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The Solution to All Problems

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some habits are hard to break. I hope I never get over this one…


SB 11.6.24

My dear Lord, those pious and saintly persons who in the age of Kali hear about Your transcendental activities and also glorify them will easily cross over the darkness of the age.



Unfortunately, in Kali-yuga many persons are not attracted to the authorized Vedic literatures. Minimizing the transcendental process of hearing and chanting the glories of the Personality of Godhead, they prefer to listen to useless and whimsical vibrations on the radio and television, in newspapers and magazines, and so on. Rather than hear about Krsna from the bona fide spiritual master, they endlessly give their own opinions about everything, until they are dragged away by the force of time. After studying the temporary, limited forms of the material world, they impatiently conclude that the Absolute Truth is formless. Such persons are actually worshiping Krsna’s illusory energy, maya, who has been authorized to kick their stubborn heads. If instead people hear directly about Krsna from the bona fide sources, they will very easily solve all the problems of their lives. In Kali-yuga people are constantly suffering from many psychological, social, economic, historical, political and existential problems. But all these nightmarish problems can be removed as soon as one awakens to the transcendental reality of the Personality of Godhead, who is eternal, full of bliss and knowledge and beyond the bewildering manifestations of the material energy. The Lord appears within this universe so that people can observe, hear about and glorify His actual activities. In this difficult age of Kali we should all seriously take advantage of this opportunity.


(I'm laughing at what ya'll are going thru). /images/graemlins/smile.gif Have fun!


SB 11.6.44

O my dear Krsna, Your pastimes are supremely auspicious for mankind and are an intoxicating beverage for the ears. Tasting such pastimes, people forget their desires for other things.


SB 11.7.5

My dear Uddhava, you should not remain here on the earth once I have abandoned this world. My dear devotee, you are sinless, but in Kali-yuga the people will be addicted to all types of sinful activities; therefore do not stay here.



In this age of Kali, human beings are totally unaware that the Supreme Personality of Godhead comes personally to the earth to manifest His transcendental pastimes as they are enacted in the spiritual world. Heedless of the authority of the Personality of Godhead, the fallen souls of Kali-yuga become engulfed in bitter quarrel and cruelly harass one another. Because people in Kali-yuga are addicted to polluted, sinful activities, they are always angry, lusty and frustrated. In Kali-yuga the devotees of the Personality of Godhead, who are engaged in the ever-increasing loving service of the Lord, should never be attracted to living on the earth, the population of which is covered in the darkness of ignorance and devoid of any loving relationship with the Lord. Thus Lord Krsna advised Uddhava not to remain on the earth in Kali-yuga. In fact, in Bhagavad-gita the Lord advises all living entities that they should never remain anywhere within the material universe—during any age. Therefore every living being should take advantage of the pressures of Kali-yuga to understand the overall useless nature of the material world and surrender himself at the lotus feet of Lord Krsna. Following in the footsteps of Sri Uddhava, one should surrender to Krsna and go back home, back to Godhead.


It takes lots of money and lots of time, but you have only begun to pay for ignoring the Lord. /images/graemlins/smile.gif (I wonder how many government 'men' out there would like to use my site, but they can't because the boss is watching… Yes… He's watching at home too.)


An illuminating challenge for everyone…


Krsna built into the political or governing structure the right for the citizen or citizens to correct their own grievances. In other words, the government is supposed to offer the complaining citizen an official post to resolve his complaints.


Though this is not likely possible at present, one still has the power of free will and personal resolve. And if one criticizes without bothering to make the effort himself - as if he could do better - then such chatter is like the barking of dogs.


SB 11.7.37

A sober person, even when harassed by other living beings, should understand that his aggressors are acting helplessly under the control of God, and thus he should never be distracted from progress on his own path. This rule I have learned from the earth.



The earth is the symbol of tolerance. By deep oil-drilling, atomic explosions, pollution, and so on, the earth is constantly harassed by demoniac living entities. Sometimes lush forests are cut down by greedy men with commercial interests, and thus a wasteland is created. Sometimes the earth’s surface is soaked by the blood of soldiers fighting in savage warfare. Yet, despite all these disturbances, the earth continues to provide all the necessities of the living beings. In this way one may learn the art of tolerance by studying the earth.


High Hopes


Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young

In a world of magnets and miracles

Our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary

The ringing of the division bell had begun


Along the Long Road and on down the Causeway

Do they still meet there by the Cut


There was a ragged band that followed our footsteps

Running before time took our dreams away

Leaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the ground

To a life consumed by slow decay


The grass was greener

The light was brighter

With friends surrounded

The nights of wonder


Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us

To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side

Steps taken forwards but sleepwalking back again

Dragged by force of some inner tide


At a higher altitude with flag unfurled

We reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world


Encumbered forever by desire and ambition

There's a hunger still unsatisfied

Though down this road we've been so many times


The grass was greener

The light was brighter

The taste was sweeter

The nights of wonder

With friends surrounded

The dawn mist growing

The water flowing

The endless river – Pink Floyd

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