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India's ancient wisdom has inspired the world's scientific community

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No Conflict Between Science and Spirituality



July 11, 2004: An HPI reader sent us this article, but we have neither

the author nor the original URL, except that it appeared on the

Newindpress.com website.


Some educated Indians think that science is at loggerheads with

religion, relegating science to the laboratory and denigrating religion

to the level of superstition. The attempt to propagate this ideology

has far-reaching political and religious implications. It does a

disservice to all Indians, alienating them from the high respect for

the spiritual culture of India that is held by scientists and people of

all persuasions all over the world. Such ideologues are found to be

well informed neither about science, nor the Vedas. An American born

and educated seeker studied both science and Hinduism. He experienced

the experiments in American universities which attempted to bring arts

and humanities -- including religion -- together with science. In the

early seventies, he listened to Swami Chinmayananda, and discovered

Vedanta, then studying it under Swami Dayananda Sarawati for several

years. Four years ago, he moved to India, where the spiritual culture

further nurtured his wonder at this world. On finding the cynical, to

him deeply anti-Indian, ideology spread by some Indians, he culled some

interesting viewpoints from the world's leading scientists on the topic

of religion and science. For example:


Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901-1976), Nobel Laureate in physics "... one

cannot always distinguish between statements made by Eastern

metaphysics based on mystical insight, and the pronouncements of modern

physics based on observations, experiments and mathematical



Dr. Carl Sagan, (1934-1996) astrophysicist, "The Hindu religion is the

only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the

Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of

deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales

correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology. A millennium before

Europeans were willing to divest themselves of the Biblical idea that

the world was a few thousand years old, the Mayans were thinking of

millions and the Hindus billions."


Erwin Schroedinger (1887-1961), Nobel Laureate in physics wished to

see: "Some blood transfusion from the East to the West to save Western

science from spiritual anaemia."


Julius Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967), the developer of the atomic

bomb, studied Sanskrit and called the Gita "the most beautiful

philosophical song existing in any known tongue . . what we shall find

(in modern physics) is an exemplification, an encouragement, and a

refinement of old wisdom."


The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley, California,

has involved over 120 distinguished senior scientists in its dialogues,

demonstrating that scientists of Nobel caliber can also be people of

faith, and that those who are not traditionally religious can offer

insights of great value to religion.


Secularist ideologues who seek to create a conflict between science and

religion project an imaginary world that is quite different from the

natural world that exists. Even if such a world were possible. Nobody

could live happily in it. All previous experiments of societies towards

that end have failed dismally. India's ancient wisdom has inspired the

world's scientific community, which contradicts this bleak secularist


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In an interview on National Public Radio's show Fresh Air hosted by Terry Gross, Brian Green, author of the Elegant Universe, a current best seller on string theory said that as he discussed the subject with his brother his brother would say "Oh yes we know, that is in vedic book number three". Green was making reference to how his string concepts can be found in vedic texts. He also said his brother is a Hare Krnsa.


Even miss Gross was taken a little a back one could tell.


I wonder who his brother is?

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