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My dear boys, why you are going to hell in this way? Please surrender and come home!

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"Why Are You Going to Hell"


Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.2-3

Los Angeles, May 20, 1972


Outlaws, they say, you don't care for government, but what is the loss of the government by such declaration?


That outlaw is put into the prison house and he's captivated and give all sorts of trouble. That... The outlaw's gain is to put himself into trouble. That's all.


The government does not lose anything by the so-called declaration of the outlaws, that "I don't care for the government." That is the idea.


Similarly, those who are declaring, "What is God? We don't care for God. I am God. I am everything," so they are creating their own hell. That's all.


God has nothing to lose, nothing to gain. "You go to hell, according to your..." But because we are part and parcel of God, Krsna, He's not very happy because these rascals are going to hell.


Therefore He comes: "My dear boys, why you are going to hell in this way? Please surrender and come home." (laughter) But these rascals will not hear.


Avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam [bg. 9.11].

"Eh! Why shall I surrender to Krsna? He's an ordinary man. I am also as good as Krsna." That's all. Therefore they're less intelligent.

They have no intelligence.

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You have finally convinced me. I surrender.


"From the bottom, it looks like a steep incline. From the top another downward slope of mine but I know, the equilibrium's there."

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  • 4 months later...

did Arjuna not goto hell?


I wonder what you will say when you meet the moon?


your belief in heaven and hell is simply your ignorance of maya. Yes, you may go to heaven, but for how long? You will become complacent and when you are reborn after so many years of good living it will be your desire to regain that life that takes you to hell before you lose all bonds and begin your rise again. You chant the name of Krsna in blind faith that he will guide you to his paradise where you can feel his love. You chant his name for such desire, not for Krsna but for yourself. Like the muslim who submits to Allah to gain paradise, like the chritian who follows Christ to attain heaven, like the buddhist who meditates to achieve nirvana, like the jew that keeps the sabbath... it is all desire, it is all greed, it is all want.


Let go!!!


the apple is red to tempt you

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