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Let's talk about ... sex !?

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"So, we may say that this transgender is significant for us now, why? Because, one, we can have another fragmentation in the movement now, if we’re not careful, and it’s somewhat occurring. It is important (in) that we have a larger percentage of gays in the movement than in society. One reason is that many gays are people who are ready to be celibate for lifetime—they’re attracted to priestlyhood—priestly class of society—as well as you’ll find a large percentage of gays amongst nuns and priests. Not that they came into the order, and then they started getting introduced to such activities, and then somehow became gay just based on some association, any more than people in general do not just become gay just based on some kind of an involvement or association, although some do. As we look more and more at how to make the world Krsna conscious, we look also more and more at how to make ourselves Krsna conscious, we look more and more at how to recognize that whatever we have in this time is part of our karma from previous lives, and how to use it."



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i didn't read that part... anyway i don't really know, i posted this because of some interesting part regarding sex in married life...


maybe BT swami is right about gay people in the movement... i know several gay devotees so... one of them is one of my best friends.

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You just don't often notice it when just attending temple functions but when you become more familiar they start to stand out.


I disagree with the swami about their beong ready to remain "celibate for lifetime". Some could be, as they are individuals, but I don't think in significant numbers. I just think they are more frustrated living in a heterosexualy based society at large and are seeking an escape form their torment. Nothing wrong with that choice as frustration in various forms is common to all irregardless of of being homo or hetero.


But when the initial zeal becomes tempered down a little and some realism sets in, the hetero has a place within the Krishna Conscious society to marry and produce Krsna conscious kids. God has not given a similar choice for those suffering from gender confusion. So they often get caught up in illict affairs. Heteros fall into the same trap when they refuse to accept the marriage plan and either pretend to be remaining celibate or become known debauchies and open scoundrels (the hole I fell quickly into). Part-time celibates /images/graemlins/wink.gif


I will leave aside the issue of pedophiles becoming priests to be around children.


As to a split in the movement that will only occur,and IS I believe, because homsexuals want to creat a separate ashram for themselves mimicking the arrangement that exists for the hetero community and pretend in is another form of grhastra life. It is not. These divisions are God given not man made.


If homo's would simply acknowledge their problem as a problem and stop trying to flaunt it and if the hetero devotees could remain understanding then I see no reason why they couldn't find their place in the congregation.


The congregation doesn't have to be homogenized(sorry bad pun)into all accepting homosex as a viable alternative and therefore accepting the behavior but the doors to kirtan must remain open to all souls. With the exception of those intent on causing dissention.


There is a trick to this I picked up from that novel Shogun that was out a long time ago. In it the main character is wondering how the Japanese people can maintain their cohesiveness and a sense of privacy while living so close to each other. He was told they have developed the art of "seeing without seeing". I believe the Buddhists call this the "sidelong glance" or something like that.


I think we need to develop this way of viewing the mishaps of others for our own protection while remaining free from becoming overly critical.


Afterall we must remeber that when we speak of homosexuals or heterosexuals we are speaking of a set of behavior patterns that have taken on the appearance of a living being.


The soul proper is not a part of either lifestyle. But some behavior patterns are conducive to progress in yoga while others remain detrimental to it. No amount of social manipulation is going to change that.


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You have nicely written..I do agree..But onething anyone should remember..None is born perfect and each one tries to acheive perfection in their personal life and one should constantlly strive to follow the principles established in religion. When he or she knows that something is against the principles, its better to avoid atleast from the day they start realising it rather than convincing themselves as its okay for some time and let me change later..Whether homo or hetero, once an individual decides to start preach Gita to others, first that individual must observe and practice either by being celebate if not married, or have a proper marital life as described with religious values. ONe who does not practice himself or herself, but nicely preach others will anyway get punished and exposed by God at sometime which is obviously evident by people who got exposed like Muktananda (Hetero) or satya sai baba (pedophile).

INvariably I have been observing this in society either in large scale (if they have influenced larger group of people) or in smaller scale (if they have onlly few followers). But getting punished is for sure and this is the Law of Karma.

So as long as one remembers that God is something for fun to play around..well he or she pays for their actions.

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