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Concerning the Blaspheming of Lord Krsna

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yo vetti bhautikam deham

krsnasya paramatmanah

sa sarvasmad bahis-karyah


mukham tasyavalokyapi

sa-celam snanam acaret


"One who considers the body of Krsna to be material should be driven out from all rituals and activities of the sruti and the smrti. And if one by chance sees his face, one should at once take bath in the Ganges to rid himself of infection. People jeer at Krsna because they are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Their destiny is certainly to take birth after birth in the species of atheistic and demoniac life. Perpetually, their real knowledge will remain under delusion, and gradually they will regress to the darkest region of creation."


(Prabhupada. From the Brhad-visnu-smrti, as quoted in Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Chapter 9, verse 12, purport.)


In his Bhakti-sandarbha (313), Jiva Gosvami quotes this statement concerning the blaspheming of Lord Visnu:



ye nindanti hrsikesam tad-bhaktam punya-rupinam

sata-janmarjitam punyam tesam nasyati niscitam

te pacyante maha-ghore kumbhipake bhayanake

bhaksitah kita-sanghena yavac candra-divakarau

sri-visnor avamananad gurutaram sri-vaisnavollanghanam

tadiya-dusaka-janan na pasyet purusadhaman

taih sardham vancaka-janaih saha-vasam na karayet



"`One who criticizes Lord Visnu and His devotees loses all the benefits accrued in a hundred pious births. Such a person rots in the Kumbhipaka hell and is bitten by worms as long as the sun and moon exist. One should therefore not even see the face of a person who blasphemes Lord Visnu and His devotees. Never try to associate with such persons.'"


(Prabhupada. Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila Chapter 15, text 261 purport)



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