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Lessons from geese flying in 'V' formation...

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This has nothing to do with any specific issue, it is only for fun

and reflection, following is a little witicism of wisdom:



We have lessons to learn even from the geese........


Lesson 1. When each goose flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird

following. By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds 71 percent

more to their flying range than as if each bird flew alone. People who

share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are

going more quickly and more easily because they are traveling on the

strength of one another.


Lesson 2: When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag

and resistance of trying to fly alone and quickly gets back into formation

to take advantage of the lifting power of the birds immediately in front. If

we have as much sense as geese have, we will join in formation and be

willing to accept help when we need it and give help when it is needed.


Lesson 3: When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back into formation and

another goose flies at the point position. It pays to take turns doing the

hard tasks and - with people, as with geese - sharing leadership

independently with one another and without resentment.


Lesson 4: Geese in formation work from behind (by honking) to encourage

those up front to keep up their speed. We need to make sure that our

honking from behind is encouraging - not something less helpful - like



Lesson 5: When a goose gets sick or wounded or shot down, two geese will drop

out of the formation and follow their members down to help with protection.

If we have as much sense as the geese, we'll stand by one another in

difficult times, just as they do

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My friend showed me that clip years ago. He never mentioned it again though, after I pointed out his problem with this part:


"Lesson 2: When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag

and resistance of trying to fly alone and quickly gets back into formation

to take advantage of the lifting power of the birds immediately in front. If

we have as much sense as geese have, we will join in formation and be

willing to accept help when we need it and give help when it is needed."


Seems power can be intoxicating and pride usually enters into it, too. "Friends" and family often have personal motives for keeping you in your place as supplental to their own agenda, likewise politicians and others of that ilk. Trust in God above all and take care of yourself, not depending on those who have proven undependable. That includes being true to yourself and honest with God, actually very similar when it comes right down to it. We do indeed reap what is sown, though usually not quite as anticipated.

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  • 6 months later...

Srila Prabhupada said that our love for him will be shown in how we co-operate together ...


Lesson 3: When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back into formation and

another goose flies at the point position.


It pays to take turns doing the

hard tasks and - with people, as with geese - sharing leadership

independently with one another and without resentment.


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So you think that humans are so much better than - for example - geese? Aren't humans also engaged in a struggle of life and death? Humans can make choices, alright, but how often do they make the right choice? And don't we also just "live out our lives"? Did we make any conscious decision to be what we are, what kind of body we are in, where we were born, how long we will live etc etc??? No sir! Humans any better than animals? Get over it! The animal kingdom functions 100% smoother than the mess we call "the human society". As such it is a direct reflection of God's greatness. We can learn so much from our "animal brothers"..... Get over your superiority complex, man!

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yes, human form of life is better than that of animals, that is - if you want to liberate yourself from this material world.


if you are content to be just a human animal - just eating, sleeping, mating and defending - there is no difference between you and the geese.


the smoothness of animal society is the smoothness of a pre-programmed show, where players have no choice at all. the mess of human society is the result of humans having the ability to choose.


on an absolute level (spiritual) there is no difference between us and animals - we are all spirit souls. but as soon as you mention our bodies - the differences emerge.


so... make the right choices and don't just live out your human life like an animal. the superiority is relative: some humans are no better then geese, but not all.

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Is human life so much better because we can create hell on earth? No species is known to kill their own kin - humans do it since time immemorial. Not only physically - also mentally people like to "kill" one another. Every day some "member" or "guest" gets eaten alife on this lofty forum...


Can you fly like a bird, and never crash down? Then you can say you are better than a goose or a swan!


Can you wrestle with a tiger or lion and be the victor? Then you can say you are superior to the lion!


Can you show as much loyalty to your superior as the dog shows to his master? Then you can say you are in any way superiour to a dog!


It's only the animal's fortune he isn't able to chant Hare Krsna. At least he doesn't act like any damn parrot. OOPS!

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"No species is known to kill their own kin"


not true at all. kanibalism is actually quite common, even among the cute little tadpoles


"Can you fly like a bird, and never crash down?"


even birds crash sometimes, get disoriented in flight etc.


"Can you wrestle with a tiger or lion and be the victor?


I can use my brain to outsmart them and kill them with an arrow. they use their skills I use mine.


"Can you show as much loyalty to your superior as the dog shows to his master?"


you obviously don't know my dog /images/graemlins/wink.gif



and as to mechanical chanting - I agree, most of the time I'm not better than a parrot...

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"Cannibalism is actually quite common, even among...."


You mean it sometimes occurs, probably. "Quite common" seems exaggerated to me. Lately I was surprised to see on tv how a band of chimpansees conjointly killed one of their group-members. First thing they did was rip off his genitals. Nature is cruel. "Cannibalism" refers to eating. I was referring to killing only.


Still I doubt whether humans can cooperate smoothly like the geese do in their natural innocense while flying in V-formation. Humans have the strange disorder to immediately seperate and form an independent faction from the rest. And fly their own course. Only when forced by circumstances people take refuge to one another and give up their seperate interests. Surrender their ego's, so to speak.

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