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Mistaking Guru

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All guru will appear as wrong initially for a student. NO child likes his/her teacher in first standard or even sometimes at Phd level too.

I am sharing my experience.

In spiritual development, when you go for a guru, to an extent you are a grown up adult by the time you search and reach him. Wait patiently for a while, analyse with your worldly knowledge and try to listen. Initially it may appear that he is controlling you with his attitudes. But take it as a test for your patience even if he is really controlling you (not harrassment of other kinds). Focus your mind to learn what for you approached him. If there is something radically wrong in the Guru (that could be rare or even common which depends on your luck ) where in some cases they harass the student out of their ego but call themselves spiritually developed but actually not developed, then you may chose to find another one and this does not mean all Gurus are like that. One are two does not define the whole group. Until you find a real one, you can still read Swami Prabupaadaa's work by accepting him as your Guru since he is representative of Lord.


This is my experience..


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Unless you've just been bitten by a poisonous serpent, you will likely have plenty of time to become acquainted with the quest and the players before deciding about how to proceed.


They say that Krsna will arrange the encounter with guru when you are ready.


Now, hopefully you aren't describing your real position to us here. That is, you DID panic, you DID get initiated, and you ARE in trouble. We would need then ask: what kind of trouble - the guru is no good or the disciple is no good?



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"Ok, you get desparate to get a guru and get intiated and then descover that you made big mistake. What to do?"


whatever you do, make sure you are not going to make another mistake! this is serious business...


it is good to have a strong desire to accept a guru. but we must be sure we want to surrender to this particular person.


in our sampradaya, taking a diksa initiation from one person does not mean that you can't take instruction from other gurus. maybe with time you will appreciate your initiating guru a lot more. our perspective changes with knowledge and devotional growth. good luck!


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