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Vipralambha unique cultivated mood?

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what result do you expect to get with your messages? you are simply preaching that iskcon is a bunch of cheaters but it is allright because also other maths are cheaters... where's the advantage?




I consider kailas a prominent example of iskcon, and I know him by his preaching, from some time.

He is not a singular phenomenon, i've been in iskcon for some time

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***6 Gosvamis not uttama?

-why are you asking it?


You write about one guru. It is wrong. 6 gosvamis it is example. May be SRG it is highe gosvami, but all gosvami work toghether (?) hand by hand. It is example for all devotees. It is real parampara. If some stay as "single guru" it is kanistha adhikari.


***Love not base on termins "work - not work", it is not love it is buisnes

--who spoke of work-ot work?.. i spoke of following


"follow not follow". It is not love. You understand?


***Pfisikally stay in organisation names ISKCON

--i am the president of russia because i wrote "president of russia" on my door


Srila Prabhupada point this organisation. ISKCON it is in first time GBC, second it is books Prabhupada. If you accept autority Prabhupada then you accept GBC, books and ISKCON. I am write many artikles "who is ISKCON". GM not ISKCON it is obvious. If you desire we may discuss this theme ( about ISKCON ).


***GM it is not ISKCON

--iskcon is not a branch of chaitanya's tree?


ISKCON it is real tree Lord Caitanya, may be is some branch. I am may show for you this. It is real mood Gosvamis and Lord Caitanya. Tree Lord Caitanya it is big theme. GM steal disciples, and misinfor his. Then Prabhupada speak about this.


***SP speak - "do not come in GM never"

--you need to read some more biographies and conversations


/images/graemlins/smile.gif)) Dear friend, you may write citation. I am may write so many citation for this theme.


***ISKCON has pure uttama adhikari individual leader.

--i agree and i know him.. i payed obeisances to him the last saturday (of course i suppose he's not the only one)


It is Prabhuoada first and anothers. ISKCON will be many uttama devotees who work life after life. Ok.


***Single acarya GM it is spiritual death

--if he's true acharya there's no death.. prabhupada was a single acharya for iskcon


/images/graemlins/smile.gif) He is not stay alone never. I am write about gurus GM not acaryas, but simple gurus. They do not has any righth open "own" confession. It is simply some sects. If Prabhupada "single acarya", then HE is appoint GBC. Finis. No more nay "single acarya".


***GBC it is desire SBST

--of course..


Yes, nice.


***but also pure devotees as gurus, not kanistas reunited in a kanista council


kanista council it is more advansed if kanistha sects. council it is madhyama principle. ISKCON in general it is madhyama adhikary, but "single acaryas" it is kanisthas, with out any sance for staying as madhyama.


***GM not has ANY pure uttama adhikari individual leader

--you are simply a fool... when there's generalizations the madness is automatic


/images/graemlins/smile.gif)) He is not ANY pure uttama adhikari individual leader. GM has some madhyama adhikari it is right, but uttama - never. Uttama has big gradation, but low class uttama GM not has. If am understand who I am in spiritual world it is not uttama. Kanistha it is who beginer in this process, then I am kanistha adhikari. They many do not know himself. Uttama - vasudevam sarvam iti. And uttama do not made ofences like SBST and Prabhupada. If in GM has some madhyama adhikary, they be correct this kanistha situation in GM.


***everytime you speak you give bad reputation to iskcon saying that his leaders are kanistas but they're good because they simply are reunited in a council under the iskcon label. Sometimes ago you have said also that your guru was/is kanista/madyam


Yes. It is position me guru. Do not worry GBC will be nice. Yours kanisthas all disspear in future. Complet useless.


***is it your mission to insult iskcon and your guru maharaja?


No any insult. You boys wery advanced in offence others, I am write so big article but you write only ofences for me. And no any arguments. What - "is it your mission to insult iskcon and your guru maharaja? " Where I am - "is it your mission to insult iskcon and your guru maharaja? " May be you sleep? It is your dream? /images/graemlins/smile.gif


***what result do you expect to get with your messages?


If you has interest for spiritual life, then read article and discuss. It is bad mental write me - "you bad", it is uselees. It is good arguments for market, but not spiritual site. I am write for you some sheme later. You not able understand matter article.


***you are simply preaching that iskcon is a bunch of cheaters but it is allright because also other maths are cheaters... where's the advantage?


GM come in ISKCON in some time. All religion come in ISKCON in some time boy. They come in GBC first.


Hare Krisna.


Radhe Radhe

Radhe Radhe

Radhe Radhe

Radhe Radhe

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Spiritual science exist from this parts


- worsipping Lord Narayana or Nitayananda or greatnes God ( sadhana for radha Krisna it is too worsipping Lord Narayana )


- spontaneous devotion consist for 2 parts direct relations and wipralambha bhava. SRG theach both ecually, but He is stress vipralambha as highe.


- spontaneous devotion in Krisna lila it is samboga, and this sastra like "Ujjvala nilamani" thach this.


- spontaneous devotion in Gaura lila it is vipralambha and sastra like "Hamsadutta" describe this.


- Lord Caitanya has many moods, but in end in Jagannatha puri He is stay ONLY in vipralambha.


It is way gaudiya it is real rupanuga. SRG describe all, but kanistha adhikaris do not follow for acaryas NOT ABLE understand real mood Gosvamis. It is real mood SBST too.


This article write for THIS theme. Srila Prabhupada theach pure mood gaudiya vaisnavas it is eng, top spiritual science. It is so difficult for understanding? Some doubths?


Some kanistha adhikari create sheme, sankhya about Krisna lila ( because they do not know real sankhya ), but it is not rupanuga. Sahajiya ( samphoga ) it is not all rupanuga. If some stay as sahajiyas, they do not rupanugas or raganugas it is wrong.


Real pupanuga it is 2 moods. It is big theme.


Our boys so many listen political discussions, then they do not able think about spiritual matter.


With out Prabhupada you be not able understand mood Lord Caitanya. This theme has nany secrets, but they mood so offensive, then we not write about this.


Srivasa Thakur is head all devotees gaura lila it is not any doubths. What you argunenys? It is bhagavata acarya who come theach as - silly, not humble, not reasonable persons.


If some do not follow Prabhupada, then go for yours blind "autority". In spiritual site needs spiritual arguments.


With best wishes for all kailasa, thanks.

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***I consider kailas a prominent example of iskcon, and I know him by his preaching, from some time.

He is not a singular phenomenon, i've been in iskcon for some time


I am write bad artikle? Some mistakes? I am experience throubles. May be you open me eyes? /images/graemlins/smile.gif


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"Can you give as an example ome of his lectures, please?"

-please search yourself.. his name is Srila Svarupa Damodhara maharaja


to know one's guru is kanishta or madyam is not an insult.

--it is a spiritual suicide.. if he's really kanista or madyam i have surrendered to a cheater (because he does not see krsna and he cannot give the darsan to me).. if he's an uttama, i am blaspheming him and any advancement is lost


An uttama bhagavat guru is a quite rarely incidence.

--but he's the only one we have to surrender to if we want the uttama goal.. krsna





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- Srila Svarupa Damodhara maharaja




--it is a spiritual suicide.. if he's really kanista or madyam i have surrendered to a cheater


Needs ran aby and speak - "me guru uttama". /images/graemlins/smile.gif) But your guru from this words do not stay as uttama.


***(because he does not see krsna and he cannot give the darsan to me)..


Your guru take darsan for you? Madhyama able take darsan it is write Jagadanada Pandit. You needs read some satra first. Then all be think about - "his guru kanistha". You understand? /images/graemlins/smile.gif


***if he's an uttama, i am blaspheming him and any advancement is lost


In some sence any devotee uttama. Guru not work like uttama, uttama do not preach.


With best wishes, kailasa.

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***6 Gosvamis not uttama?

-why are you asking it?

You write about one guru.

__i write about guru... alone or many reunited in a council, no difference. If there's real guru/s there's perfection


--who spoke of work-ot work?.. i spoke of following

"follow not follow". It is not love. You understand?

__yes i understand that following and loving are the same thing


If you accept autority Prabhupada then you accept GBC, books and ISKCON

___i do not want to discuss now my views on the organization called iskcon. But surely i accept the true prabhupad's iskcon and the true iskcon spirit, the true prabhupad's books, the true prabhupad's gbc concept. So you cannot divide the world in iskcon and anti iskcon... there's a 3rd cathegory who wants to see if the organization named iskcon is really prabhupad's iskcon.. it applies also to maths who have to be really gaudya maths and not only names on the doors


ISKCON it is real tree Lord Caitanya

___so it is gaudya math.. do not advertize iskcon as a new sectarian cult please


GM steal disciples, and misinfor his

__again generalization.. the mad elephant is coming in the garden


Dear friend, you may write citation. I am may write so many citation for this theme.

__read the lilamrita's chapters about disappearance and read the prabhupada's testaments in conversations (all iskcon books)


I am write about gurus GM not acaryas, but simple gurus.

___in our tradition a guru preaches the achara and he's recognized by his achara


ISKCON in general it is madhyama adhikary

___a religious organization is made by god or uttama adhikaris leading other cathegories of devotees


GM has some madhyama adhikari it is right, but uttama - never

___go to listen to all adhikaris then give a statement like that if you have really checked them


You boys wery advanced in offence others

__we boys? are you in need of enemies?


***what result do you expect to get with your messages?

If you has interest for spiritual life, then read article and discuss. It is bad mental write me - "you bad"

__your messages simply wants to state that if iskcon has problems (and your vision is that the iskcon gurus and your guru are not uttama adhikaris.. not my vision) , the situation is allright because there's the "iskcon" label on the office's doors. In my eyes it is bad propaganda, if you will reveal that you have the mission to discredit iskcon by muslims or the ortodox church i will have no surprise


GM come in ISKCON in some time. All religion come in ISKCON in some time boy. They come in GBC first.

__retranslate.. my english is bad, my russian is zero



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Russian men likho ya dusri kisi zaban men, lekin aisi visrinkhal angrezi men likhna ek dum samjha nahi jata. kya matlab? kailas bilkul hasyaspad ban jata hai. is men kisiko koi labh hai ?

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Srila Svarupa Damodhara maharaja


___i said it


Your guru take darsan for you? Madhyama able take darsan it is write Jagadanada Pandit. You needs read some satra first. Then all be think about - "his guru kanistha". You understand?

___i don't .. please rewrite and reexplain


In some sence any devotee uttama

___after he surrendered completely


Guru not work like uttama

___but he's uttama... if i call him madyam or kanista it is an offence

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__i write about guru... alone or many reunited in a council, no difference. If there's real guru/s there's perfection


6 gosvami it is example real devotees. "Single guru" it is kanistha adhikari - materialist.


__yes i understand that following and loving are the same thing


Prabhupada love his, follow he or not. You understand? It is love.


___i do not want to discuss now my views on the organization called iskcon. But surely i accept the true prabhupad's iskcon and the true iskcon spirit, the true prabhupad's books, the true prabhupad's gbc concept.




***So you cannot divide the world in iskcon and anti iskcon...


Why not? iskcon, anti iskcon, impersonal brahman. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


***there's a 3rd cathegory who wants to see if the organization named iskcon is really prabhupad's iskcon.. it applies also to maths who have to be really gaudya maths and not only names on the doors


I am doudth. It is anti iskcon. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


***ISKCON it is real tree Lord Caitanya

___so it is gaudya math..


GM do not exist. Gm it is some sects. GM like real organisation not exist. Devotees Lord Caitanya work toghether.


***do not advertize iskcon as a new sectarian cult please


Yes, we be try.


***GM steal disciples, and misinfor his

__again generalization.. the mad elephant is coming in the garden


Yes, mad elephant come in GM. Not elephant. No. Only small enimal come first.


***Dear friend, you may write citation. I am may write so many citation for this theme.

__read the lilamrita's chapters about disappearance and read the prabhupada's testaments in conversations (all iskcon books)


Prabhupada speak - " no go in GM". Very clear.


***I am write about gurus GM not acaryas, but simple gurus.

___in our tradition a guru preaches the achara and he's recognized by his achara


Yes. "Acarya" it is uttama, but guru may be kanistha adhikari. Some speak - "acarya" about guru, it is right some, but real acarya it is uttama. Uttama do GBC, it is very simple, all another who not stay in GBC it is not madhyama.


***ISKCON in general it is madhyama adhikary

___a religious organization is made by god or uttama adhikaris leading other cathegories of devotees




***GM has some madhyama adhikari it is right, but uttama - never

___go to listen to all adhikaris then give a statement like that if you have really checked them


Yes, I am read they books.


***You boys wery advanced in offence others

__we boys? are you in need of enemies?


May be you girl? Any way you write like "anonimus". You big man?


***what result do you expect to get with your messages?

If you has interest for spiritual life, then read article and discuss. It is bad mental write me - "you bad"


__your messages simply wants to state that if iskcon has problems




***(and your vision is that the iskcon gurus and your guru are not uttama adhikaris.. not my vision)


You do not understand position uttama. Some speak "uttama" means sentimentak concoctions.


***the situation is allright because there's the "iskcon" label on the office's doors.


No, ISKCON preach.


***In my eyes it is bad propaganda, if you will reveal that you have the mission to discredit iskcon by muslims or the ortodox church i will have no surprise


In material world be big surprise.


***GM come in ISKCON in some time. All religion come in ISKCON in some time boy. They come in GBC first.

__retranslate.. my english is bad, my russian is zero


All religion will stay in ISKCON. Understand?


Thanks. Good vishes.

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***Srila Svarupa Damodhara maharaja


___i said it


Exuse, I am not good english.


***Your guru take darsan for you? Madhyama able take darsan it is write Jagadanada Pandit. You needs read some satra first. Then all be think about - "his guru kanistha". You understand?

___i don't .. please rewrite and reexplain


If you guru able take you darsan Lord, then He is madhyama adhikari.


***In some sence any devotee uttama

___after he surrendered completely


Yes. But IN SOME SENCE ANY DEVOTEE UTTAMA. It is vision uttama. Uttama not see - "this person not surrender". "I am not surrender" - it position uttama. But needs stay first as madhyama. If kanistha adhikari think - "I am not surrender" , hi not stay as uttama. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


***Guru not work like uttama

___but he's uttama... if i call him madyam or kanista it is an offence


I am means.


- kanistha adhikari - who knows himself ( siddha ) but sometime in material world.


- madhyama - who knows himself ( siddha ) and stay most spiritual world


- uttama - who knows all spirituyal science and completly stay in mood Lord Caitanya.


Where ofence?

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