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I need power!

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The economy is crumbling, the people grumbling and the politicians are having a field day, turning man against his brother. There is corruption wherever I turn. There is no respect for human values, what to say of spiritual ones? I need to stop this. I want power-to do good. I want lots and lots of power, physical and mental and otherwise, to crush evil and establish the rule of righteousness. Will Krishna help me in this endeavor? What should I do, in order to become powerful-because I feel only a man with unlimited powers can save my beloved nation? Though I am from India, I still haven't attained any spiritual heights, so i am not sure how to set about it. How do i ask god for power? Is it even possible? Is there at all a way?


I don't want 'rational' advice that I should give up all these political desires and focus on god alone. No, I can't do that. I've tried. And I am no politician either. I am a nationalist, who wants to establish a clean, prosperous society, where there is justice, peace and harmony, where every man can walk tall and proud. I want to create a new India. That is my desire, and for this reason alone, I need spiritual power, not for love, moksha or any other. I am being honest here. I don't care about enlightenment and all that, I just need the power to make my beloved India stand tall among other nations.


If anyone can offer positive suggestions in that regard, I am willing to listen. Thanks in advance.

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You want power and are unashamed to admit it. That is the first step. Acknowledging and accepting the mind's true desire.


You want to use that power to do good. And why not? We see others who unabashedly grasp at power to serve only their lower natures. And they get the power. So why should those with nobler intentions be more timid and hold themselves back.


Because of one fatal mental block I've found. A self sabotaging fear hidden deep in the recesses of our sub-conscious. The fear of becoming corrupted by power along the way. It's happened before to others and we fear it may happen to us.


How to cross this gap and attain power is the knowledge we must first gain to clear the way.


This is the knowledge that I present in my 'Attaining Supernal Power' training course. Through lectures,seminars,recordings(DVD,VHS,cassete and CD's)and step by step lessons and books I will impart this knowledge to you. Learn at your own pace. I have taught hundreds and thousands.


I will be the first to tell you that this course is not for everyone. Determination and self honesty are required. Each step forward in this course, each level attained will bring its own reward, the summit lays before us all still. No one has attained to the ultimate power yet. But that is the nature of the unlimited quest. There is always more to have. Are you brave enough to try?


If so sign up now and for only $29.95 you will receive the introductory material at once.


Feel The Power!!!


Or you can choose to recognize that Krishna is the all-powerful controller. He may then empower you as he did Maharaja Prithu. And why not,the world could use a Prithu Maharaja right about now.


Just seek it from Krsna brother. You can't go wrong that way.

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This is the knowledge that I present in my 'Attaining Supernal Power' training course. Through lectures,seminars,recordings(DVD,VHS,cassete and CD's)and step by step lessons and books I will impart this knowledge to you.



What? No hynotism?

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Auto suggestion techniques are covered in step one after the introduction has been completed. A whole hour is devoted to various induction scripts.


But what I presented in in joking manner actually has some seriousness to it.


When we feel powerless and attempt to fill that void and find power outside of our self, then maya will fill the void with various schemes and plans of different kinds. By doing so we make our selves vulnerable to victimizations.


We seek power at our peril. Power is Krsna's energy and not for our exploitation no matter how fine we may consider the motive.


Not that we can't also have be entrusted with some power, even great power by our standards. The power to creat the structure of a universe for example. Brahma has immense power.


But the power should be sought from the owner of all power, the Powerful, Sri Krsna. Eample of Druva Maharaja.Once he attained Krsna's grace he lost desire for power, having found something higher. Krsna still gave him power and opulence along with fame in great measure.


If we dovetail our desires for power in Krsna Consciousness we can be powerful while remaining safe.



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It is true that you do not have power to do whatever you feel like doing. But trying utlising whatever power you have in a positive way.

First and foremost, it is very important not to do what you consider as wrong even if you are given lots of temptation and even if you are in dire financial situation.

There are so many people who are in need of help. Help them in whatever way you can. Provide them money, food, etc. Distribute books to poor school kids. Teach some poor children in your locality for free. Protest against injustice.

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It is the first reasonable reply I've read. I understand what you say, but I just can't bring myself to do 'small things' anymore. I am not being fussy, but that's the way I feel. I am tired of 'making a difference', 'doing good' or 'being kind' and things like that. I've done that before, and things go on as usual. No improvement whatsoever. I am looking for a breakthrough, a radical change instead of mere improvements, a revolution in the very core, if you will. And to accomplish that, I need power. That's my desire. I am way past the 'doing good' stage. It is time to destroy with an iron fist. Would God (Krishna) help me in that? That's what I'd like to know.

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Whatever I wrote in my last post and whatever I am writing in my current post is based on my personal experience.

You have written that you have been good and kind, but things go on as usual. Or, in other words, you did not find any difference. Well, it will be wrong to say that your actions did not make a difference. It must have made. When you do these so called 'small things', then the difference may not be as much as you wanted, but never the less the difference is significant. When you teach poor children for free, then you are sharing lots of burden of their parents. You are helping those children stand on their feet as they grow up. Likewise, when you feed poor children, give them money and clothes or send money to some organizations who do such things, then also you are making a very significant difference in the positive sense.

I understand what you are trying to say. You want to have the power to change all bad things happening in society in a short time. It will be wrong on my part to say if Krsna will really give you all the power that you want. He is the best judge to take a decision. But we should do what we feel is good, what our conscience (or inner voice) tells us. We should do what makes us feel proud of ourselves.

Nobody can have all the power that he wants. But we must utilise whatever power we have in a positive sense. On the way you can gain more power. Try your best to enhance your power. I am not saying that you will be satisfied with whatever power you have. But you can definitely enhance your power.

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There are many people in this world who will go to any extent to harm others just to satisfy their own greed. They even harm those who helped them in the past. There are some people who just forgive these wrong doers. I was also once like that. But now I stronly feel that if such people are always forgiven, then they will get encouragement. They will do harm not only to you but to others as well.

Therefore, use whatever power you have to protest against injustice.

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Dont you think that krsna himself has enough power already?


Dont you think everything is meant to be the way it is now?


If krsna wants to use his powers to do good he will, but he does not need you at all for this.

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