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Sri Venkatesha Karaavalamba Stotram

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shrii sheshhashaila suniketana divyamuurte

naaraayaNaachyuta hare nalinaayataaksha .

liilaakaTaaksha parirakshita sarvaloka

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 1..


brahmaadivanditapadaambuja sha~NkhapaaNe

shriimatsudarshana sushobhita divyahasta .

kaaruNyasaagara sharaNya supuNyamuurte

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 2..


vedaanta\-vedya bhavasaagara\-karNadhaara

shriipadmanaabha kamalaarchitapaadapadma .

lokaika\-paavana paraatpara paapahaarin.h

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 3..


lakshmiipate nigamalakshya nijasvaruupa

kaamaadidoshha parihaaraka bodhadaayin.h .

daityaadimardana janaardana vaasudeva

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 4..


taapatraya.n hara vibho rabhasaa muraare

sa.nraksha maa.n karuNayaa sarasiiruhaaksha .

machchhishhyamityanudinaM pariraksha vishhNo

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 5..


shrii jaataruupanavaratna lasatkiriiTa\-

kastuurikaatilakashobhilalaaTadesha .

raakendubimba vadanaambuja vaarijaaksha

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 6..



ratnaaDhyahaara parishobhita kambukaNTha .

keyuuraratna suvibhaasi\-digantaraala

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 7..


divyaa~Ngadaa~Nkita bhujadvaya ma~Ngalaatman.h

keyuurabhuushhaNa sushobhita diirghabaaho .

naagendra\-ka~NkaNa karadvaya kaamadaayin.h

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 8..


svaamin jagaddharaNavaaridhimadhyamagna

maamuddhaaraya kR^ipayaa karuNaapayodhe .

lakshmii.nshcha dehi mama dharma samR^iddhihetuM

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 9..


divyaa~Ngaraagaparicharchita komalaa~Nga

piitaambaraavR^itatano taruNaarka bhaasa

satyaa.ncha naabha paridhaana supattu bandha

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 10..


ratnaaDhyadaama sunibaddha\-kaTi\-pradesha

maaNikyadarpaNa susannibha jaanudesha .

ja~Nghaadvayena parimohita sarvaloka

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 11..



tvatpaadadarshana dine cha mamaaghamiisha .

haarda.n tamashcha sakala.n layamaapa bhuuman.h

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 12..


kaamaadi\-vairi\-nivahochyuta me prayaataH

daaridryamapyapagata.n sakala.n dayaalo .

diina.n cha maa.n samavalokya dayaardra dR^ishhTyaa

shrii ve~NkaTesha mama dehi karaavalambam.h .. 13..


shrii ve~NkaTesha padapa~Nkaja shhaTpadena

shriimannR^isi.nhayatinaa rachita.n jagatyaam.h .

ye tatpaThanti manujaaH purushhottamasya

te praapnuvanti paramaaM padaviiM muraareH .. 14..


.. iti shrii shR^i~Ngeri jagadguruNaa shrii narasimha bhaarati

svaaminaa rachita.n shrii veNkaTesha karaavalamba stotram saMpuurNamh ..


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Sri Venkatesha Karaavalamba Stotram

Hymn to Shri Venkatesha for the support of his hand

(Translation by A. Narayanaswami)


O Shri Venkatesha, you who have your magnificent

abode on the Shesha Hills, you of the divine form,

Narayana, Achyuta, Hari, with eyes broad as

lotus petals, you who protect all the worlds

with a playful sidelong glance of your eyes,

give me the support of your hand. 1.


O Shri Venkatesha, whose lotus-like feet

Brahma and other gods worship, you with the

conch in your hand, whose divine hand is well

adorned with the Sudarshana discus, you ocean of

mercy, the refuge of all, embodiment of purity,

give me the support of your hand. 2.


O Shri Venkatesha, who are to be comprehended

from the Upanishads, who are the pilot for all to

cross the ocean of worldly life, O Shri Padmanabha

whose lotus-like feet Laxmi worships, who alone

make the world a holy place, O you Vishnu who

remove all sins, give me the support of your hand. 3.


O Shri Venkatesha, husband of Laxmi, whose innate

nature is the theme of the Vedas, you who impart

self-realization that takes away lust and other evils,

who put down the Asuras and others of ill intent,

O Janardana, Vasudeva, give me the support of your hand. 4.


O Shri Venkatesha, rid me fast of the three

miseries (of spiritual, material, and supernatural

origin) that afflict man, all-powerful Murare, in

your compassion, you with eyes like the lotus,

protect me; and, O Vishnu, considering me your

disciple, protect me every day; and give me

the support of your hand. 5.


O Shri Venkatesha, with the golden crown

glittering with the nine kinds of gems, with

your forehead adorned with the marking done

with the musk, you with the lotus-like face

resembling the moon at the full and eyes

like the lotus, give me the support of your hand. 6.


O Shri Venkatesha, whose gracious words bestow

the boons sought by the crowd praising your glories,

whose conch-like neck is adorned with a necklace

studded with precious stones, the bright gems on

whose shoulder ornament illumine the horizons of

the compass, give me the support of your hand. 7.


O Shri Venkatesha, you who have your upper

arms bedecked with bracelets, who are the spirit of

auspiciousness, who are adorned with shoulder ornaments,

who have the lords of the serpents for wristbands on

both your hands, who give (your devotees) all they

desire, give me the support of your hand. 8.


O Shri Venkatesha, Lord, who support the

universe, ocean of compassion, I

pray, in your mercy, lift me up who am sunk in

the middle of the sea (of mundane pursuits);

also bestow on me the auspicious outlook which

is the basis for the accumulation of spiritual

merit, and give me the support of your hand. 9.


O Shri Venkatesha, whose handsome body is smeared

with a heavenly (coloring) powder and is covered with

a yellow cloth, whose brightness is like that of the

morning sun, who have Brahma (the Creator) in your navel,

and whose waist is tied with a cloth, give me the

support of your hand. 10.


O Shri Venkatesha, who have your waist well-secured

with a band studded with gems, whose knees resemble mirrors

wrought of the ruby, who captivate the entire world by (the

beauty of) your feet, give me the support of your hand. 12.

O Shri Venkatesha, whose feet are lustrous with

the river (Ganga) that purifies the universe, the

day I had sight of your feet, my sins and the

(spiritual) darkness in my heart were all

dissolved away, O sovereign Lord; give me the

support of your hand. 12.

O Shri Venkatesha, when you looked me over

while I was in distress, with eyes full of

compassion, all the enemies (to spiritual progress),

lust, and other evil passions departed from me,

and, merciful One, all my poverty vanished; give

me the support of your hand. 13.

These verses were composed by the sannyasin Shriman

Nrisinha, who was like a honey-bee hovering over the lotus

feet of Shri Venkatesha. Those mortals who recite them

will attain to the supreme world of Visnu. 14.


Thus is complete the Shri Venkatesha

Karavalamba Stotram composed by Shri

Nrisinha Bharati Svami, the Jagadguru of Srngeri.



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