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Self autopsy - do your own autopsy before death

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Why wait? Get the nectarean details now. Why wait until you have left when only others will get the fun.


Absurdness? No not at all. Consider the meaning of the word.


Main Entry: au·top·sy



Etymology: Greek autopsia act of seeing with one's own eyes, from aut- + opsis sight, appearance


1 : an examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death or the character and extent of changes produced by disease

2 : a critical examination, evaluation, or assessment of someone or something past


Of course, our citical examination will be limited to an intellectual examination only.


Autopsy will reveal the actual nature of the body as it is. Prabhupada has referred to the physical forms in this world as "corpses flapping for awhile."


Have we taken the time to critically examine the nature of the corpse we now inhabit and animate?


Are we afraid to look with our own eyes to see for ourselves what is really going on?


Is it not odd that the same people who live for decades in such a corpse cannot bring themselves to look at one once the soul has left? Even if it is relatively fresh, that is before too much rot has set in?


Living in this condition is like being buried alive to the soul. We never were meant to be residents of the graveyard.

We fear our true identities as parts of God when that truth should be the cause of our bouncing off the walls with unrestrained joy.


Instead we choose to cling on to our corpses to the bitter end.


Let's reverse the scenario by performing the autopsy now and allowing the results of the autopsy be the cause of our dying to this world instead of the other way around for once.


Autopsy being a pre-mortem event instead a post-mortem one. By then it will have been too late...again.




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