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Level of Bakthi

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I came to this site after reading Swami Prabhupaadaha's Gita As it is. I dont have any registration as I was not sure if I would be visiting frequently since I have to access in office.

After observing some of the arguments in this site, I feel the same what I feel about other Guru's followers. The Guru who started a movement always start with a purpose, but not all the followers really get elevated to the extent they read their Guru's work.

Its sad to see that people put down others bakthi which I noticed in one of the argumental thread. Bakthi is an intimate matter between the Soul and Parabrahman, but some people express it, while some dont. Some express it in the form of poetry, some in regular conversation. Everybody's bakthi has its own level and none can compare that with any characters of the past, present or even future that could come. While some people can even argue that these arguments among devotees are common and actually a path leading to spirituality, but real spiritual elevation is patience, respecting others and never get angry or worked up or criticise others level of attachment towards Lord.

In my understanding of Gita, Purana and also from Swami Prabupaadaa's purport every soul is directly connected to Lord and each soul has the rights to Love Lord in the way they like.

Why to fight or argue for this and the affected person should suddenly feel down and write something low about themselves (primarily its actually ego hurt for both).

I am nobody among you all, but just wanted to share the thoughts.

Please dont make this organization another christian fanatic movement or any other fanatic movement.

I dont think Swamiji taught fanatism of bakthi.

Sorry if I have hurt anyone in expressing my views.

Pranaam to Swami Prabupadaaji

Sarvam Shree Krishnarpanamasthu.



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A real service to your master would be to actually follow the code of respect in accepting others and guide and get guided. Every one of us actually grow or in otherwords learn to become more spiritual through our understandings of puranas, our conversations, our own interpretations, even confusions that arise in mind and get cleared.

None is superior or inferior in front of Lord and arguments should not hurt. The moment when two people feel the difference in arguments and one criticise and one if feel down, then it means self ego is surfacing which is actually taking the soul down in bakthi level.


From a new visitors point, it gives an impression of fanatism. I dont know if this impression when forms is actually good even when you people actually try to spread Krishna Consciousness as followers of Swami Prabupaadaji.


To command respect first one has to follow actually in themselves. Everyone is actually learners, some are beginers, some are little ahead like the difference between first grade and each successive grades and then graduation, college degree level and more. Is there an end to learning? Does it make any sense for a..say 12 grade student to laugh at or criticise another co-student of either same level or different level.


The degree we are trying to get in this education is to reach Shree Hari for which each one is struggling in their way of understanding. If we know something, lets share in pleasant way and in that way both of us learn and proceed ahead a step in our spiritual maturity. every one is a teacher to other in one way and every one is a student in another way. To a well learned person a less person is not only a student, but also a teacher in testing his spiritual maturity which is mainly his patience, and how he handles the less learned in respectable way. When ego surface, he illtreats or feels superior and put down the other either directly or indirectly expressing as humbled hurt soul. A really spiritually matured person always feel he or she is a student in this universe in understanding Lord and His past times and always remain pleasant at all times in his/her interaction towards other at all level be that other person is younger or elder in agewise or in bakthiwise.


Sarvam Shree Krishnaarpanamasthu



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These are basically the very basic type of lessons in interpersonal(soul to soul) relationships that I sometimes give lip service to but rarely can seem to remember enough 'in the moment' to practice.


If I can take enough of your good advice to heart then I will accept this human life as being successful on the path.

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Just a few thoughts to share...I do agree with you that its easy to give advice and talk nicely, but difficult to practice. I came to the stage of telling after I myself crossing the difficulties of controlling the self ego and especially the "getting worked up nature" assuming that God is close to me. It took a long time and quite an experience with different people.

I never know anyone whose ego was growing more than mine when I was in my highest level of education (doctoral degree). We were brought up by parents who showed us the God since younger days, but one has to experience by themselves to see God in my opinion how much ever we are told or guided by a Guru. Its something like taking a horse to the pond but horse has to put effort to drink.


I was not bad, but always felt that my thoughts on God was right, and used to argue..I even used to think why people have hard times in understanding things..but in course of time only I realised that real spirituality lie in patience, perseverance and that first I should put in practice. We never know how God opens our eyes of mind sometimes.

I tried to teach alphabets to my niece when she was just 3 years old. While she was writing with her little hands that were making shaky letters, I tried helping her to perfect the shape of the letters she used to write. For no reason, I forgot in a moment that she was just a little kid and lost patience for a little while and kept a rough face thinking that I am making her perfect. But she made me a better person in the next minute. She noticed my rough face and said, "Uncle you are a grwonup person who knows many things, but I am little and if you tell me patiently, certainly I would learn better. Please hold my hands gently and write what you want me to write".

I just felt like slapped on the face by God. I could not even beleive that she spoke like that. What was the use of my education, when I lost my patience to a little soul. From then on, I started practicing patience in everything and especially when I encounter someone younger to me, either by means of regular education or age. Whom we think as younger in age may be sometimes really matured more than us in their behaviour and who appear to be old in age and education or book knowledge are sometimes young and immatured in their behaviour.

I never consider anyone lesser than me after that, because we learn manythings from every little encounter.

The first step towards spiritual maturity is actually the patience in accepting the individual as whatever they are and guide and get guided in course of time.

Its not difficult to control the anger or our ridiculing expressions to someone who is bigger than us in position, but its essential to control ourselves who is smaller to us. The reason why somany vrithams are advised by our ancestors on religious basis like Ekadasi or Sivarathri or Shasti vritham is primarily to control our senses and one who really master his senses first, alone can tell advise others.

I am certainly not totally perfect, but trying to follow myself before I talk which is what I thought of sharing.

Thanks for listening.


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