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Gun control?

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Rämeçvara: In America, millions of people have guns in their houses. Very common. They are all preparing for fighting.


Hari-çauri: You said once in the Çrémad-Bhägavatam that the one principle that gives the most trouble is the fearing in the material world.


Prabhupäda: Yes.


Rämeçvara: [break] (in car) So whenever the Congress tries to pass a law to control the purchasing of guns, it is always defeated. They want the people to be able to have guns. They make a lot of money, also, selling guns.


Prabhupäda: The best thing is they should be educated to become gentlemen. Keep guns, but they may not improperly use them.



So people may keep guns. But what is often lacking is the training on how to use them properly. So the proposition to take away the citizens rights to bear arms is NOT accepted by Prabhupada. Rather the teaching of how to handle them as proper gentleman is prescribed.

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Why have the Democrats stopped talking about gun control?


Ah, remember the good old days when Democrats put their true agenda right up front where guns were concerned? They did not pull any punches or fudge their opinions at all. They did not believe in the right of Americans to own guns and they gladly said it. A Democrat seeking public office was sure to put their Liberal views on guns and the Second Amendment front and center. The Democratic Party was all too happy to put their anti-gun ideology at the very front of all their campaigns.


Nowadays though all that has changed. Today finding any Democrat who will even touch the subject of gun ownership with a hint of their true feelings is tougher than finding honesty in a Michael Moore film.


So why have Democrats largely stopped talking about gun control? Could it be they have changed their former views of guns? Perhaps they have actually read the writings of the Founders and finally realized that yes, yes, yes, the Founders did intend to protect the right of Americans to own and carry guns? Don’t bet on it my friends.


The fact is the Democratic Party and its supporters are still the anti-gun rights party. They still loathe gun owners and yes they still look down their noses at gun owners. They still think the Second Amendment is an unnecessary obstacle to their views of America as a semi-Socialist State.


The only thing that has changed is the strategy of the Democratic Party. They are still out to get your gun, make no mistake. They just intend to get them by earning your trust, then sneaking in your back door, instead of kicking down your front door.


The Democratic Party has seen very clearly that being up front about their true ideology on guns is not the way to win elections. So they have learned from their mistakes. Their new strategy on guns is to avoid the topic if possible, and to play fast and loose with their true feelings when questioned about their ideals.


Take John Kerry, for example. He is a decidedly anti-gun rights politician. His record shows it. Yet he has been seen on the campaign trail posing with a shotgun and talking about what a hunting enthusiast he is. So which Kerry is the real Kerry? Put your money on the anti-gun Kerry, my friend. The rhetoric might have indeed changed but the goal is the same for Liberals in America.


The Democratic Party began moving away from their traditional talking points about guns after the 2000 elections. Gun control groups started changing their names to appear less threatening to gun owners. Names like Handgun Control morphed into the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.


Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? After all, don’t we all want to curb crime? But the name change is only a face lift. The end goal of Sarah Brady and her Liberal followers is still to criminalize private gun ownership in America. And the political party that backs that agenda is the Democratic Party.


They can stop talking about gun control. They can pretend they respect gun owners and their Constitutional rights to own guns. They can stop their rhetoric about guns being a plague on America, and they can separate themselves from the Million Mom March, but their true ideals remain.


They are still a liberal party with liberal goals and ideologies. They still would erase the Second Amendment if they could. All the photo-ops with Kerry and a shotgun are not going to change his heart or the aims of his party. All the sound bites of Democrats espousing their love of hunting and their promises to protect gun owners' rights are not worthy of our trust.


This new show of support for gun owners is no more than a façade. Democrats have learned this lesson well; they can not be honest about who they are and get elected in this country.


So watch and listen to the Democratic Convention and hear what these people tell you. Look carefully at the bill of goods they will attempt to sell you. Then compare their speeches there with the rhetoric and hyperbole Al Gore and Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy and Charles Schumer have been spewing about your guns and their designs on them.


The truth is they have not changed, they have just finally come to grips with America’s overwhelming rejection of their far-left leaning views on firearms. The truth is still there and very easy to see. The Democrats still oppose concealed carry despite the benefits these laws have yielded. They still wish to limit the number of guns you can buy per month. They still want to create a database and register your guns. They still want to allow frivolous law suits against gun manufacturers. They still are taking aim at you and your right to self-defense.


If they win in November you will lose, freedom will lose and the Constitution will lose.



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