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Narottama dasa : “Since I have now surrendered unto You, I no longer have any fears"

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hari hari! ki mora karama abhaga

biphale jivana gela hrdaye rahila sela

nahi bhela hair-anuraga


O Lord Hari! Alas My own misdeeds have made me an unfortunate wretch. There is an intense pain of having wasted my life by not developing love for You, which remains and grows in my heart.


yajna dana tirtha-sthana punya-karma japa dhyana

akarane saba gela mohe

bujhilama mane hena upahasa haya jena

vastra hina alankara dehe


My Sacrifice, charity, bathing at holy places, pious activities, chanting mantras and meditation are all useless and like an illusion. These religious activities are just jokes, or like ornaments an a naked body.


sadhu-mukhe kathamrta suniya bimala citta

nahi bhela aparadha-karana

satata asat-sanga sakali haila bhanga

ki kariba aile samana


Even after hearing the nectarean topics of Krsna, my mind is still not purified because of my offenses. I always associate with non-devotees, and thus break all moral principles of life. What will I do when death comes to me?



sruti smrti sada rabe suniyachi ei sabe

hari-. abhaya sarana

janama laya sukhe krsna na balinu mukhe

na karinu se rupa-bhavana


I have heard that srutis and smrtis declared that we should take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Hari which grant fearlessness, but still I never chanted the holy name of Lord Krsna or meditated on His beatiful form.



radha-krsna dunha-paya tanu mana rahu taya

ara dure jauka basana

narottama dase kaya ara mora nahi bhaya

tanu mana sampinu apana


Now I will fix my mind and body at the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna and my material desires will be vanquished. Narottama dasa says, “Since I have now surrendered unto You, my Lord, I no longer have any fears”


Prarthana – Song 8 by Srila Narottama dasa Thakura

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Radhika Carana-Renu




Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura



The Dust of the Lotus Feet of Sri Radhika


(Sri Prema-bhakti-candrika 9)



radhika carana-renu, bhusana kariya tanu,

anayase pabe giridhari

radhika-caranasraya ye kare se mahasaya,

tan 're mui yaon balihari


One who adorns his body with the dust of the lotus feet of Srimati Radhika will easily get Lord Giridari. By taking the lotus feet of Srimati Radhika as his asraya or sole refuge, he becomes an exalted devotee - to him I say, "Excellent! Bravo!"



Jaya jaya 'radha' nama, vrndavana yan'ra dhama,

krsna-sukha-vilasera nidhi

hena radha-guna-gana, na sunila mora kana,

vanchita karila more vidhi


All glories to Sri Radha whose divine abode is Vrndavana! She is the wealth of Krsna's blissful pastimes. If my ears never hear such glories as Radha's, then I have been cheated by the hands of fate.



tan'ra bhakta-sange sada, rasa-lila prema-katha,

yena kare se paya ghanasyama

ihate vimukha yei, ta'ra kabhu siddhi nai,

nahi yena suni ta'ra nama


One who is always in the association of devotees who hear about and discuss prema-katha, topics on divine love, such as the rasa-lila pastimes in Vrndavana, he will get the lotus feet of that Krsna whose bodily hue is like a dark-blue monsoon cloud. He who is adverse to hearing and discussing these topics, will never achieve the goal of life, nor do I ever want to hear his name.



krsna-nama-gane bhai, radhika-carana pai,

radha-nama-gane krsna-candra

samksepe kahinu katha, ghucao manera vyatha,

duhkhamaya anya katha-dvandva


O brothers! By chanting Krsna's names, one can get Radhika's lotus feet; and by chanting Radha's names one can get the moonlike Lord Krsna. In a few brief words I have told what gives relief to this aching heart - other talks are simply full of misery with conflicting words and thoughts.


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