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Deities found smashed in suburb temple

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Idol found smashed in suburb temple

NT Bureau

Chennai, July 3:


The sleepy suburb of Pallavaram, especially around Periamalai area, today woke up to tension and tumult as a temple idol was found smashed to smithereens by unidentified miscreants. A trident and a previously mutilated peacock statue in the temple were also found broken.


This morning the authorities of the local Balamurugan temple found the Dakshayini Amman idol destroyed (presumably with a sledgehammer), with the pieces strewn all around the place. The Amman's sari was torn and found spread over a nearby thorny bush.


Posted Image


The temple's main trustee, Raghupathy, who has been looking after the temple affairs for the last several years, immediately alerted the police and filed a formal complaint. The police, who arrived at the scene, have taken the broken pieces for further investigation.


UNGODLY ACT: The pedestal of the Dakshayini Amman at

the Balamurugan temple in Pallavaram tells the tale of vandal's act.

The idol was smashed to bits using a sledgehammer and

the remnants were strewn all around.

Photo: B Anand


Though officials were tight-lipped on who could have committed this shameful act, the locals were more vocal.


Many residents of the area were openly pointing fingers at a Christian group that was 'notoriously active' in the area. The names of a local Panchayat leader and a Pastor were openly bandied about by the residents.


The Periamalai area was already sitting on a communal powder keg due to the confrontational and provocative attitude of a Pentecost group that specifically targetted the local Balamurugan temple. The group, which used to be very active on full-moon nights (yesterday was one), has a history of creating trouble for those coming to worship at the temple.


The residents had made several complaints that the cult group had chosen the place to carry out their brazen expansion activities 12 churches have come up in the last few years within the small circumference of Pallavaram.


The religious group also used to gather up at Periamalai (a small hillock) regularly and shout out taunting remarks at Hindus and openly deride Hindu Gods.


Locals say the Christians brought in women, who were purportedly Hindus, and then asked them to throw their mettis and thalis into a fire.


After the locals took up the issue with the police, a check-post on the entry road to the hillock was put up a few years back to prevent any meeting in the night. But some time later, the check-post was damaged by some miscreants and the night show of evangelism continued.


However, the locals applied pressure with the authorities and got another check-post in the area. Long-time residents of the locality also got a Court order some time back restraining the Christians from 'encroaching' into the land belonging to the Murugan temple.


After last night's act of vandalism by some bigoted minds, security has been put up at the temple.


The tension in the area is palpable and looks like the residents of the sleepy suburb are set for some sleepless nights.




[moderator's note: title changed to be less offensive, and moved to the world review section]



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this is what happens in the name of secularism. Hindus get thrashed, abused, insulted and humiliated for centuries upon centuries, they get their temples razed to the ground, idols smashed, women raped and men mutilated, land and property stolen in broad daylight, and still NOT a soul cares. People are ready to cry for a bunch of paki terrorists but not for the hIndus, who've suffered the worst genocide in history. EVER! Shame on humans! And shame on Hindus themselves for not putting up a defense against these terrorists. Doesn't Krishna care at all? Is he even listening to the cry of slaves?

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Oh please Sir, brave British Officer Sahib, what english word shall we call my daughter who is now eighteen? "Oh wog, you can call her 'slut'; that is the word for young girl." Thank you, Sahib.


Oh please Sir, brave British Officer Sahib, what english word shall we call the deity Sri Krsna in the temple?. "Oh wog, you can call it an 'idol'; that is the word for your heathen graven images." Thank you, Sahib. I will always use this word and make a fool out of myself and Lord Krishna as you desire.


Won't someone tell India they have been played for suckers by the pompous onward Xmen soldiers.



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what are you talking about? I dont get it. Are you saying brits invented this term and indians merely aping it? But that's besides the point, right?

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Hare Krirshna,


Hari prabhu,


The point here is desecration of our Deities and temples by christians. By the way I did not create the news article. It is cut and paste. I will never ue the word idol for our Deities. Besides the subject heading is not given by me. It was something else "devil worshippers called Xians"

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that the admin put a blurp at the bottom saying they had changed the title and could not help but wonder why they would pick the word "idol".


Perhaps they can explain to us why they chose the word "idol" over deity? I know the news agency used the word "idol" but I don't feel we should also.

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sorry for any confusion. Raguraman never called deities "idols". We simply cut and paste the title of the newspaper article that he had posted, as the title he was using for his post, referred to Christians as demon worshipers. We thought that title was a little harsh. We have changed the wording of the title to read "Deities". If he would like to (or have us) change it to something else he can.

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What's the reason? Is it because the miscreants want to smash false religions and therefore, idol smashing is merely symbolic? I can't understand this behavior. What's the hindu view on this? Is it an okay thing?

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Hare Krishna,


First thing. Idol is a denigrating word. Please do not use that word used by hate filled demon worshippers to describe our DEITIES.



What's the reason? Is it because the miscreants want to smash false religions and therefore, idol smashing is merely symbolic? I can't understand this behavior.



All semitic religions(jews, xians, muslims) are violent inherently. That is what their religions teaches ie to hate other religions and break temples etc. My opinion is all semitic religions are a curse on human beings. They fight with each other and fight with others as well. Unless by some miracle that these semitic religions are wiped off the Earth's surface, there will be no peace, for followers of these religions do not want other religions to even exist.


That is why these people are followers of demons in truth. Their demonic god inspires only hatred.



What's the hindu view on this? Is it an okay thing?



What kind of question is this?


How is it ok ? It is violence and disprespect to our religion, deities etc. I hope they fry in hell for eternity along with their demonic false god.


Hindus are peaceful as long as they are left alone to practise their religion.

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All semitic religions(jews, xians, muslims) are violent inherently. That is what their religions teaches ie to hate other religions and break temples etc. My opinion is all semitic religions are a curse on human beings. They fight with each other and fight with others as well. Unless by some miracle that these semitic religions are wiped off the Earth's surface, there will be no peace, for followers of these religions do not want other religions to even exist.




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Hare Krishna,



In reply to:



All semitic religions(jews, xians, muslims) are violent inherently. That is what their religions teaches ie to hate other religions and break temples etc. My opinion is all semitic religions are a curse on human beings. They fight with each other and fight with others as well. Unless by some miracle that these semitic religions are wiped off the Earth's surface, there will be no peace, for followers of these religions do not want other religions to even exist.










Fact is all Semitic religions teach hatred. Read the news article. Read the bible(OT and NT), quran. I do not need to prove anything here. Their scriptures teach hatred.


Blind are people like you who ignore when truth stares at their face and do not have strength to see or accept the truth.


It is so sad that this ignoramus calls people like me blind who expose and tell the truth about semitic religions.


Here are some quotes from bible and some blind christians(xians call them as saints). May be these are saints of darkness and blind bigotry our blind friend should know about.


230. “5. But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.”


- Deuteronomy, 7/5(Judaism, Jewish god and this god's lies)


That is why during the tyrannical rule of the Portuguese in Goa, Francis Xavier got established ‘Holy Inquisition of Goa’ under which Hindu temples were destroyed and idols of Hindu Gods were either broken or burnt in fire. Francis Xavier once declared :


“I order everywhere the temples pulled down and all idols broken. I know not how to describe in words the joy I feel before the spectacle of pulling down and destroying the idols.”


- Francis Xavier(what a noble christian this man should be).


Tell me my dear blind friend, who is correct here. You or me ? Truth stands by itself.


Since you named yourself as iconoclast, it is clear you belong to one of this hatefilled semitic religions.


Here are some envious hatred, the demonic god you pray to, says in your primitive bible.




God is jealous of people's attention on idols, so he says these idols and altars will be destroyed and the people will pay for their "abominations." 6:4-9


God planned to "pour out [his] fury" on the Hebrews in Egypt for worshipping idols or other gods. 20:7-10


"The day ... of the LORD is near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen." God plans to wipe out the heathen. When? Soon. Really soon. 30:3 (what a demon this god should be ?)


Worshipping idols and other gods is "detestable." 37:23(the cause for breaking the temple Deities in the news article)




Witches, idol worshippers, and heretics will not go to heaven. (Guess where they'll be going.) 5:20-21


Until now it was OT, now it is the NTs turn in




All liars, as well as sorcerers, idolaters, and those who are fearful or unbelieving will be cast into "the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." 21:8


The followers of false religions (the semitic religions) may break our temples, kill us and do whatever they want, but the TRUE FAITH of Sanathana Dharma will endure evrything. In the end hatred and demonic teachings of bible and quran will disappear from the face of Earth.


All falsehood(semitic religions) has a begining and an end. /images/graemlins/cool.gif

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The followers of false religions (the semitic religions) may break our temples, kill us and do whatever they want, but the TRUE FAITH of Sanathana Dharma will endure evrything. In the end hatred and demonic teachings of bible and quran will disappear from the face of Earth.


All falsehood(semitic religions) has a begining and an end.




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Please ignore this nutcase, Icon, who's only here to make trouble and not learn anything. I have a diff. question, so please dont be offended. If the deities have no power even to protect themselves from the miscreants, then how could they protect man? Doesn't this incident show that deity worship is supersititon and nothng more? I mean they are just idols, nothing special, which is proved by this ugly incident. I've lost my faith.

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When devotees worship deities, they do not believe that mud, lime etc used in the formation of statues can do anything good. Rather they believe that the gods and godesses whom these statues represent will do good.

Now the question is: Why are gods not able to protect these statues?

We have to keep in mind that there is a big difference between not wanting to protect and not being able to protect.

Just because the statues are broken, it does not prove that the gods are unable to protect these. This is just one possible inference, but not the only possible one. It is also possible that gods just do not find it really necessary to protect the statues from being broken.

Even if gods do not want to protect the statues, it is definitely possible that they will want to protect those who worship them.

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But during the akshardam temple shootout, many people, including children and women, were brutally murdered. In fact, one of the muslim terrorists made a kid say 'allahu akbar' before slitting his throat. Now god was watching...and doing what, exactly?? Oh my, that's because the tender five-year-old was a real bad guy in his previous life!! That explains why god was watching and doing nothing-he was trying to teach the tender kid a lesson in his own 'compassionate' way!

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But during the akshardam temple shootout, many people, including children and women, were brutally murdered. In fact, one of the muslim terrorists made a kid say 'allahu akbar' before slitting his throat. Now god was watching...and doing what, exactly??Oh my, that's because the tender five-year-old was a real bad guy in his previous life!! That explains why god was watching and doing nothing-he was trying to teach the tender kid a lesson in his own 'compassionate' way!



First I believe we should accept that all the important details are not in our vision. So much we are not privy to. God knows that the soul can never be slain. We cannot kill or cause others to kill nor can we be slain. All valid philosophical points must be made with that fundemental fact in mind. So there was really no 5 year old boy slain by any evil religious fanatic. That is the Dream image that we take to be reality. It is real in its way but we must keep the bigger picture in mind. That is one thing.


Another is we don't know the destination of that soul who was playing the role of a five year old boy. He chanted Allah at the time of his death. Albeit out of distress. Ajamila chanted Narayana out of distress. Was this really then namabhasa on the child's part?


You doubt it had anything to do with the chid's past karma. How could that be? We either accept karmic law is working or not. Not that it is turned on and off do to our sentiment. What do you imagine the fate to be of the barbarian that slit his throat? Would you have trouble believing that in the future he may be the child having his throat cut? Would you upon learning of his being slain in the future have the same doubt?


It is only due to our miniscule understanding of events that we doubt God. Considering our present position they can't really be avoided but when exposed they can be slashed with the weapon of knowledge.


Just as knowledge brings renunciation i also is the precursor to faith.


We must diligently seek transcendental knowledge.



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In reply to:



The followers of false religions (the semitic religions) may break our temples, kill us and do whatever they want, but the TRUE FAITH of Sanathana Dharma will endure evrything. In the end hatred and demonic teachings of bible and quran will disappear from the face of Earth.


All falsehood(semitic religions) has a begining and an end.










Thank you for agreeing that your religion is false. My position is Hinduism is in no way anything like semitic religions. So mirror won't work here.


This imbecile does not even know that he actually agrees with my opinion on semitic religions.

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Q. What is the difference between a Christian fanatic and a Hindu fanatic?


A. Nothin'


rim shot



There is imbecile.


The difference is when a Hindu fanatic acts in unrighteous ways, the Hindu acts against his scriptures. So in true sense this term 'Hindu fanatic' is a misnomer. This person is just a fanatic.


When a Christian fanatic breaks temples and Deities and abuses our religion of Hinduism, such acts spring from demonic biblical teachings. See the verses I quoted in my above post.


So when one states facts as it is, he cannot be called fanatic, as in my case where I stated about chritianity and other semitic religions with proof from bible.


So facts are laid out here for you. If you do not want to see the facts then you are BLIND.

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Are you saying that the boy who lost his life could've been a murderer in his previous life, and that's why he had to pay his karmic debts? Come on, that's farfetched. Even if it were true and the boy had really been a bad guy in his previous life, it would still be cruel for god to punish his own children in the name of karma, right? I just don't get this. Can't god teach his children without having to cut their throats or amputate them. It is too painful. Even if you are not the body, you do HAVE the body, so with or without identification, the pain is going to be intense. So what's the solution?

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At the time of all the biblical people, their world included bizarre cults of Ba'als and others who rejected God and worshipped idols of animals. All the anti-idol preaching is for these practices and cults.


The Christians must become rational and lose their witch-hunting natures - the natures of fearing cowardly cheaters.


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Are you saying that the boy who lost his life could've been a murderer in his previous life, and that's why he had to pay his karmic debts? Come on, that's farfetched.



Many things. First the *boy* is not a boy. there is a spiritsoul behind the scene dreaming he is a boy. Second don't you see people murdering people presntly? Why do you think it so far-fetched that people murdered people in the past?


Karmic law is reformatory in nature not just punitive. You fixate on this one horrible example. It is horrible but look at what is happening in the rest of the world. Look at the Sudan today. There are examples in every direction you look.


Either there is God controlling this with a benevolent plan behind it or there is random chaos. The third option is an all powerful devil controlling it all with no benevelont purpose. Which do you accept?




Even if it were true and the boy had really been a bad guy in his previous life, it would still be cruel for god to punish his own children in the name of karma, right? I just don't get this. Can't god teach his children without having to cut their throats or amputate them. It is too painful. Even if you are not the body, you do HAVE the body, so with or without identification, the pain is going to be intense. So what's the solution?



Is there a benelvolent God in control? First decide that then the other question as to why can be dealt with.


The solution to a bad dream is to wake up.


A child wakes his parents while thrashing and calling out in his terrified sleep. The Parents seeing it is only a nightmare awaken the child saying,"it was only a dream, nothing to be scared about".


It really is that simple and straight forward. Sadhana-bhakti is the process of waking up. Suddha-bhakti is acting in the natural awakened state of life.


"Wake up sleeping souls, it has all just been a bad dream."

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