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50 Qualities of Sri Krishna

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I don't remember where this comes from, these are fifty qualities of Sri Krishna... I can think of more qualities than this, though. Let's try to add to the list!!!



1 His body is very beautiful

2 It is marked with all the auspicious signs

3 Attractive

4 Powerful

5 Strong

6 Youthful

7 Knows many amazing languages

8 Truthful speaker

9 Pleasant speaker

10 Eloquent speaker

11 A great scholar

12 Very intelligent

13 Of quick wit in conversation, able to answer any challenge.

14 A skilled artist

15 Able to accomplish many tasks at once

16 Expert

17 A grateful person

18 Always keeps his promise

19 Knows the right time, place and circumstance for everything.

20 Sees through the eyes of scripture

21 Pure

22 Has full control over himself

23 Perseverant

24 Patient

25 Forgiving

26 Deep

27 Content

28 Equipoised

29 Charitable

30 Religious

31 Heroic

32 Compassionate

33 Respectful

34 Refined

35 Humble

36 Bashful, shy

37 He always protects those who have taken refuge in him.

38 He is happy

39 Beneficent to his devotee

40 Controlled by love

41 Brings auspiciousness to everyone.

42 Is terrifying to his enemies

43 Famous

44 Well-loved by the world

45 Inclined towards the saintly

46 Enchanting to all women

47 Worshipped by all

48 Very wealthy

49 Superior to all

50 The master.

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Besides all of the above-mentioned fifty qualities, Lord Krishna possesses five more, which are sometimes partially manifested in the persons of Lord Brahma or Lord Siva. These transcendental qualities are as follows: (51) changeless; (52) all-cognizant; (53) ever fresh; (54) sac-cid-ananda (possessing an eternal blissful body); (55) possessing all mystic perfections.


Krishna also possesses five other qualities, which are manifest in the body of Narayana, and they are listed as follows. (56) He has inconceivable potency. (57) Uncountable universes generate from His body. (58) He is the original source of all incarnations. (59) He is the giver of salvation to the enemies whom He kills. (60) He is the attractor of liberated souls. All these transcendental qualities are manifest wonderfully in the personal feature of Lord Krishna.


Besides these sixty transcendental qualities, Krishna has four more, which are not manifest even in the Narayana form of Godhead, what to speak of the demigods or living entities. They are as follows. (61) He is the performer of wonderful varieties of pastimes (especially His childhood pastimes). (62) He is surrounded by devotees endowed with wonderful love of Godhead. (63) He can attract all living entities all over the universes by playing on His flute. (64) He has a wonderful excellence of beauty which cannot be rivaled anywhere in the creation.


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