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One entry found for fanatic.


Main Entry: fa·nat·ic



Function: adjective


: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion




So I take it devotion should arise from a careful critical analysis?


Funny how fanatics often see the process of honest critical inquiry as faithless or offensive when perhaps it is an integral part of the process of God realization itself.


Drowning out the voices of others as a means to drown out the voice within?

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there is a difference between critical thinking (which is encouraged in our tradition) and criticism a'priori. fanatics can be very dangerous. groundless criticism can be bad too.


"So I take it devotion should arise from a careful critical analysis?"


devotion arises from a desire, or you may say: from the heart. it is a natural and spontaneous process. careful critical analysis will allow you to gradually purify your heart and get rid of doubts.


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careful critical analysis will allow you to gradually purify your heart and get rid of doubts.



Accepting that then it should be be seen as some form of faithless heresy, but rather they should be a proper atmosphere set for it's expression. Especially within our own selves.


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Accepting that then it should be be seen as some form of faithless heresy, but rather they should be a proper atmosphere set for it's expression. Especially within our own selves.



I agree with Kulapavana prabhu. Please explain your words above, because I am unable to understand your intended meaning or even whether you also agree.

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fa·nat·ic (f…-n²t“¹k) n. 1. A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause. --fa·nat·ic adj. Fanatical. [Latin f³n³ticus, inspired by orgiastic rites, pertaining to a temple, from f³num, temple. See dh¶s- below.]


SYNONYMS: fanatic, zealot, enthusiast. These nouns denote persons who are ardently and usually excessively devoted to a particular cause, subject, or activity. Fanatic implies the pursuit of a given interest to inordinate and even irrational lengths, often to the exclusion of all other interests: “A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject” (Winston S. Churchill). A zealot is immoderately devoted to a cause or goal and seeks to advance it with passionate fervor: “those furious zealots who blow the bellows of faction until the whole furnace of politics is red-hot” (Washington Irving). Enthusiast can denote a religious zealot holding visionary opinions: “It is unfortunate, considering that enthusiasm moves the world, that so few enthusiasts can be trusted to speak the truth” (A.J. Balfour). More commonly, however, it merely implies strong interest in something, such as a hobby, and lacks the unfavorable connotations of the other terms: a hockey enthusiast.


dh¶s-. Important derivatives are: fair2, feast, festival, fanatic, profane, atheism, enthusiasm.

dh¶s-. Root of words in religious concepts. Contracted from dhe…s-. Possibly an extension of dh¶-. 1. Suffixed form *dh¶s-y³. FAIR2, FERIA, from Latin f¶riae (< Old Latin f¶siae), holidays. 2. Suffixed form *dh¶s-to-. FEAST, (-FEST), (FESTAL), FESTIVAL, FESTIVE, (FESTOON), (FETE), (FIESTA); (GABFEST), OKTOBERFEST, from Latin f¶stus, festive. 3. Suffixed zero-grade form *dh…s-no-. FANATIC; PROFANE, from Latin f³num, temple. 4. Suffixed zero-grade form *dh…s-o-. THEO-; APOTHEOSIS, ATHEISM, ENTHUSIASM, PANTHEON, POLYTHEISM, from Greek theos (< *thes-os), god. [Pokorny dh¶s- 259.]


<a href=http://education./reference/dictionary/entries/96/f0029600.html>See odd characters</a>


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