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spiritual master is the sum total of all demigods..why?

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Demigods represent different qualities of Sri Hari. All demigods taken together represent the opulence of Sri Hari. It's also said that Guru is directly Hari Himself. Hari is all the demigods combined. Not that Hari or the Guru are on the level of the demigods. All right?

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Found this quote for you. It's from from the book Sri Prabhandavali, A Collection of Devotional Essays

by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja.


In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.17.27), Sri Krsna says:


acaryam mam vijaniyan

navamanyeta karhicit

na martya-buddhyasuyeta

sarva-deva-mayo guruh


"One should know the guru as the asraya-vigraha and non-different from Me. One should never disrespect him or attribute faults to him by perceiving him with material vision, for he is the embodiment of all the demigods."


There are numerous demigods and goddesses, and amongst them Brahma, Visnu, and Mahesa are primary. The guru is the embodiment of Brahma, the embodiment of Visnu, and also the embodiment of Mahesa. He is compared to Brahma because just as Brahma creates this world, the guru creates bhakti by sowing the seed of devotion in our hearts. Visnu is the maintainer, and Gurudeva is he who maintains our bhakti. As long as we haven't attained the stage of prema he continues to strengthen our devotion. As conditioned souls, we cannot even imagine how much endeavor he makes for even one disciple. And as Mahesa is the destroyer, the guru destroys all of our anarthas and aparadhas. This is why the guru is said to be the embodiment of all the demigods.


Pretty clear, huh?



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Because the guru is so loved by Krsna, he is worshipped as good as God. His every desire is fulfilled, whether by Krsna directly or by Krsna's serving demigods. Whatever is available from the demigods is available through the mercy of guru because he is beloved of Krsna. What Krsna wants, guru wants. What guru wants, Krsna wants. Therefore the demigods always serve the desire of guru. He is a fountain of all the demigods' prowess.


Paramatma, Ksirodakashayi Vishnu presents Himself through the guru. He is served by all demigods. Therefore the guru is the embodiment of all the demigods, not to mention Paramatma, Krsna Himself.


Therefore, you should find a job and save enough money to visit your guru. The work will be blessed and purified by your desire. It is time to stand and fight, Arjuna. You will always be happy you made the journey. You will be devastated if you do not.


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Clear. Complicated isn't it.


Yes need to find good job. Work now samadhi later. I have worked in my life. But well off-topic I know. I just don't seem to know what kind of job suits me. I've only done factory work in my life {I find it soul-wretching}. And I worked in a Casino {which I actually enjoyed at the time}. It was always different. I am not very outgoing person. Though I am freindly person. Just want a job I will stick to. I've been thinking about Sales Man {selling windows} Not cold-calling. What do you think?

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It will be worth anything to see guru in these last years. It doesn't matter what you do. Paramatma, guru will place you properly. Life is different now. You can learn the lessons of Bhagavad-gita anywhere. I am now just a security guard where I get to chant and read and visit Audarya all night long. It doesn't pay much, but then it doesn't interfere with my life too much either. You will always remember the visit to guru as you work and save money. It will be a labour of love no matter where you are. We all have to be somewhere. And you are there to visit your gurudeva. What could be more wonderful?

Make it all part of the journey and it will all be miraculous.




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I once worked as a security guard I used to take Gita and read it a little, it was ok until I got sacked for no reason, but i was doing 2 jobs at the time. I was also very addicted to Alcohol and Cigs. And was begging Krishna on hands and feet to help me give up my addiction. Well...no money...no drugs. I stopped now for about 8 months. This listening to devotees is a good thing. I am begginging to listen more to advice. Also I've sort of preached to 2 persons about Krishna in . I didn't even contact them they just PM'ed me. Very curious. {preaching involved me giving e-mail, one devotee was a Brahmin in Orissa!}. I think I have more impetues to work now. I hope Krsna has something great planned for me....anything small, but meeting Guru is what I need.

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