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I want to live with the devotiess

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I live around the L.A. are and I would like to live with the devotiess for a week, what do I have to do? Where can Isign up? is it free? thank you

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I live around the L.A. are and I would like to live with the devotiess for a week, what do I have to do? Where can Isign up? is it free? thank you



Why one week? What does "living with the devotees" mean to you? Where does the idea of "sign up" come from? Please let us know something about yourself and your devotional history so hopefully the best advice can be given. I would not take this decision too casually, if I were you. Having dropped into a temple for the first time, I ended up staying three months and my life's never been the same since...

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I am not much of a devotie, but I do belive in krishna, I read the Gita a couple of times, and I did already devloped a love to god. I want to stop by for a week, just to see how it is, living with the devoties, and just obeserve there actions, and developed my Conciouness to Krishna conciouness. I have certain issues I want to resolve, and I think the best way is to take time off from everything, and just devote myself to god. Please Let me find out more on how to join the devoties.


What do I have to do to live there for a certain ammount of time?



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it doesnt matter if u liv with devotees or not because if you heart and soul are pure then you will surely experience gods presence around you every single moment of your life

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it doesnt matter if u liv with devotees or not because if you heart and soul are pure then you will surely experience gods presence around you every single moment of your life



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This should be a regular program at temples I believe. Let congregation memebers and eally any interested and sincere souls have a retreat from common life for a short period. maybe some would do that several times a year even. Someone then might choose to stay full time if they liked.


A few days or weeks full time engagement will certainly go to that soul's eternal credit.


Look in the phone book or google Krishna LA and search it out guest.


May Krsna guide.

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Hare krishna.


This Tuesday, I will try to move in to the LA ISKCON TEMPLE in los angels, and stay there for 5 - 6 days, hopefully I will meet a guru that will instruct me more, and maybe I will have a taste, inside the bottle of honey.


Should I just show up on Tuesday, or should go a few days in advance and ask for permission?


What should I bring with me? ID? Money? Cloths? Toothbrush?


I hope Krishna will help me with this, my parents are not hindus, nor do they belive in Krishna, but I Am 18 so it should be my choice.


I hope all goes well and as planned...




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You will have an easier time getting in if you are a male, they have room. There are many very nice devotees there that will speak to you and help you. Some temples I have visited never approached me to even say welcome or how can I direct you, but L.A. is full of nice devotees. So I think you will have a nice experience. Maybe go during a Sunday feast.

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try getting a hold of the Temple President or calling the office and finding out how you can stay for a few days in the mens ashram.

I doubt it will be a problem, but I would call first before just showing up.

Do you live in the LA area right now?


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you should arrange this well in advance with the temple president. Approach it in a mature way and you will be taken more seriously.


Get plenty of sleep before hand. be ready to take full advantage of the time.


Hare Krsna

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the best way is to go and spend as much time as you can at the temple, and do as much service as you can,this way the devotes ,will get to know you ,nowdays is not so easy to move in. most of the time you will need a recomendation from some one in the temple. you will also have to fill up a application . and yes the turn donw some of the people.

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