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I can't see Krishna

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I've been chanting for a few days now, but i still am not able to see Krisha or talk to him. I need to talk to him and sort things out, like Arjuna did during the battle, because I am experiencing a 'kurushetra' of my own, but Krishna doesnt appear. What am I to do? I am also afraid that I might mistake some other voice for his. How to make sure it is krishna's voice, if at all I hear it someday? Are there ppl here who have heard him or seen him?

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Our motives, our desires, everything will be purified before we meet Him. We will not be embarrassed. That is His kindness.


When your only desire is to have Him, then He will be yours.


Many have seen Him; when they were ready.


Conquer His heart with love. He is so lovable; build your love by associating with Him by praising His names and activities with your voice, hearing them with your ears, remembering them with your mind. Engage in the nine types of devotional loving activities through which His association will purify your being and make you presentable, and not embarrassed to meet Him.


The journey is as wonderful as the arrival. It is all God's unconditional love for us. Even the tiny steps of an infant are cherishable for the parent. Know that Krsna appreciates every step you take towards Him.



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Kaliyuga does not provide the right facilities and environment for Krishna to manifest personally. An entire lifetime should be devoted for such an experience. Don't get deluded and depressed expecting the impossible.


We must see him in everything and wish such that he makes life easier in order to relaize and server him and his devotees better. This way, he will respond definitely.


Ananyaschintayanthoman yo jana paryapasathe

Thesham Nityabhiyuktanam yogakshemaVahamyaham


The welfare of the devotee who beleives in me alone as the supreme Godhead and trusts me alone to help him an none else, is very important for me.


The above words are the absolute truth.

If fear overcomes you, think of Narasimha avatara. If mortal fear overcomes, it is possible to get initiated into some special mantras, but those need a formal Guru.

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Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita 11.41-43:<blockquote>Thinking of You as my friend, I have rashly addressed You “O Krsna,” “O Yadava,” “O my friend,” not knowing Your glories. Please forgive whatever I may have done in madness or in love. I have dishonored You many times, jesting as we relaxed, lay on the same bed, or sat or ate together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends. O infallible one, please excuse me for all those offenses.


You are the father of this complete cosmic manifestation, of the moving and the nonmoving. You are its worshipable chief, the supreme spiritual master. No one is equal to You, nor can anyone be one with You. How then could there be anyone greater than You within the three worlds, O Lord of immeasurable power?</blockquote>

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I dont think I can wait a whole lifetime. I dont have the patience. Besides, this crisis of mine is too intense...I need to resolve it ASAP. I am not interested in small steps, I need a giant leap now more than ever. Is there any other way, a sudden realization rather than a gradual unfolding? I am asking because I really am worried about certain things, things I cannot explain and I need Krishna to sort them out for me. Otherwise, it is pretty hopeless.

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Yes you can realize Krsna right now, but on His terms not yours.


It is not like approaching a soda macine a dropping in your $ and then your soda immediately drops.


Maybe ask Krsna to transform you internally so that you may perceive Him. he is before you now this instant but being blind you cannot see him. Pray for that seeing ability.


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I was always sincerely promising my parents that I would never be bad again if they bought me that new toy I wanted so badly....


Ask Krishna to solve your problems and promise him that you will tread the path of Bhakti towards Krishna. If you ask with a sincere intent, he will respond.



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it doesnt matter if u liv with devotees or not because if your heart and soul are pure then you will surely experience gods presence around you every single moment of your life the only way u can see god is by becoming hollow like krisna's flute. chant his names or th hare krishba hare rama mantra focus within



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This isn't a trivial thing. I mean it. I don't want money, house, job and all that. THis is way too important. I want to know if Krishna will let me become a Kshatriya, so I can fight for people who can't fight for themselves.

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When you were a kid, did you protect the smaller kids from the bullies? Are you naturally an "in-charge" kinda guy?


Krsna is not really too interested in varnas and ashramas. That's all kinda base earthy labelling stuff. If that's all you're interested in then I wouldn't bother Krsna about it. Do as you like. When you're actually interested in Him, then petition Him again with a little heart.


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i thought krishna created 'varnas' for man's benefit. Thats what he tells arjuna in the B.G. So I assumed it was important. Besides, I want to make sure it is a right decision and not an impulsive one. That's why I need to hear God's voice so as to reconfirm. Unless I know I am in the right varna, I wouldn't be serving Krishna properly.

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Of course it will take alot of practice and mediation until krsna will appear in front of you but why not take a short cut........





.................................ever heard of lsd?

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.... don't get to talk with God. They are too worldly and dull.


Are you a ksatriya? I wanted to be an astronaut. Are you being serious and mature about this? You want to be a soldier, a cop, a Prime Minister? Do you have the qualities? If so, then you ARE ksatriya.


You didn't care about pleasing Krsna up until now, so why should He think your prayers are genuine now, suddenly? Or does He think you are just using Him? You'll get your status as ksatriya and wait another ten years before you chant again, this time for some other favour. I wouldn't expect Krsna to drop everything at your whim and appear before you or speak to you, like you guys are all buddy-buddy, tight like that.


My guess is that you ignore Him as much as you ignore us here. It's just a waste of time.


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This isn't a trivial thing. I mean it. I don't want money, house, job and all that. THis is way too important. I want to know if Krishna will let me become a Kshatriya, so I can fight for people who can't fight for themselves.



He wants to know why you want to do this ?

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