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All new members have to undergo our secret sacred initiation rite: you must stand on the road in front your home for one minute at midnight singing Krsna's name, begging Him to allow you to please Him here at the Audarya Fellowship.


Failure to do so within the next week will result in permanent expulsion from our midst.


Your level of gullibility, love for Krsna and penmanship will all be rated during the following week. Good luck.


So, what's a merkaba anyway?



(Class Clown)


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Are we allowed to pray to Radharani all the time if we want to instead of Lord Krishna? I have heard now that we can. Even Srila Prabhupada said it I was told and he was head of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, not Radharani consciousness. All I want to do is pray to Radharani 100% of the time. Is that alright?

Srila Prabhupada said," I am always praying to Srimati Radharani not to fall down.". But does that mean we can pray to her for everything else that normally we would pray to Krishna for? For example if one is sick and needs shelter? Prabhupada gave us everything to become self-realised and just when we come to the point of realising we may be a manjari he left the planet. Isn't that what the sampradaya teaches? Oh Radharani, please make me your eternal maidservant! I only want to serve your servants. I do not want to serve Lord Krishna directly. I wish to be the servant of the servant of the dearmost servant of krishna.

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All seem to want to do that. I hope that it's not some kind of gender-dependent mass psychosis, and I hope they're not all joining that Gopi Bhava Club that Srila Prabhupada got so upset about. "First deserve, then desire" was his motto/chastisement for the Gopi Bhava Club.


Me, I'm still working on the blade of grass bit, trying to make the grass grow taller to accomodate my eGO.



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If you really want me to do that I will!


Ill get out tonight at 12am, stay put for a report on how it went


merkaba is a song by tool


it's / having / in] some kind of psychedelic experience.


Our body is light, we are immortal.

Our body is love, we are eternal.



Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, without judgment.



does are the lyrics




hare krsna

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Even Srila Prabhupada Guru deva did not I heard {read the post here} Canto 10 {Rasa-lila} until he was much much older... So it is very amazing to find any devotee who can exhibit these symptoms without wondering if it is true or not? Maybe they can who am I to say? But you have to wonder..is it a hoax. And is their some deep motive behind it? Or If I may tell the truth is it for pride? I think its more experience....you know like when you have a Crush {american word for fancy a girl or boy}. Its when its exploited thats when the trouble starts...thats what Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja fighted to get rid of. Thats why we have certain Bhaktas who talk ill of Maharaja. And if you ARE at that stage {highest} then you can do NO wrong.


At this point I would like to provide a ...wink?!

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I can't find the source. I remember one of the names, but essentially as I recall, several senior devotees were meeting together secretly regularly to discuss Gopi Bhava. When Srila Prabhupada heard about it, he immediately called them together to stop it. "First deserve, then desire" was the quote I remember. It may have been written in the writings of Tamal Krsna Goswami or perhaps those of Satsvarupa Goswami.


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I may never deserve to have gopibhava or manjari bhava but when it says in NOI that whoever bathes in Radha kunda develops love of krishna in the wake of the gopis what does that mean? No I am not pure I am REALLY FALLEN but I still felt LOVE when I bathed there. What am I to do?

Thank you Pankaja too.

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We'll I dident go outside my door and yelled hare krishna because that will just distrubed the people from sleep, and i dont think it should matter where I am and chanting, but as longes I am chanting.


I chanted hare krishna directly at 12:00am



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