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Mad Scientist Prof.Hawking U-Turn on Black Holes

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Hawking U-Turn on Black Holes


By Jennifer Sym, and John von Radowitz, Science Correspondent, PA News



Black holes don’t swallow their secrets forever – so “we can be sure of the past and predict the future”, renowned Cambridge mathematician Professor Stephen Hawking has claimed.


Prof Hawking has argued for almost 30 years that a black hole destroys everything that falls into it.


But he has now re-evaluated the theory – and his about-turn is said to have set the astrophysics community buzzing.


Speaking on BBC’s Newsnight last night, he said: “I’ve been thinking about this problem for the last 30 years, and I think I now have the answer to it.


“A black hole only appears to form but later opens up and releases information about what fell inside. So we can be sure of the past and predict the future.”


Black holes are regions in space where matter is compressed to such an extent that not even light can escape from their immense gravitational pull.


Nothing that disappears into a black hole is ever seen again – or so scientists thought.


Yet Prof Hawking demonstrated in 1976 that, under the strange rules of quantum physics, black holes were capable of radiating energy.


He calculated that once black holes form they effectively start to “evaporate” away – radiating energy and losing mass in the process.


But by conjuring up “Hawking radiation”, the mathematician, who is crippled by motor-neurone disease, also created one of the biggest conundrums in physics.


It is known as the “information paradox” and concerns the fate of what enters a black hole.


According to current theory, Hawking radiation contains no information about the matter inside a black hole, and once the black hole has evaporated, all the information within it is lost.


However this conflicts with a central tenet of quantum physics, which says that such information can never be completely wiped out.


He told Newsnight: “It used to be thought that once something had fallen into a black hole it was lost and gone forever, and the only information left behind was just mess and spin.


“But some time ago, I discovered black holes were not in fact black at all. They give off what is called Hawking Radiation.


“Because of this emission black holes lose mass and eventually evaporate completely. Hawking radiation appeared to be random and featureless so that information that fell in was lost.


“If information can be lost, it has important philosophical and practical consequences.


“We can never be sure of the past or predict the future precisely. A lot of people wanted to believe that information escaped from black holes but they didn’t know how it could get out.”


Prof Hawking has made a last-minute request to present his findings at the 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation in Dublin on July 21.


Curt Cutler, from the Albert Einstein Institute in Golm, Germany, who is chairing the meeting’s scientific committee, told New Scientist magazine: “He sent a note saying ‘I have solved the black hole. '



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A chap like me could never comprehend such things. One thing i can notice is how these black holes suck in all the intelligence of the world's scientists.


Now it appears they are hoping it will give it back in time. then they would at least be back where they started from.


Until then they appear to be just flirting with an odd type of voidism.


Now if they manage to connect their studies up with Krishna then the value would be there.


A realized Radha/Krsna Bhakta can reveal Radha Krsna in a stone. That's real vision. So if the scientists can show us Krsna in a black hole that we could applaud as great wisdom.



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