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Dr. Frog's Thesis

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Dr. Frog's Thesis


There was a well not far from the oceanside in which a frog had lived his whole life. Being foolish and proud, he considered the well to be his own property, and thought there was no better place for a frog to live. Indeed, the frog thought the well to be the whole world.


One day another frog happened to stumble into that well. The well-frog was surprised at this sudden visit of a strange frog from outer space. A discussion then ensued.


Well-frog: "Where do you come from?"


Visiting-frog: "From the oceanside."


W-f: "What is this, 'ocean'?"


V-f: "It is a vast body of water."


W-f: "Oh. Would you say it is up to half the size of my well?"


V-f: "Your well does not compare in any way to the size of the ocean. The ocean is unlimited."


The well-frog then gave a jump from one end of his well to the other. "See?" he said to the newcomer-frog. "I've just proven that nothing greater than this can exist."


The visiting frog's eyes bulged in astonishment. "You really believe that? I think you've been in this hole in the ground far too long. If you get out of here and see the ocean, then you'll know how insignificant your little well is in comparison."


The well-frog was irritated. "Why be so fanatical? I don't doubt that the ocean may be as large as my well. I'm not so narrow-minded as to declare my well to be the biggest body of water in all existence. Your boasting about the ocean is just unscientific. Look, I've just performed an experiment that demonstrates that nothing can be larger than this well. Now let's talk sense. There's water here, and there's water in your ocean. So certainly they must be of equal size. This is my strong conclusion. Give up this fanaticism and be reasonable."




There are scientists, philosophers and intellectuals everywhere who attempt to establish a standard of reality based upon their own limited powers of observation. All of them may be compared to Dr. Frog making his thesis on the maximum possible size of a body of water.



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W-f: "What is this, 'ocean'?"


V-f: "It is a vast body of water."


W-f: "Oh. Would you say it is up to half the size of my well?"


V-f: "Your well does not compare in any way to the size of the ocean. The ocean is unlimited."


The well-frog then gave a jump from one end of his well to the other. "See?" he said to the newcomer-frog. "I've just proven that nothing greater than this can exist."


The visiting frog's eyes bulged in astonishment. "You really believe that? I think you've been in this hole in the ground far too long. If you get out of here and see the ocean, then you'll know how insignificant your little well is in comparison."


The well-frog was irritated. "Why be so fanatical? I don't doubt that the ocean may be as large as my well. I'm not so narrow-minded as to declare my well to be the biggest body of water in all existence. Your boasting about the ocean is just unscientific. Look, I've just performed an experiment that demonstrates that nothing can be larger than this well. Now let's talk sense. There's water here, and there's water in your ocean. So certainly they must be of equal size. This is my strong conclusion. Give up this fanaticism and be reasonable."





First of all, the outsider frog says the ocean is unlimited. Meaning he sees no END to the ocean. However, the well-frog demonstrates his well can easily be crossed, whereas the ocean-frog's ocean CAN'T be easily crossed. So the well-frog's conclusion from his little "experiment" is illogical. He just demonstrated the INFERIORITY of his well compared to the ocean-frog.


So, being that this story makes no sense, the MORAL can't make much sense, at least within this context.

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No!, Scientists are not narrow minded, they do believe in infinity, truth etc. but, they just want to see those things are for themselves.


The real "narrow minded" people are the ones who take age old books as facts with out any type of study. They are called fanatics.


The really hardcore religious figures are the ones who say "This is all God's creation nothing else", the scientists are the ones who say "I see, now lets try to study this and truly find out at the base level what that is for ourselves and see what truly makes this world go around."


To believe in a book is okay, but to take it as a fact is wrong. Try to see the truth- whatever that maybe for yourself, then you will have a firm belief in what you are believing




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there is nothing wrong with crediting all of creation to God. That's not hardcore fanticism. What's fanatic are those who believe God's creation is beyond the level of comprehension and it's a waste of time to even try.

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Grandfather bullfrog sat in his well as his grandson approached.


"Grandfather, I just saw a huge bull, so very very large!"


The grandfather bullfrog puffed himself up to twice normal size. "Was it as big as this?"


"Oh no, grandfather, much much bigger!"


The grandfather then puffed himself up to ten times normal size and asked, "Was it this big?"


"Oh no, grandfather, much bigger".


The grandfather puffed himself up more and then more, and suddenly BOOM, he blew up, into little pieces red and green everywhere.


The mind, despite its arrogant notion that it is invincible, unconquerable, simply self-destructs when trying to capture God with its bucket of synapses. Afterwards such a learned mind is quick to add the God factor into every equation it develops. This is true science for life is more than fame in the intellectual journals or practical invention for easier living.


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there is nothing wrong with crediting all of creation to God. That's not hardcore fanticism. What's fanatic are those who believe God's creation is beyond the level of comprehension and it's a waste of time to even try.



I believe it is beyond our level to comprehend but it may not be a waste of time to try. When trying though one should erxperience an ever increasing sense of awe wonder and respect for the Lord. Which includes an understanding that even the ability to understand a drop came to you from Supersoul.


Simply thinking you are going to go to the lab and figure it all out is not only stupid but incredibly arrogant.

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I believe it is beyond our level to comprehend but it may not be a waste of time to try. When trying though one should erxperience an ever increasing sense of awe wonder and respect for the Lord. Which includes an understanding that even the ability to understand a drop came to you from Supersoul.



True comprehension is realization. God has many different aspects, in fact infinite. The mind will never know, yet somehow or other the heart already does. It needs only tangible confirmation. Such revealed knowledge has little if anything to do with "supersoul".


Excessive awe and respect based on fear actually becomes an impediment when a more personal relationship is desired. Revealed knowledge through love and mercy is entirely different from that obtained by study, particularly when the motivation is not to control others or manipulate the material energy for our advantage.

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