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there is no separation. different sampradayas emphasize different aspects of bhakti. these are traditions going back thousands of years and all of them represent Vaishnavism properly. Just like there are innumerable manifestations of Lord Vishnu, there are innumerable manifestations of His worship. It is not all one.

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Originally Vaishnavism philosophy was founded by Swami Ramanuja born in tamilnadu and He travelled throughout India and established the Dharma since Advaita profounded by Swami Sankara was misunderstood or not followed properly by people creating lots of confusions in society. Until the period of Sankara and actually Ramanuja there was no division or difference, and as per vedas (as quoted by Sankara) Shree Hari/Lord Narayana is described as "THE LORD" of the Universe from His understandings of Puranas. Sankara was worshipping Narayana as Shiva but unfortunately it created another concept in course of time and people misunderstood and fought if Shiva or Narayana were superior to each other and division began...

After Ramanuja, Madvacharya modified it somemore..But mode of worship as we follow now were primarily advocated by Ramanuja Swamy and His code of Worship is still being followed in Temples of Tamilnadu...while in other states, due to differences in culture and language there are minor differences...Rituals are more on south and even at homes the religious rituals are more, strictly follwed in detail in many places and temples than in northern India from my knowledge of travelling different places.


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Sri seshasaila garudachala venkatadri

Narayanadri vrishabhadri vrishadri mukhyam

Aakhyam tvadiya vasateranisham vadanti

Sri Venkatachalapate thava suprabhatham...



Lord Venkateshwara resides in Andhra Pradesh, and He and His reclining form as Ranganatha in Tamilnadu are the main deities of Srivaishnavism...


Venkatesha is considered to be Sriman Narayana, and Tirumala, His divya desham, is Vaikuntha on earth... but He is lovingly called "Govinda" by the devotees, and if you are desirious of seeing Krishna in this life, you can find Him at Tirupati-Tirumala, because that murthy is not just a murthy, but the actual God having come to stay with His devotees...


The moment you come into His presence, you will understand...


Edukondalavada! Venkataramana! Govindaaaa! Goooovinda!!!

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Yes..100% more than true..How much ever the temple is crowded, I still love to wait and see the Lord. One really feel the presence of Lord when you go near the sanctum sanctorum in tirupathi. Even Swami Prabupaada have been there. I dont know if He has written anything about Tirupathi..

When you sincerely pray to Him asking Him for His presence with you, He really comes and I have felt it personally.


I as an ordinary person prayed for one of my wises (what we most of us do living in this material world to survive) to finish something in education which I thought would never finish at anytime and after finishing, I went to Tirupathi to offer Lord as I prayed that I will shave my head and humble myself. But I hated the crowd and never wanted to go inside the temple and sort of frustrated still with my PhD and while going on the road towards the temple I told myself that I am not going to enter this temple to see Lord in such a crowded place and anyway He is there, if He wants to bless me, let Him first come to me and then I will wait and go.." was my thought..I was not arrogant, but somehow sometimes we feel frustrated when we are immatured in our bakhthi..


But to my extreme surprise, in just few minutes, clouds started gathering and started to rain in just two, three minutes unbeleivably (Thirupathi is hill station)..It was during April and Vasanthothsavam was going on where they carry the Uthsavar idol of Lord with Padmavathi Devi and go around the temple village in all the main streets.. I did nto know that it was going on and suddenly When rain started, to my most surprise from the neighboring streets they were bringing Lord for Uthsavam and just so close to me in just hand reachable distance, the people who were carrying Lord on their shoulders rested the Pallakku with Lord and Goddess just so close to me for the sake of rain in the nearby place for shelter where I was sheltering.

I could not beleive that He just came so nearer to me and gave me that Darshan to fulfill my wishes or just as His pasttime of how He plays with His Devotees..He was there for about 10 minutes and those minutes I forgot myself and can never forget anytime in any birth.

The rain stopped and the people once again lifted Him and went towards the templef and I waited in the crowd without feeling tiredness but mind filled with unexplainable joy and had the Darshan of Main Deity in Sanctum Sanctorum.

This incident changed me a lot in my Bakthi towards Him.



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