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Help for a devotee soldier in Iraq

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This is a letter from a devotee soldier in Iraq who is preaching to the soldiers in his camp. He needs desperately any extra bead bags, books, CD's anything Krishna Conscious related to distribute.

I think as devotees we should all help him out and spread Krishna Consciousness to all those soldiers in Iraq.

maybe various temples could take up some kind of collection of various items we may all have laying around and send it out together.






ISKCON Iraq: The preaching has begun

by Jaya Govinda das

Posted July 12, 2004




Lord Caitanya's mercy has spread to Camp Anaconda, where fourteen soldiers gathered last night to chant the maha-mantra and take some prasadam (sent to me by the good devotees of New Vrndavana).


One of the soldiers attending the gathering was none other than my unit chaplain, who I've been slowly cultivating over the last couple months). Chaplain "L" (we'll call him Chaplain "L" for safety reasons) is a very educated and open-minded Roman Orthodox, who happens to be going through some "faith issues" at the present


He has found new comfort and assurance in the Bhagavad-Gita, though he feels a bit guilty from time to time, as he doesn't want to lose his faith in the Holy Bible. After all, he's belonged to that "club" for thirty some-odd years. I encourage him to embrace the teachings of Lord Jesus, but not to let those teachings limit him to a sectarian mindset.


It's funny, though. The chaplain, whose sole purpose in the Army is to provide spiritual guidance and morale to the troops around him, is questioning his own faith and finding solace in Prabhupada's Gita. Amazing!


A small group of ultra-"born-agains" (including one guy who told me I'm going to hell because I have tattoos) have accepted defeat in the argument of vegetarianism in the Bible, but only one has decided to apply it, which brings the number of vegetarian recruits to three (the other two being Chaplain "L" and another guy who couldn't come up with a reason not to try it).


There's a group of Indian contractors who live on the camp, and we've been having weekly meetings for the past few months. They all eat meat, but they like to have me over for some chanting and bartering. We've had to improvise with various tools for kartalas, but the holy name is there.


One Iraqi man on who works on-post turned out to be an amazing artist who paints portraits for some extra cash. I gave him a picture of Srila Prabhupada and a picture of Krsna, and he painted them beautifully. He told me he spent half the day just looking at the picture of Krsna to soak up every detail. Glory to Allah!


So, the preaching is going on, by Prabhupada's mercy, and the mercy of the devotees who have supported our mission here. (My godbrother, Partha Sarathi prabhu, is also doing some much needed preaching at his base).


I'm calling on all devotees to help. If anyone has anything they can spare to assist in spreading Krsna consciousness to the soldiers here, it would be a remarkable service. We've all heard people saying "support the troops." Well, this is the best way we can support these guys. There are people dying over here, and we might be their last chance.


If anyone could help, I could use books, devotional CDs, prasadam (non-perishable, obviously), beads/bags, and anything else you think would be useful.


My mailing address is:



King, Justin B.

C Co. 29th SIG. BN.

Camp Anaconda

APO AE 09391


Mail takes about two weeks from the US. You can write me with any questions or comments at: jayagovinda@msn.com. Thank you. I appreciate your help, and so do the troops.

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he is a mechanic, and we do not know why he is in the service, maybe it was to have help go to school. But I don't think we have any right to judge someone elses situation when we know nothing about him. He is over there spreading the message of krishna Consciousness for goodness sakes! Maybe it was Krishnas plan for him to go there and preach to other soldiers.

Please don't judge others, I highly doubt he WANTS to be there, but in the middle of Iraq he is preaching, He could be out there drinking, eating meat, sleeping around, but instead he is doing devotional service in the middle of the desert in a war!

Thats a devotee if you ask me.


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he is there to stop the Iraqi's from being tortured by Saddam.


To get into a debate of this nature totally misses the point. Why are any of us in the material world?


Useless mind games. The oppurtunity is amazing. I took advantage of it today and am very happy for it. Sent 4 gita's and a mala. Small time? You bet. So what?

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I don't even know this devotee except from reading his posts on Chakra, but I know he will be so excited about receiving these gitas and some beads!

You will receive much mercy from Krishna for helping spead KC!

Anyone else want to help out?

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We must help these bhakta's with whatever support they ask for.



by Partha Sarathi das


Posted July 15, 2004


As you have read from my godbrother, Jaya Govinda prabhu, the holy name of Krishna has made it to the war-ravaged land of Iraq. There is so much preaching to be done.


I have found that a lot of Iraqis are favorable. They are curious to see an American praying on japa beads, and the soldiers are especially receptive. My command has asked me to explain Krishna consciousness to them and they are amazed at the beliefs. I was in the gym exercising when I saw some senior members of my unit. A few asked me what was playing in my iPod. I responded with "Hare Krishna bhajans, Sir." To my amazement, he asked to hear, then afterwards told me that in his college days he used to go to an ISKCON temple for Sunday feasts.


Krishna says that He is found where devotees are describing His glories or chanting His name. Therefore by His mercy the conditioned souls are starting to awaken their dormant love for Krishna. It's amazing, because most people can realize this here -- that we are all servants of God. I spend most of my "down time" talking with people about what love of God is, based on Srila Prabhupada's books.


Lord Caitanya's wish was to see Krishna consciousness in every town and village. Iraq isn't a fully Krishna conscious country, but the seed has been planted.






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