice to know that I still can do that.


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You just cant eat onions. No matter where you are, wether at friend's place or anywhere. Be strong and determined in your spiritual practices and depend on Krishna. Pleasing Krishna is what is important.. not maintaining relationships (and calling it advancement) at the cost of Krishna consciousness.


By refusing to eat onions and garlic you wont become a fanatic. Just dont stress on "no onion and no garlic" but tactfully avoid them. Avoid making a fuss about your not eating onions and just downplay the issue. Srila Prabhupada never gave concession in these matters.


Sadhana means to meticulously follow all the rules prescribed by the acharya for the conditioned souls for their advancement. So please dont concoct over eating onions and fall in a ditch. Even mayavadi organisations advice their followers not to eat onion and garlic.


Pl. dont misguide others. Keep quite if you dont know things.


Hare Krishna!

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as you have observed, our friend is eating onions and garlic when he goes to friends..


so better to be realistic and discriminate, in krsna consciousness, what is fundamental and what is marginal


he's young, it is already difficult to be vegetarian, non smoker, non drug addict and not so immoral in sentimental relationships and, simultaneously, having a normal life of relationships (that is necessary until the whole population of the world is devotee, so there will be no more need to associate with "karmis")


so, in my opinion, let us not bother people with such marginal things like onions, garlic, chocolate, cocacola and so on and let them chant hare krishna


mahamantra will do what is needed to make us advance in krsna consciousness and get perfection


(time, place and circumstance


maya is ever waiting for people who stops to practice krsna consciousness because someone has superimposed to them a too difficult standard )

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he's young, it is already difficult to be vegetarian, non smoker, non drug addict and not so immoral in sentimental relationships


It is not difficult to be non smoker and non drug addict. I can understand that there may be a person who wants to be a vegetarian, but many in his relation eat non veg. If he goes to these people houses, then he will be offered non veg. In such cases, it is better for that person to say as early as possible that he does not eat non-veg. But he must just state it and not say as if he is looking down upon others.

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