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Is the idea of "awakening" dormant loving service to Krsna a misconception ?

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Q. Some say the eternally conditioned Jiva does not have the inherent capacity for loving devotion and that it must be given by the guru.


They say that the idea of "awakening" dormant loving service to Krsna is a misconception.


A. The question is whether the jiva's potential for attaining bhava is inherent within itself, or whether it is not inherent within itself and must be given to the jiva by a guru. Those who argue that it is not inherent stress that the svarupa-sakti (internal energy) is not within the jiva, often citing Sridhara Swami's commentary on Visnu Purana and Krsnadasa Kaviraja's explanation of the jiva as being a particle of cit (cit kana--knowledge) with no mention of ananda (bliss). They say that the guru's bhava constituted of svarupa-sakti is given to the disciple.


Others, the parivara (spiritual family/lineage) of Bhaktivinoda, say that it is inherent within the jiva and cannot be realized without coming in contact with the guru. They say that the tendency of the jiva toward love in the material world is evidence of its being constituted of not only cit kana but ananda kana as well. They accept the statement of Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami regarding the jivas being cit kana but interpret this to be a reference to the intrinsic form of the jiva, whereas his later statement (jivera 'svarupa' haya--krsnera 'nitya-dasa') refers to the jiva's eternal nature or inclination. In support of their position they also cite examples of disciples who developed a particular bhava for Krsna that was different from that of their guru. For example, a guru in sakhya rati (friendly love) initiated Syamananda, but instead of realizing the same bhava of his guru, he realized madhurya rati (conjugal love) for Krsna.


As for awakening dormant love of God, both sides agree with Krsnadasa Kaviraja when he says, krsna prema nitya siddha sadhya kabhu naya, sravanadi suddha citte karaye udaya. They agree, that is, that the prema svarupa of the jiva is eternal (nitya siddha krsna prema). It is not manufactured by any process (sadhya kabhu naya), rather it is awakened (udaya) by devotional processes such as hearing and chanting (sravanadi) after one's consciousness is cleansed (suddha citte) by the same hearing and chanting. They differ only as to the location of the dormant love. Is it in the spiritual realm of Goloka and brought here by the guru, who gives it to the jiva, or is it in the heart of the jiva in potential and awakened by the guru? One might just as well ask further where the "heart" of the jiva is. Anyone who is capable of searching this out will end up in Goloka anyway because that is where the spiritual heart of the jiva resides.


There is, of course, much more to the discussion than I can do justice to here, but it is important to note that we find siddhas (perfected devotees) from both sides who are universally accepted as siddhas.


Both sides are also in agreement as to the necessity of the guru. Add to this the fact that neophyte followers of either side often tend to make more out of this argument than is warranted in an intellectual effort to secure their own faith. Ultimately, real faith comes from spiritual experience, which comes from spiritual practice and mahat krpa, the mercy of Sri Guru.


http://www.swami.org/sanga/ or email sangaeditor@swami.org.

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" Is it in the spiritual realm of Goloka and brought here by the guru, who gives it to the jiva, or is it in the heart of the jiva in potential and awakened by the guru? One might just as well ask further where the "heart" of the jiva is. Anyone who is capable of searching this out will end up in Goloka anyway because that is where the spiritual heart of the jiva resides.


...Ultimately, real faith comes from spiritual experience, which comes from spiritual practice and mahat krpa, the mercy of Sri Guru."


"Home is where the heart is." [well-known saying].

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