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No loss for her. We can mourn the passing of Vaisnavas but we should know we mourn for ourselves. She is still in Krsna's personal care.


Everyday millions of human bodies breath their last and on the same day millions more take their first. But what loss is there?


An exploiter dies and another takes his place. But when a Vaisnava leaves they leave a truly vacant spot that can't be filled.


We can only wish this departed soul Godspeed for a life well lived and pray Krishna sends another to inspire us along.


Respects to all especially her friends and family.

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It is the body that dies. The soul is eternal, we've always been here, will always be here, nothing is ever lost. Do not grieve for something that can NEVER be lost.

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Our friend and sister, Mulaprakriti dasi, gave up her body in Vrindavan dhama. I'm told she passed away at 8:30 am on Monday, July 12, India time. She was, somewhat astonishingly, in no pain and had been surrounded by devotees chanting the holy names for several days. He husband, Gopavrindapal das, and their three children were also with her.


Mula is a long-time disciple of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Both she and Gopa were well known as dedicated book distributors. For the past couple of years, she has been living in Hilo, Hawaii, on the Big Island, where she and Gopa provided a small temple for devotees to meet for kiritan, Krishna-katha, and prasadam. Many devotees here and around the world will miss her smile and her constant encouragement to become serious about Krishna consciousness.



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  • 2 weeks later...


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Mula-prikriti left her body recently and I found this interesting post about her.




re- Mula's passing




I heard this story recently about Mula-prakriti passing away from an elder mataji. I knew Mula and Gopa in Santa Cruz CA, and this is an inspiring story about her passing. She went to the Narayana Maharaja (NM) side, you know. NM came to her at her deathbed, and he said that he was with her, and Mula said, "I'm just meditating on Srila Prabhupada, and she wanted to go to Srila Prabhupada." NM said that he would help her do that, and she said, "no, I just want to go to Srila Prabhuapada." Then NM said that she can either go to Goloka Vrindavan, or she can come back to this world and help him with his mission. Mula said, "no, I just want to be with Srila Prabhupada."


This is what I heard, it seems that Mula got a dream vision of Srila Prabhupada [from an email from Gopa] and at the end, she attached herself solely to Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet. We are proud for Mula for what is most dear to her heart, Srila Prabhupada, at her final few days,

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If it were actually possible for Srila Narayana Maharaja to "steal" Prabhupada's disciples, wouldn't this make him stronger? Doesn't becoming a disciple mean the guru gives eternal shelter, otherwise what's the point? To which of her chosen gurus was she unfaithful or disloyal? Flip flop or what? Isn't it all about KRSNA consciousness, not PRABHUPADA consciousness? Remaining with him means exactly what in the ETERNAL sense?


This demonizing, like "the bogeyman is going to get you", is simply childish and promotes fearfulness -- not to mention fundamentalist religious ignorance. We can all help each other on this path, according to our realization and empowerment.


Sentimental stupidity should never be confused with genuine allegiance or surrender. I've no doubt whatsoever that we are ALL going to continue with Srila Prabhupada, one way or another. Those firmly committed to devotional service birth after birth may return here while others could be with him in Goloka.


In any case, His Divine Grace is far more than one specific embodied jiva soul, however great he/she may be. God and guru are one-and-different as are Radha and Krsna. Without realizing both the oneness AND difference in both cases, self-realization and God realization are not possible. It all happens SIMULTANEOUSLY, remember?


Raganuga and vaidhi are two entirely different faiths, according to Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura anyway, and unless the fearfulness of the former can somehow or other embrace the latter, self-imposed limitations will inevitably continue, including this ridiculous us vs. them mentality along with the "devil made me do it" understanding of Srimati Mayadevi.


Since she is ALSO a pure devotee and another aspect of Sri Radha, those stuck in such silly superstitiousness become their own worst enemies and often others' as well, including their gurus' and godbrothers'/sisters'. Deceit means self-deceit as well. Ignorance is not a virtue or something to be proud of, let alone preach as truth! I'd really like to know if anyone else here is able to appreciate this other than myself.

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"Mula-prikriti left her body recently and I found this interesting post about her."


Could not link to that post. Please explain why you found it "interesting" and how you understand what transpired, if in fact it did happen that way. Thank you.

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"I'd really like to know if anyone else here is able to appreciate this other than myself."


I do. But you might want to make up a handle so that you can distinguish yourself from other guests.


"An elderly mataji supposedly said so and so...." Sounds like the stuff of 3rd-hand rumor-mongoring.


One interesting point: If Her Grace Mulaprakriti dasi did indeed have a dream or a vision of Srila Prabhupada, then she must have been doing something right these past few years. Clearly, her relationship with Srila Prabhupada was well intact, even though she was receiving siksha from another, (in addition to Srila Prabhupada.)



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"...Clearly, her relationship with Srila Prabhupada was well intact, even though she was receiving siksha from another, (in addition to Srila Prabhupada.)


Exactly! It's not an "either-or" situation and shouldn't be represented as such, or am I wrong, Krsna das?

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I'm afraid I can believe very little I hear from Gaudiyas anymore. It all seems more irrational all the time. It seems they sit around and tell each other lies all day.


Krsna? Krsna who, what camp? Everything I hear and read I now have to run it through a credibility scanner. It's a sad state of affairs. It seems little different than the envy and ego maintenance that drives the lives of the mundaners; the only difference being that the idioms of the cult are used to describe various cult personalities.


Maybe that's how the gossiping weakness is purified and cured. I don't know. But, buyer beware.


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This story is also being circulated among the GBC, most likely as part of their campaign to paint Narayan Maharaja as an interloper and poacher. However, all we have so far are third-hand accounts. So, as someone else advised, caveat auditor. Remember that Mahaprabhu cautioned Das Goswami to avoid gossip.


When Gopa returns, I'll probably ask him about this.

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even if this story happens to be true, I do not see how it is suppose to reflect badly on Narayana Maharaja. After all it would be natural for a devotee to have a very special place in their heart for their original guru, especially Srila Prabhupada. Just like your first real love, it is unforgettable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

krsna: I heard this story recently about Mula-prakriti passing away from an elder mataji. I knew Mula and Gopa in Santa Cruz CA, and this is an inspiring story about her passing. She went to the Narayana Maharaja (NM) side, you know. NM came to her at her deathbed, and he said that he was with her, and Mula said, "I'm just meditating on Srila Prabhupada, and she wanted to go to Srila Prabhupada." NM said that he would help her do that, and she said, "no, I just want to go to Srila Prabhuapada." Then NM said that she can either go to Goloka Vrindavan, or she can come back to this world and help him with his mission. Mula said, "no, I just want to be with Srila Prabhupada."


Gopavrindapal is back in Hilo. I spoke with him tonight, and he said unquivocally that this gossip going around has no element that is true. Wanna know what really transpired? Here's what Gopa, who had what he called a "front-row seat," told us. When Narayan Maharaj came to see Mula, he tried to comfort her by assuring her that she had nothing to be afraid of. She got a little feisty and said, "I'm not afraid of anything! I'm just thinking of my Srila Prabhupada and nothing else." She made her point so strongly, that Maharaja was a little startled, then he grinned and said that her focus was perfect. He also mentioned, as did all of the many devotees who came to see her did, that he would help however he could, too.


Moral: Beware of gossip with anonymous, third-hand sources.


You have my permission to copy this and post it anywhere you like.


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for exposing the truth. So many people out there try to make Narayana Maharaja look like someone he is not. Thank you for showing his understanding of a devotees love for Prabhupada and not trying to take that away.

Hari bol


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Although I'm not one of Narayana Maharaja's followers, I get tired of all the gossip. I would be just as averse to rumors about Badrinarayan or Prithu. This inclination for prajalpa has weakened our movement, and we need to turn things around. Some of us have too much time and too little bhajan or service. Too many of us spend much more time on these boards than chanting or hearing about Krishna.

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  • 3 months later...



by Sangita devi dasi






I wanted to share one story, if I may, about something that happened just recently. Some of you know that I do hospice nursing. I take care of terminally ill devotees. In June I received a phone call from my Godbrother Gopavrindapala, whom I had not seen in twenty-five years. We had served together in the Los Angeles temple in the early '70s. We just lost touch. He was married to Mula Prakrti dasi, my Godsister, who was very famous for a lot of things. One of her great legacies was teaching the devotees how to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books. She opened up the Los Angeles airport, and she was one of the first to do big books in the airport. She pleased Srila Prabhupada very much with her service. So, in June I received a call from her husband, Gopa, and he told me that she was dying of cancer. He said that the doctor had given her one month to live and would I please come to Vrndavana and help her and care for her while she was dying. When something like this happens you just know that it is Srila Prabhupada wanting you to do this service. There is no other


way to take it.




Within a week I left and met them in Amsterdam, and I helped Gopa to get his wife to the dhama. It was not easy for him. It was emotional for him, but it was also very difficult physically to get her there. She was very, very sick. So, we got her to the dhama, and we were staying at MVT. You all know MVT. For two weeks we had nothing but hearing and chanting twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. So many devotees quickly rallied around her, and it was just so wonderful to see all the devotees cooperating and helping this one mataji leave her body. Immediately the women who lived there, my wonderful Godsisters, came and decorated her bedroom with so many nice posters of Deities. Radha Kunda dasi put a nicely framed painting of Srila Prabhupada over the head of the bed, and that became the focal point of the room and for the devotees when they entered the room. And for twenty-four hours there was nothing but hearing and chanting. Devotees took shifts. They would bring in a harp and other instruments and chant, and others would take shifts


and read to her, and in between we had Srila Prabhupada's bhajanas playing constantly.




I am telling the story because of this part. Right before she left her body she looked at me. She had not opened her eyes in two weeks, but she opened her eyes, and it was very clear communication. She could not speak. Her breathing was very, very difficult. For two days, forty-two hours, her lungs had been filling up with fluid, and she had that death rattle, as it is called. It is like a gargling. It was amazing that she could even open her eyes. She opened her eyes, and she was communicating something to me. She was air-hungry, and she was in anxiety because it was just so difficult for her to breathe. I turned to my Godsister Vrindavana Vilasini and said, "She is in so much anxiety. Please say something," because they had been close, dear friends for years. They used to do book distribution together. I knew that she would find a way to calm her down. So, Vrindavana Vilasini felt so inspired by Srila Prabhupada at that moment that she went close to Mula's ear and said, "Mula, just


surrender and Srila Prabhupada will breathe for you." And immediately Mula Prakrti just calmed down, and she was focused again on Srila Prabhupada, because she had said just a week before . . . Everyone had been reading to her different pastimes of Krsna and Radharani, which were wonderful pastimes, but she said to me, "That is not my mood, Sangita." I asked, "What is your mood, Mula? Do you want to hear about Srila Prabhupada?" She replied, "Yes." And I asked, "Would it be okay if we read Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta to you?" And she agreed, "Nice," with this big smile, the famous Mula smile.




Vrindavana Vilasini, our Godsister, knew exactly what to say at that moment: "Just surrender and Srila Prabhupada will breathe for you." Then we bathed her with Radha-kunda water. I just had this feeling that she was going leave within a few minutes, and I wanted her nicely prepared to greet Srila Prabhupada. For the last two weeks we had kept telling her, "When Srila Prabhupada is ready, he will come for you. You may think that you are ready, but he knows when you are ready. And when he is ready, he will come for you." So I just had this feeling that it was going to be that morning, because of her symptoms. Actually, the night before, I had prayed to the painting of Srila Prabhupada over her bed. The devotees were chanting in her room, and I prayed, "Srila Prabhupada, please come for her." And I just had this feeling; I knew that Srila Prabhupada was communicating to me, "You cannot summon me. You cannot summon me. When I am ready to come, I will come." So it taught me a lesson in patience as well.




That morning I bathed her in Radha-kunda water and got her dressed, and we decided to sit her up so she could breathe more easily. We propped her up with pillows around her. I was listening with my stethoscope to hear her heartbeat, and her eyes started to roll back.


I immediately said to her daughter, "Go get your father and your brothers. Go get them right now," because it looked like that time.




There were maybe five women in the room. It was amazing how Krsna arranged that some of the devotees who were closest to her, who most wanted to be there at that time, were unable to be present. But this handful of women were able to be there and witness this great event. So, we do not know how we can plan for these things; in the end Krsna makes the arrangement who is there and who is not there to witness such a thing.




Anyway, I was holding her up, and her daughter ran and got her father and one brother. I was chanting in her left ear the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, and Vrindavana Vilasini was chanting in her right ear.




Her husband walked in, and when he saw her condition he immediately rose to the occasion to perform his last duties as her husband. He was amazing. At that moment he detached himself materially and knew just what to do for her spiritually. He had a silver tray already


prepared with auspicious items. He placed tulasi and caranamrta in her mouth. I said, "Gopa, we need Vrndavana dust." He handed it to me, and I sprinkled some in her mouth. Her mouth opened and quivered, which is an auspicious sign that she was going back to Godhead, and you could just feel the presence of Srila Prabhupada in that room. We


had said to her, "Srila Prabhupada will come for you when he is ready." Those words will always stay with me; I do not think I really understood what I had been saying until that moment. Srila Prabhupada came for her. You could feel his presence in the room. In fact, I


felt that the room was very crowded. There was so much going on at the same time -- holding her up and trying to hear her heartbeat and feel her pulse and at the same time chanting in her ear -- it just seemed like the room was very, very crowded with many great


personalities hovering above. It was very crowded. It is hard to explain. I looked up for a moment from all the things that I was doing and saw only a handful of women at the foot of her bed, but there were great personalities there to help her on her journey. And


Srila Prabhupada was definitely there. There was no doubt that he came for her. It was a glorious moment. It felt as if the room had opened up, as if the whole sky, the material sky, had opened up for this one jiva to leave this material world and go back to Godhead.




We were all crying because of course we would miss her personally, but we understood that there was this great kirtana going on, on the other side -- in Krsnaloka there was this amazing party happening -- and that Srila Prabhupada was there in his true form. She was so fortunate that she was getting to see Srila Prabhupada in his spiritual form and that he was reintroducing her to Radha and Krsna. So it gave us some solace at that moment. We were crying and laughing and crying and laughing. The emotions were just running. It was such a transcendental event. It was Srila Prabhupada's lila, and I felt extremely grateful to Srila Prabhupada for allowing me to take part in it.




Anyway, I mainly wanted to share that story, not to dwell so much on other stories from the '70s, because it is so clear that Srila Prabhupada is still with us. Srila Prabhupada once told Indradyumna Swami that when we go back to Godhead, "I stand in the middle, and


Krsna is on one side of me, and you are on the other side of me, and I take Krsna's hand, and I take your hand, and I join them together." So this is going home, back to Godhead. And I just want to encourage everyone that if we just continue with this process, continue to


follow Srila Prabhupada's instructions, continue to just hang in there through the trials and tribulations, Srila Prabhupada will give us strength to get through it. He will give us the words when we need them. He is everything. His mercy is all that we are.




So, when we relate to each other we can understand, "You are also Vaisnava. Please accept my obeisances. You are representing Srila Prabhupada as well. Everyone is a representative of Srila Prabhupada if they are following his instructions."




I do not want to speak of Srila Prabhupada as being only in the past, and I get very disturbed when I hear devotees speaking of "when he was here." He is here. He is here. Of course, we miss his personal association. That is what makes this a very bittersweet day. We miss


his personal association tremendously, and that will always be there.




I cannot believe that it has been all these years, because I remember the moment that I heard he left the planet. I immediately thought, "What is going to happen to me?" Because I was so selfish, I thought, "What is going to happen to me?" Then I thought, "What is


going to happen to ISKCON now that he is not here?" Now after all these years I am asking different questions. I am asking, "Srila Prabhupada, please tell me what I can do for you for the last part of my life." This is like the sprint at the end of the race, and I just pray to him all the time. He has given me a mission in Vrndavana, and for that I am extremely grateful.




I do not know what else to say. Srila Prabhupada is here, he is with us, and he gives us guidance. Please have faith and pray to him, because he did not go anywhere. He is still with us spiritually.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada.




Sangita devi dasi


(Author and President, Vaisnavas Care)

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  • 1 month later...

I Came To Remind You



Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja at the Hilo Temple.

Hilo, Hawaii: February 4, 2005 am

Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja





When I first arrived here, I remembered Mula-prakriti.* [see Endnote] She was very kind. She served her Gurudeva, Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja, so much; and in her relationship with him she also served me so much. She revealed to the entire world my relationship with Srila Swami Maharaja, and my service to him. She did this not only by speaking, but she also published two books: “My Siksa Guru and Priya Bandhu” and “Srila Prabhupada, A Friend to All.” Now, so many people throughout the world know about our relationship. If anyone wants to know about it, they must read these books.


Mula-prakriti also translated and published a transcription of the last meeting of Srila Swami Maharaja and myself. That transcription reveals how he was weeping in affection for me, and it reveals what he ordered me to do. So I am indebted to her; I cannot repay her.


I have come here only to remind all of you throughout the world, what Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja has taught, what Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura have taught, and what Srila Rupa Gosvami and our guru-parampara have taught.


Srila Swami Maharaja preached all over the globe in only a couple of years. It is very wonderful that he traveled everywhere in that short time; not only in various countries, but on mountains and on islands in the midst of oceans – like here in Hilo. He used to write books in Honolulu. I have followed his example, and thus I am also writing there.


I came only to remind you of what he has told. For example, he taught us the following two Srimad-Bhagavatam verses:


labdhva su-durlabham idam bahu-sambhavante

manusyam artha-dam anityam apiha dhirah

turnam yateta na pated anu-mrtyu yavan

nihsreyasaya visayah khalu sarvatah syat


[“After many, many births and deaths one achieves the rare human form of life, which, although temporary, affords one the opportunity to attain the highest perfection. Thus a sober human being should quickly endeavor for the ultimate perfection of life as long as his body, which is always subject to death, has not fallen down and died. After all, sense gratification is available even in the most abominable species of life, whereas Krsna consciousness is possible only for a human being.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 11.9.29)]


nr-deham adyam su-labham su-durlabham

plavam su-kalpam guru-karnadharam

mayanukulena nabhasvateritam

puman bhavabdhim na taret sa atma-ha


[“The human body, which can award all benefit in life, is automatically obtained by the laws of nature, although it is a very rare achievement. This human body can be compared to a perfectly constructed boat having the spiritual master as the captain and the instructions of the Personality of Godhead as favorable winds impelling it on its course. Considering all these advantages, a human being who does not utilize his human life to cross the ocean of material existence must be considered the killer of his own soul.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.20.17)]


We are all very fortunate that we now have a human form; you should not think that it is very easy to obtain. Even demigods want to be humans in this world, for in this human form we can realize our transcendental nature and form. Our true religion, our constitutional dharma or function, is to serve Sri Krsna and Srimati Radhika, especially in the highest mood – the mood of the gopis.


aradhyo bhagavan vrajesa-tanayas tad-dhama vrndavanam

ramya kacid upasana vraja-vadhu-vargena va kalpita

srimad bhagavatam pramanam amalam prema pum-artho mahan

sri-caitanya mahaprabhor matam idam tatradarah na parah


[“The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the son of Nanda Maharaja, is to be worshiped along with His transcendental abode, Vrndavana. The most pleasing form of worship for the Lord is that which was performed by the gopis of Vrndavana. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the spotless authority on everything, and pure love of God is the ultimate goal of life for all men. These statements, for which we have the highest regard, are the opinion of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.” (Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura)]


In this human form you can serve Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, and you can have association of high class Vaisnavas. The world is never devoid of that kind of sadhu. Somehow or other they are always present; otherwise the world would be in a hopeless condition. There is no purpose in this world without the presence of pure devotees. Great devotees like Sri Narada and Srila Vyasadeva are traveling in many forms, but we cannot recognize them. Therefore, in this human form, before death comes – without delay, at once, not tomorrow and not today, but just now – take initiation from an elevated guru. Under his guidance, try to follow the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Rupa Gosvami. Then your life will thus be successful.


Enjoyment of life through sense gratification is present everywhere in this world. But don’t waste a moment; follow all the spiritual master’s instructions. Take out all your desires for sense gratification and throw them into the Pacific Ocean. From today, try to serve Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. We don’t know when death will come; within a moment the tsunami tidal waves may come.


So don’t be engaged in sense gratification. If you will be a hog, pig or donkey, you can easily have all opportunities for sense gratification. Why are you so worried for this? Rather, life is meant to be engaged in Lord Krsna’s service.


Srimad Bhagavatam states:


vasudeve bhagavati

bhakti-yogah prayojitah

janayaty asu vairagyam

jnanam ca yad ahaitukam


[“By rendering devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, one immediately acquires causeless knowledge and detachment from the world.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.7)]


If you are chanting the powerful holy name and hearing hari-katha from the lotus mouth of a Vaisnava, if you are really listening to the recitation of the glories of Krsna and chanting from the core of your heart, detachment from the world and the intoxication of lust and material desire will at once go away. Moreover, all kinds of tattva-jnana, transcendental realized knowledge of your relation with Krsna, and prema-bhakti will come.


If lust is not going and you are endeavoring to marry five or six times, or even nine times, then what is this? It is nonsense. One marriage is sufficient, and after that you should become detached through hari-katha. This instruction is not only for gentlemen, but for ladies also. They are also not free to marry one-hundred times. For the rest of your life, your time should be given to krsna-bhajana; then your life will be successful.


Srila Swami Maharaja has told all these things, not in these exact words but in other words, for this is the essence of all the Vedic literatures including Srimad-Bhagavatam. Why can you not remember this? After my previous departure from here, why did you become weak? Don’t be weak.


Try not to marry at all. I have given you in marriage to Lord Krsna Himself. Why search for a mortal, lusty husband, engaged in bogus things – a rascal. I am not saying the word rascal; Srila Swami Maharaja is saying it.


I request you all to give your energy, for the rest of your life, to Krsna Consciousness; and help others also. Try not to be engaged in sense gratification and all other bogus activities, and don’t worry for your maintenance. If Lord Krsna can maintain all birds, trees and everyone else, why will He not maintain us?


If sufferings are coming without calling for them, why will happiness not also come? Krsna will personally beg on your behalf, and he will bring you all your necessities. So why are you worried? These are very powerful words.


Also, please make a schedule for our classes, announcing who will speak in the morning and afternoon. In the evening I will come. During this week-long hari-katha festival, you will not have to cook. Cooking, offering the foodstuffs to Krsna and serving the prasadam are automatically going on, and your only responsibility will be to sit down and have prasadam. Padmanabha Maharaja, Asrama Maharaja, Srauti Maharaja and others, and also local persons – qualified devotees like Mahibharata – should speak. I am very happy to meet with so many devotees after so long. I’m happy that so many of you have come from so far – even from India.


One last thing; I want to invite you all to come to Navadvipa. This year we will perform a new parikrama in a new place. I want mrdanga players and kirtaneers like Sravana Kumar, Krsna-Caitanya and Radhanatha; kirtaneers like Puspadanta. I want at least 1,000 devotees from Western countries to come to Navadvipa. This is a new thing; we are arranging for the building of a new temple so that all devotees can be accommodated, and you will have to help with that project.


Gaura Premanande!


[*Endnote: Mula-prakriti dasi is one of the senior disciples of Srila Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. She was one of his first book distributors, and she taught others around the world how to distribute his books. It was she and her husband who founded the Badger (New Vraja) community in California, and who first invited Srila Narayana Maharaja to go there during his first world tour in 1996. It was she and her husband who established the temple in Hilo, Hawaii, and on Srila Narayana Maharaja's first visit there two years earlier, he said upon his arrival, "This temple was made by the tears of Mula-prakriti. She passed from this world in the holy land of Vrndavana, India in the summer of 2004, amidst the kirtana of loving devotees.]



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