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A conflicting question

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Hello friends..I had a conflicting question in my mind for quite a while which I wanted to ask you people to get a reasonable and acceptable answer.


Krishna says in Gita that "I am the proper sexual life" which means that illicit sex or multiple partners is not permitted right?


Then how come He gave darshan to Arjuna who had many lovers other than his Pathivritha Draupathi.


My another question is is there a possibility that purana stories are told in misguided way by less understood people as how they associate Krishna with many woman when He was actually a Brahmachari being a Parabrahman (who cannot be touched by regular senses of humans)



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I do understand that polygamy was in practice among Kshatriyas at that time or even later. Primarily because they wanted to have more children for the kingdom. But was that not considered illicit since Rama already established monogamy practice much before Krishna avathar of Lord. Why does these rules change from time to time and what is the actual rule for people in the eyes of Lord and why does it change from people to people and time to time is my question.


If Everyone in the Eyes of Lord are equal. But then why there is discrimination. some poeple are entitled to kill others and not considered sin, and even if they are polygamous its accepted by Lord, while for others He says you are wrong. IN the Eyes of Lord aren't we children should be equal.

There has to be some explanation of discriminatory things in puranas, But I dont get a proper explanation for


I never question Krishna's movement with Gopikaas, or His Spiritual wives..I understand well the concept of His Love and what Gopikaas meant to Him....I have no doubt and there is no discrimination on this.


But His dealings with people are not explained properly and makes one beleive that even God is discriminative.


I appreicate any answers that would be logical, reasonable and more importantly not vulgar in description or start some confrontations, but a valid explanation.



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rama does not advocate monogamy, he simply chooses to practice it


we are not treated as equal by lord, we are treated impartially.. it is very different. So, being us different, god offers a different dharma to everyone to give to all the same opportunities





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Inequality and Impartiality dont go together. If He is impartial then He should be treating everyone equal. If He is not treating or considering every one equal then He is not Impartial.

This is my basic question and I am yet to find a convincing answer.


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equal treatment of living entities by Lord Krishna means that He allows all of them to fulfill their desires and that all of them are subject to the same laws of nature.


impartiality means that He does not punish you for turning away from Him. this is a very substantial difference as compared to the abrahamic religions.

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Inequality and Impartiality dont go together. If He is impartial then He should be treating everyone equal..


if you have a 3 years old child and a 30 years old man, you are impartial if you give at lunch 1 chapati to the child and 5 to the man. If you give 1 chapati also to the man it is an injustice, if you give 5 chapati to the child you kill him


this is an "inequal" impartiality .. if you give the same chapatis to everyone it is an injustice

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I think of all these explanations but there is something unexplainable when we see the happenings around the world. If we connect it to law of Karma, there are many good number of people who dont even know what is God and how do you expect such people to call God when they are in danger.


I never doubt personally the presence of Krishna or His Mercy. In fact I tell others when they feel depressed or get frustrated with God that one will see Him only when we have the faith beyond any human doubts and I tell them how Draupathi's faith protected Her and How Krishna explained to Gopikaas about total faith when He vanished for which they got frustrated with Him. I have personally experienced too good number of times. I am never left alone anytime, so the question is not for me if any of you have misunderstood.


But there are good number of people who really suffer for nothing while good number of people who does atrocities after atrocities and still enjoy happiness and why this discrimination? Please dont tell me everything with Karma, that explanatiions seems insufficient. There issomething lacking. I dont doubt God, but at the same time there are differnces which confuses.



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If we connect it to law of Karma, there are many good number of people who dont even know what is God and how do you expect such people to call God when they are in danger.

--the inspirarion to call god is a mercy from god. if we already call god when we are in danger, let us give god to te people who have not him yet


But there are good number of people who really suffer for nothing while good number of people who does atrocities after atrocities and still enjoy happiness and why this discrimination?

--we live eternally and we live in this world innumerable years, someone eternally. So it is very difficult to understand why one has a certain combination of karmic reactions.


Please dont tell me everything with Karma, that explanatiions seems insufficient.

--there's nothing insufficient.. i can be sorry and i can feel it as very strange if i see someone taken from home by the police and brought in jail. Maybe i know him from a couple of years and he seemed to me a very good person. But surely, if the police has come, he did something who makes him deserve such treatment maybe three years ago, ten years ago, twenty years ago. There's no injustice in the nature, the chance does not exist, it is very easy to see if we observe carefully.


I dont doubt God, but at the same time there are differnces which confuses.

--this is in itself doubting of god, because he cannot be less than perfect and leave this world in injustice.. but there's no problem, doubts will be with us forever until we'll get liberation.


(impartiality is there because the law of karma gives us exactly what we deserve.. )

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I do agree with your explanations and this is same explanation I give when I am questioned as above. Your explanation makes me feel that our thoughts coincide.

I do agree that to call Krishna/God during our trouble itself happens only if He wishes or shower the mercy on us. But does it mean that people born in communist countries (some of the asian countries, russian influenced countries) are all devoid of Lord's Mercy from the fact that many of them dont realise Him. Those crowd also have both good and bad people. There too we read in news that many innocent people were raped or killed during invasion of so and so etc etc.

Where does the explanation stay for all this in the practical world.


I do agree that we keep changing the body every now and then in every time we are born. But is that all the reason for everything then?


I did question myself as you mentioned that IF I am doubting God in one corner of mind because of all these questions? I am certainly not doubting, and never doubted anytime and thats the faith that helped me miraculously several times. In fact to be more honest, I question Him or even fight with Him good number of times, why He is not showing that Mercy what He has for me on many others who dont realise Him or dont know Him. When I read the war news, I meditate on Him and pray that He should shower His mercy irrespective of whether someone knows Him or calls Him or not. But things never happen for peace. I am certainly not doubting because I dont beleive Him just because my parents taught me, but I have experienced Him with my faith on Him. I am only trying to find answers from learned people for my spiritual growth.

Thanks again


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But does it mean that people born in communist countries (some of the asian countries, russian influenced countries) are all devoid of Lord's Mercy from the fact that many of them dont realise Him.

•••i do not know why you are relating communism with lacking of krsna's mercy.. but the answer is the same. We are in this world because we want to forget krsna. If he, generously, reveals himself to us it is not for our own merits or karma.


Those crowd also have both good and bad people

••good and bad, as said, does not definitely have importance. No one is so good to deserve god's mercy.


There too we read in news that many innocent people were raped or killed during invasion of so and so etc etc.

Where does the explanation stay for all this in the practical world.

••in practical terms we do not know anything in the nature that happens without a reason


I do agree that we keep changing the body every now and then in every time we are born. But is that all the reason for everything then?

••not a reason.. a consequence. We are in this world because we want to forget god. And god is the source of the eternity, consciousness and bliss. So without god there's no eternity but birth and death, no bliss but suffering, no consciousness but ignorance.


I am certainly not doubting, and never doubted anytime

••so from where these doubts come from? if you were completely confident in god, there were no doubts about no subject. But there's nothing strange, if we are in this world we are ignorants and unfaithful


When I read the war news, I meditate on Him and pray that He should shower His mercy irrespective of whether someone knows Him or calls Him or not

••your prayers are working.. krsna gives his mercy to everyone and many people is accepting him and surrendering. But pray more and chant hare krishna mahamantra, there's no other way. Every one of us knows god thanks to the mercy of the masters, the devotees, the spiritualists. So please go on praying


I am only trying to find answers from learned people for my spiritual growth.

••please read bhagavad gita with bhaktivedanta swami prabhupada's purports.. when you find something that you want to ask or share with us, we are ready to help and be helped by you in understanding the spiritual science



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Thanks for the expalanations. I am reading (read several times) the BagawathGita by Swami Prabupadaaji. MY questions came to mind after reading only and not before that. thats why I put forth the questions in this site where people who interacted with Swamiji in the past writes in the column.


I guess certain things cannot be answered may be I will find explanation after leaving this physical body and when I reach Him. My questions in mind made my faith actually more stronger towards Him and it only increased my intimacy towards Lord because I felt thats the only way I myself can find answer.


Well..I just read in another column about Satya Sai baba and how he is revealed of his true color who talks about spirituality. This certainly shows that Krishna does not keep quiet for long when someone is doing wrong things using His name. When I read that, It reminded me of what my father used to tell me, that "it will appear that wrong doers get every thing and blessed, but in long run, its the truth that survives and that truth is nothing but Lord. He is truth and to establish truth He gives the liers everything that may appear as blessings but its actually to finish off the liers".


When I read the news about Baba it certainly cleared off many things..I am glad I visited this site..


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