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Plutocrats vs Brahmanas

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In vedic teachings the brahmana plays an important position in society, more important then any other position. His job is to guide the rulers of society to act properly to enforce the rules of law that protect the rights of the people against those who would exploit them or hurt them.


In today's society this is needed more then in the past. Today anyone with money can gain power over others. The most oppressive violent abusive actions can be commited by the governments at the instigations of the moneyed class, today fascism rules over the world.


Fascism is the system of governing whereby the wealthiest people work hand in hand with the government for the purposes of the wealthiest people. It is government that is essentially a tool of the wealthiest people. Also known as plutocracy, fascism was originally coined by Mussolini, he called it corporatism. Both Mussolini and Hitler were fascists, althouth Hitler incorporated an almost totalitarian mode of fascism, fascism itself is an economic system, it can be kind or harsh in it's application.


The world today and the globilization empire of the corporate/banking elites exert a fascist control over all governments, those that will not submit are attacked either by direct military force or by covert violence or economic violence.


Of course there is no single cabal controlling it all, there are a few who dominate over the rest and fight amongst themselves. Basically there are those who back the dollar as the worlds reserve currency versus those who back the new euro as the worlds reserve currency who are the dominant forces in the world today.


The current debacle in Iraq is where this infighting is taking place. It has to do with Iraq breaking the U.S./OPEC agreement since 1973 that has all oil producing nations in agreement to accept only dollars for their oil


“Iraq was the first OPEC country, in November 2000, to convert its reserves from dollars to euros.


This was the first time an OPEC country dared violate the dollar price rule. Iraq also converted $10 billion of its currency reserves to euros. Since then the value of the Euro has increased, and the dollar has begun to decline.


Libya has been urging for some time that oil be priced in euros rather than dollars. Iran, Venezuela and other countries have indicated that they would denominate their petroleum trade in euros. During 2002 the majority of reserve funds in Iran’s central bank have been shifted to euros. Some in Saudi Arabia have called for switching to the euro as “a more effective punishment [than an oil embargo] for the United States, Israel’s principal source of financial and political support”. In October 2003, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia might price its oil in euros as well.


Since the oil trade is a central factor underpinning the dollar’s hegemony, all these are potentially very significant threats to the strength of US economy in particular, and the US global hegemony in general.”


(Dr. Bulent Gokay)



What this is about is who controls the worlds economy. In fact right now those who control the creation of dollars control the worlds economy. Dollars are fiat money. This means that dollars are not backed up with anything, they are created by printing them. It used to be that a nations currency had value on the world market depending on what backed that currency. If you had a dollar it was redeemable for a certain amount of gold, the money was backed by an actual commodity. Since 1973 the dollar has been taken off of the gold standard and it is backed by nothing. This enables those who control dollar creation to print dollars without restraint. Money made out of the cost of printing it.


This gives the dollar creators an advantage over everyone else because the dollar is the worlds defacto reserve currency.


In 1973 Kissinger made a secret deal with the Saudis, the Saudis then ensured that from then on OPEC {oil producing countries cartel} would accept only dollars for their oil.


This means that anyone who wants oil has to aquire dollars. The people who control the creation of dollars, control the worlds economy.


This means since dollars are created as fiat money, or with nothing to back it up, that the dollar creators can print money freely while the rest of the world has to trade something of value for the dollars they need to buy oil with.


Oil is not the only thing that dollars are needed for on the international marketplace. Debts to the IMF and other institutions are payable only in dollars as well.


A countries reserve currency is the currency they retain to service the dollar debts from buying oil, borrowing money, and many other debts. The U.S has no reserve currency because the dollar is the worlds reserve currency.


US currency accounts for approximately two thirds of all official exchange reserves. More than four-fifths of all foreign exchange transactions and half of all world exports are denominated in dollars.


But the more dollars there are circulating outside the US, or invested by foreign owners in American assets, the more the rest of the world has had to provide the US with goods and services in exchange for these dollars. The dollars cost the US next to nothing to produce, so the fact that the world uses the currency in this way means that the US is importing vast quantities of goods and services virtually for free.


(Colin Nunan: Oil, currency and the war on Iraq)


For example Japan, the world’s second largest economy which is utterly dependent on oil imports, has trillions of dollars in reserves. This money isn’t dormant; it’s invested in dollar securities like US Treasury notes, stocks, mutual funds, bonds, etc. This is a substantial reason why Japan is the largest holder of US debt. But more importantly, it illustrates how the U.S. economy has been able to achieve strong growth despite being trillions in debt. This effectively provides the American economy with an interest-free loan, as these dollars can be invested back into the U.S.A. with zero currency risk.


The U.S can just print dollars freely.


"World trade is now a game in which the US produces dollars and the rest of the world produces things that dollars can buy. The world's interlinked economies no longer trade to capture a comparative advantage; they compete in exports to capture needed dollars to service dollar-denominated foreign debts and to accumulate dollar reserves to sustain the exchange value of their domestic currencies.


To prevent speculative and manipulative attacks on their currencies, the world's central banks must acquire and hold dollar reserves in corresponding amounts to their currencies in circulation. The higher the market pressure to devalue a particular currency, the more dollar reserves its central bank must hold.


This creates a built-in support for a strong dollar that in turn forces the world's central banks to acquire and hold more dollar reserves, making it stronger. This phenomenon is known as dollar hegemony, which is created by the geopolitically constructed peculiarity that critical commodities, most notably oil, are denominated in dollars. Everyone accepts dollars because dollars can buy oil. The recycling of petro-dollars is the price the US has extracted from oil-producing countries for US tolerance of the oil-exporting cartel since 1973."


(Henry C. Liu economist)



"America practically borrows today from the entire world without keeping reserves of any other currency. Because the dollar is de facto the global reserve currency, the US currency accounts for approximately two-thirds of all official exchange reserves.


America does not have to compete with other currencies in interest rates; even at low interest rates, capital flies to the dollar. The more dollars there are circulating outside the US, the more the rest of the world has had to provide the US with goods and services in exchange for these dollars.


The fact that the world uses the currency in this way means that the US is importing vast quantities of goods and services virtually for free.


The US has a luxury of having its debts denominated in its own currency.

(Which it can print freely)


This is the position the US has enjoyed for 30 years. It means that the US has been receiving a huge subsidy from everyone else in the world. The United States economy is therefore intimately tied to the dollar's role as reserve currency. The dominant position of the US dollar in world markets is not only a matter of pure economics, but also deeply rooted in the geopolitical role of the United States.”


(Dr. Bulant Gokay)



Here are is an article by Sohan Sharma, Sue Tracy, & Surinder Kumar that goes into the history and depth of the U.S global monetary domination.


Dollar vs the Euro being fought over in Iraq




The world today is led by the merchant class, they have no concern over anything other then their own schemes for wealth and power. This is the result of not having brahmanas guide the enforcement of law against the exploitation and violence. Today's governments accept no ideology other then their own accumulation of wealth and pleasure. They have no spiritual values nor do they have spiritual guidance from authentic brahmanas. The result is that we live in a fascist global empire that feeds off of the sweat and blood of the weakest and poorest people all for the benefit of the wealthiest.


The fact that the worlds movers and shakers are not taking guidance from real brahmanas leads to the present situation. The vedic teachings predict this exact outcome for a society that neglects the authority of the brahmanas. A society that neglects the guidance of the authentic spiritual guides and teachings becomes a true parasite feeding off of peoples labor and creating destitute economies around the world. Most people live life precariously while the leaders count their billions. They use their wealth to control the various governments in order to keep the people living at slave wages to keep the profits of the corporations at maximum levels. They create and support dictators and supplicant governments to ensure their policies of enforced poverty and disempowerment of the mass of humanity.


Yet some people believe that the authentic brahmanas are the problem. In fact the brahmanas are the only possible way out of this mess. Only by enlightening the ruling class to the facts of karma enforced by eternal spiritual law after death, will the ruling elite change their ways. There is no other solution, they have absolute power and control and are entrenched as no other empire in the worlds history.


Only by awakening them to the future they face as their karmic debts increase day by day will they reconsider their present course. That is our purpose. While some lamely complain about some guru's exploitation, in fact the self realized souls are our only hope. They have the potency and empowerment, the "brahma tejas" to enlighten the ruling elites and steer them from their present course towards a lower birth.


Only the brahmanas can restore civility and compassion as the ideals of government instead of it's present fascist corporatism. Only the brahmanas can make this world a better place. In a way today is unique in world history, so much power concentrated in so few hands will make the world much easier to re integrate Dharma as it's policy once the leaders wake up to the eternal laws of karma.


We need to create a situation where we can expose the worlds movers and shakers to qualfied Brahmanas.

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"We need to create a situation where we can expose the worlds movers and shakers to qualfied Brahmanas"


nice concept but the leaders will only listen if behind these qualified brahmanas are enough voters to make a difference in elections. it is highly delusional to think that world leaders are interested in spiritual development.


as to qualified brahmanas. in vedic times brahmanas had a lot of practical material knowledge, useful to the rulers. most of the time when devotees talk about "qualified" brahmanas they have only their spiritual qualities in mind



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I have finnaly given up on the world scene. The only question is what took me so long? The rebound reactions to the horrendous crimes being perpetrated on the helpless beings of this world simply have to come back.


I am not saying don't continue to speak out. If that's your nature then it's also your duty. Success or failure is Krsna's business. I think it's best to drop all expectations for mass improvement though.


If things do improve then great if not save as many as you can while you yourself are being saved.


Perhaps it's just pessimism but I can't escape this undefined forboding feeling.



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yes, that is a sign of intelligence /images/graemlins/wink.gif but better yet is simply to do our duty and surrender results to Krishna. and our duty is to tell others about Krishna... and about dangers of maya - it goes hand in hand. But we should not expect to "become big and rule the world" as it is just our material desires talking. We are here simply to give others access to pure devotional service through our sampradaya - if they take it up...good, if not - it is their loss.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, Krsna, I find it peculiar that I find an essay I wrote, showing up, here, with you posting it, yet not telling anyone who wrote it. Whats up with that ? If you are going to copy and paste other peoples articles, but don't give them credit, that is not cool, capisce ?

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Already posted here months earlier


If you are going to post someone elses stuff, you should not leave stuff out, also. There was a couple of links included in the original essay. Although the essay I posted here was a first draft. You copied the essay from another site after I had revised it. The new draft had a different link along with it, which you left out, here it is.


The Invasion of Iraq: Dollar vs Euro

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