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LESSON 1. Defining a Ksatriya


Before becoming a fully qualified ksatriya you need to first understand what a ksatriya actually is, and is not. A ksatriya is not a mafia don, an outlaw, gunda, vigilante or lawless maniac obsessed with guns and power, though he may possess a gun and is powerful. A ksatriya is not a despotic control freak that tyrannizes people for the gratification of his over-sized ego, though he may have influence over a great number of people. A ksatriya is not a murderous senseless killer who thirsts for bloodshed and conquest like some barbaric Till-of-the-Hun, though he may be obliged to use force in the execution of his duty. A ksatriya is not a drug-addicted sex-fiend whose only business is amassing capital in order to maintain a harem of young beautiful sex toys to a drug & alcohol habit, though he may have immense wealth and a beautiful wife.


The above descriptions better describe a demon-while the exact opposite is true of a qualified ksatriya. A ksatriya is not a demon, though demons may play roles that appear ksatriya-like, and vice versa. The line that differentiates a divine from demoniac leader is razor-thin line and requires a great level of philosophical illumination to accurately define and perceive, but for the sake of a practical rule-of-thumb we can say that,


"Demons are essentially interested in their own welfare, whereas a ksatriya is primarily interested in the welfare of the people. A demon ultimately brings destruction to the people and the environment, whereas a ksatriya sustains peace and happiness".


Thus, two different types of leaders manage to produce two different standards of quality-of-life in society. In short, the ksatriya generates happiness while the demon destroys happiness, as well as the means to produce it. The definition of real human happiness will be addressed in a later lesson.


Ksatriyas (ksa-triya) serve an

essential social function, namely:


"To protect (tria) the world from

destruction by demoniac forces (ksa)".


Ksa also refers to lightening, and the fourth man-lion incarnation of Vishnu, Lord Narasingha-dev, who appeared like lightening to save the world by killing the great rakshasha demon known as Hiranyakashipu. Saving the world from destruction at the hands of demons is the never-ending struggle of human existence.


We learn in Bhagavad-Gita that there are essentially two types of beings in this world, the suras (divine beings) and the asuras (demons). These two groups are eternally engaged in a battle for supremacy. What is a demon, and what is a human?


A Rakshasha is defined as a demon in general, the descendants of Pulastya, an evil or malignant demon (the Rakshasas are sometimes regarded as produced from Brahma's foot , sometimes with Ravana as descendants of Pulastya , elsewhere they are styled children of Khasa or Su-rasa ; according to some they are distinguishable into 3 classes , one being of a semi-divine benevolent nature and ranking with Yakshas; another corresponding to Titans or relentless enemies of the gods ; and a third answering more to nocturnal demons, imps , fiends , goblins , going about at night , haunting cemeteries , disturbing sacrifices and even devouring human beings ; this last class is the one most commonly mentioned ; their chief place of abode was Lanka in Ceylon


Triya. The second part tra, or trai {trayate} means to protect, preserve, cherish, defend, rescue from or deliver (liberate). Ksatra or ksatriya: dominion, supremacy, power, might (whether human or supernatural, especially applied to the power of Varuna-Mitra and Indra) government, governing body the military or reigning order, the second or reigning or military caste) a member of the military or second order or caste, warrior "a preserver from injury".


The Level 1 Global Administrator is a ksatriya, and he needs to work in direct contact with the people. The level one administrator is the key to success of the entire quality management system. A failure at this level is a failure of the entire system.


In the Kali-yuga the only sacrifice recommended is the performance of hari-nama-yajïa inaugurated by Lord sré Caitanya Mahaprabhu. But one should not indulge in animal killing and counteract it by performing the hari-nama yajïa. Those who are devotees of the Lord never kill an animal for self-interest, and (as the Lord ordered Arjuna) they do not refrain from performing the duty of a ksatriya. The whole purpose, therefore, is served when everything is done for the will of the Lord. This is possible only for the devotees. SB 1.8.52


sva-dharmam api caveksya na vikampitum arhasi

dharmyad dhi yuddhac chreyo 'nyat ksatriyasya na vidyate


Translation: Considering your specific duty as a ksatriya, you should know that there is no better engagement for you than fighting on religious principles; and so there is no need for hesitation.


PURPORT: Out of the four orders of social administration, the second order, for the matter of good administration, is called ksatriya. Ksat means hurt. One who gives protection from harm is called ksatriya (trayate-to give protection). The ksatriyas are trained for killing in the forest. A ksatriya would go into the forest and challenge a tiger face to face and fight with the tiger with his sword. When the tiger was killed, it would be offered the royal order of cremation. This system has been followed even up to the present day by the ksatriya kings of Jaipur state. The ksatriyas are specially trained for challenging and killing because religious violence is sometimes a necessary factor. Therefore, ksatriyas are never meant for accepting directly the order of sannyasa, or renunciation. Nonviolence in politics may be a diplomacy, but it is never a factor or principle. In the religious law books it is stated:


"In the battlefield, a king or ksatriya, while fighting another king envious of him, is eligible for achieving heavenly planets after death, as the brahmanas also attain the heavenly planets by sacrificing animals in the sacrificial fire."


Therefore, killing on the battlefield on religious principles and killing animals in the sacrificial fire are not at all considered to be acts of violence, because everyone is benefited by the religious principles involved. The animal sacrificed gets a human life immediately without undergoing the gradual evolutionary process from one form to another, and the ksatriyas killed on the battlefield also attain the heavenly planets as do the brahmanas who attain them by offering sacrifice.

There are two kinds of sva-dharmas, specific duties. As long as one is not liberated, one has to perform the duties of his particular body in accordance with religious principles in order to achieve liberation. When one is liberated, one's sva-dharma-specific duty-becomes spiritual and is not in the material bodily concept. In the bodily conception of life there are specific duties for the brahmanas and ksatriyas respectively, and such duties are unavoidable. Sva-dharma is ordained by the Lord, and this will be clarified in the Fourth Chapter. On the bodily plane sva-dharma is called varnasrama-dharma, or man's steppingstone for spiritual understanding. Human civilization begins from the stage of varnasrama-dharma, or specific duties in terms of the specific modes of nature of the body obtained. Discharging one's specific duty in any field of action in accordance with the orders of higher authorities serves to elevate one to a higher status of life. (Bhagavad-Gita As It Is 2.31)


In the Parasara-smrti, or religious codes made by Parasara, the great sage and father of Vyasadeva, it is stated:

ksatriyo hi praja raksan sastra-panih pradandayan

nirjitya para-sainyadi ksitim dharmena palayet

"The ksatriya's duty is to protect the citizens from all kinds of difficulties, and for that reason he has to apply violence in suitable cases for law and order. Therefore he has to conquer the soldiers of inimical kings, and thus, with religious principles, he should rule over the world." (Bhagavad-Gita As It Is 2.32)


The occupational duty of a brahmana is certainly in the mode of goodness, but if a person is not by nature in the mode of goodness, he should not imitate the occupational duty of a brahmana. For a ksatriya, or administrator, there are so many abominable things; a ksatriya has to be violent to kill his enemies, and sometimes a ksatriya has to tell lies for the sake of diplomacy. Such violence and duplicity accompany political affairs, but a ksatriya is not supposed to give up his occupational duty and try to perform the duties of a brahmana. Bg 18.47


Copyright 2004 Dharma Institute All rights Reserved.





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There is that bumper-sticker, Think Globally act Locally. Maybe to begin with some people(sane people /images/graemlins/wink.gif ) could be taught and employed to protect the temples.


What is the point of discussing it further if that is not even done?


Until then I'll support the pro-life and animal rights activists who knowingly or unknowingly already working for the protection of the helpless.


Precept has it's value but for a ksatriya type they still need some martial arts and firearm training to bring it all down to earth.

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I wasn't. I was actually speaking to a broader point. Devotees often talk about varnaashrama this and ksatriya that but yet there is still no one to protect the Deities at the temples.


I went to the site and browsed around a little. Not enough to make any comment on. I should have made that clear in my post. Sorry for that.

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I went to the site and browsed around a little. Not enough to make any comment on. I should have made that clear in my post. Sorry for that.



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Devotees often talk about varnaashrama this and ksatriya that but yet there is still no one to protect the Deities at the temples.



The dieties are not merely wood and stone. Protection is not simply a material consideration. Locks and bars only create prisons. Krsna consciousness can be applied externally, but without deep inner realization all can go terribly wrong very quickly. Children shouldn't play with guns...literally and figuratively.

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Thanks for your post!


Actually Global Dharma Keepers has no agenda other than spiritual development. As a community-based program (not a temple-based program) to have any other agenda would certainly raise security concerns and jeopardize our program's potential for success. We are not trying to be all things to all people. We are trying to be something to someone by focusing on our core strengths, which is distributing knowledge.


Our contention is that government is going on at all levels except in the area of spiritul development. As Prabhupada said there are already doctors, lawyers, dentists, and so many govt departments and ministries, but "who is going to look after the spiritual interests of the people?"


Global Dharma Keepers addresses those interests in a way that it can be acceptable to Governments as a Govt service provider with a vision for cooperation between church and state. If the Govt were to take the initiative to request us to take on a local police (peace keeping) function, then we would have to consider such a proposal.


As for ISKCON's local security needs Srila Prabhupada instructed all the GBCs and TPs to "Immediately establish varnasrama college wherever we have a center to train all four divisions. One class brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra." That instruction is pending neglected for more than 30 years now. If temples would take it seriously, then there would be no shortage of manpower for any occupational function.


Global Dharma Keepers Team

Dharma Institute

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22 June, 1973


New Vrindaban

Dear Kirtanananda Maharaja,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 10 June, 1973 and I have carefully studied the contents.

After the shooting affair what precaution have you taken? Bharadraja is here and he gave report that the devotees were very frightened. I further understand that the attack was for the second time. . Here in Mayapur there are reports of dacoity at least once, twice in a month surrounding our place. So we have now taken two guns under regular license from the government. . So when New Vrindaban has been attacked twice, thrice, why are you not keeping guns? We are not advocates of non-violence when there is aggression we must kill them. So I think you shall immediately arrange for guns and at least 10, 12 men should be trained up so when there is again attack you can properly reply the aggressor.

So far as my health is concerned it is improving a little but at the same time another new symptom is developing. Yesterday all of a sudden I have developed eye trouble. They said it is conjunctivitis or something like that. The left eye is swollen and always weeping and I cannot see properly.

Syamasundara came here and he also wants me to come to London for talking with some important men. I am thinking of going there by the first week of July but wondering what shall I do if some new symptom of my bad health threatens me in so many ways. But on the whole, if I go to London I think it will not be difficult for me to go to New Vrindaban. Sometimes by the 20th of August I could arrive because Janmastami will take place on the 21st. Just now I cannot promise taking consideration of my bad health. But if I at all go to London there is 90% chance of my going to New Vrindaban.

In the meantime I shall be glad to hear from you what defense measures you have taken to protect the life and property of New Vrindaban. This is very important and you must take all steps. Actually the government should have arrested all the gang and punished them properly for their atrocious behavior on unarmed people. Is there an attempt to have the government punish the gang who are well known to your country? We just take measure against occasional attacks by criminals. Hoping this finds you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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We are well aware of ISKCON's security policies, and don't feel the need to comment on them.


We want to make it clear that Global Dharma Keepers is not officially affiliated with ISKCON. Our project does not set itself up as an alternative to ISKCON either. Rather we see it as an ISKCON value-added organization. Which means our work is intended to benefit the larger community, and of course ISKCON, as a part of the community.


Correct the assumption if wrong, but you seem to be under the impression that ISKCON is not fully capable of meeting its security needs. We do not share that impression and do not feel impelled in any way to try to help ISKCON meet its security needs.


Global Dharma Keepers Team

Dhama Institute



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