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I am suffering from a mental disease...

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I am suffering from a mental disease...

07/16/04 04:53 AM


Psychiatrists are humbug, all humbug. They cannot help. Best thing is to be engaged in CONTINUOUSLY chanting and hearing Sankirtana, that will cure anyone of mental disease.


(Prabhupada. "Letter to Upendra". February 19, 1972)



The key word here is CONTINUOUSLY...

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  • 9 months later...

All the time, non-stop,

without cessation, forever more,

On and on and on...the Holy Name has taken root in the citta/heart and manifests it's full glory as Krsna Himself- dancing and playing the 5th note on His Venu...


There is nothing but Krsna and His divine lila.

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  • 7 months later...

After chanting Hare Krsna for years, having visited the Holy Dhamas, hearing Krsna-katha from pure sadhus, taken Krsna Maha-prasad, read Srimad Bhagavatam,etc....I'll stoop so low as to take shelter in something like psychotherapy?


It would be like for me to eat my own vomit, the vomit I threw up back in 1979 when I went to see a psychotherapist ....!?

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That's all. I suffer from depressionaization as well. I listen to kirtans, well mainly listen cause i am so lazy.


Urm why don't you think maybe or could be doing something like i.e like offences to holy names? Can i say that in public forum that a devotee maybe commiting offences to holy name, when I myself commit day in day out?! But it's true na. Unless your nOT commiting offences then you will get what yr looking for. AT this point i like to paste something a devotee sent me. I don't have his permssion to paste, but paste now ask later is my motto: hahaha:



Krsna says in the Gita that from Him come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfullness. So, for the devotee who is still conditioned and practicing vaidhi bhakti, our Krsna Consciousness is greatly tied to the mercy of the Paramatma. But when we have understood that we are not the body and start to chant purely ( nama bhasa ), then love of Godhead ( ruci, bhava, prema ) is coming from Krsna, not Paramatma. Paramatma does not give Krsna prem. That can only come from the rupa of Lord Krsna. Paramatma can give cit shakti but not ananda. Ananda comes from a spontaneous relationship with Krsna in Gokula ( raganuga bhakti). So, the awakening of Krsna prem comes by the mercy of Sri Gokulananda who is pleased with the surrender of His devotee. Entering into direct service of the Godhead is awarded to those who have unalloyed enthusiasm for the service of Radha and Krsna, which comes from years and years of chanting Hare Krsna under the guidance of the pure devotee. According to Lord Chaitanya, there is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way. He states this three times emphatically. When something is repeated three times, it is understood to be of paramount importance. So, chanting Hare Krsna is both the means and the end. Gradually, step by step, our karma is being burned up ( past, present and future seeds), and the purely effulgent self is becoming uncovered from the modes of material nature. We are becoming sense controlled and self situated ( atmarama) within the body ( city of nine gates). As our consciousness becomes detached from the modes of nature, it simultaneously becomes attached to the transcendental sound vibration of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, which directly manifests both our original consciousness and the Divine land of Vrndavana. Without this higher taste of transcendence, no one can remain detached from matter very long. We cannot be without some engagement for very long. Either we are engaged in sense gratification or we are engaged in direct transcendental loving service. No one can remain without engagement, although the impersonalists think they can.

-Mahashakti dasa

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I am too much of a materialist to take shelter in Krsna although I can't help but have a lot of respect for what Prabhupada was trying to accomplish. I do agree with psychotherapy as I have seen it a lot of times just ends up being a lot of psychobabble imo. I guess some people benefit from it, who knows?

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"Best thing is to be engaged in continuously chanting and hearing Sankirtana, that will cure anyone of mental disease."



that is certainly a nice solution, but.... if you can find a person with a mental disease that can actually chant and hear Sankirtana CONTINUOUSLY, than let me know, because I have never met such a person, even among those considered sane.


most of the time they need BOTH... professional help and the medicine of the Holy Name.


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