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As of now, being a student, your duty is to be the best of students in ur class. By being sincere student and praying to Lord, you are still dedicated to Lord. But remember failures and success are part of life, you should not be shaken when you get low grades, neither feel proud of yourself when you are a topper. Be stable emotionally and physically, by not involving yourself in any kind of illicit activities like drugs or sex, but rather focus your mind only on studies and at the same time devote some time to concentrate on God too.

By being like this, you will not only be a good student, you will be a good son to ur parents, too.

I would also suggest you to read the chapters 12 to 14 in Gita where Krishna talk about how a common man can reach him who is involved in material world.



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"Srila Prabhupada has said that dharma means occupational duty. How can a student, like me, who is forced to study, dedicate my duty to Krsna?"


Read Bhagavad-gita.

Bhagavan Sri Krishna said there what is dharma, Srila Bhaktivendanta Svami Prabhupada only repeated something.


Try to elevate over naimitika dharma and enter into parma-artika dharma.

You may take Jaiva Dharma by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and read something, but I doubt you will understand it, so what to do?

Be always in good association, go to the temple, and try to associate with devotees that can teach you something and...

chant more... come to 64 rounds a day, and learn gita under the guidance of senior devotees, and render some service to them, and learn by heart as many slokas as you kann... under guidance... and learn Upadeshamrita, Siksha-ashtakam and Mana Shiksa by heart...


This is your duty...in the begining you should learn some siddhanta, so that you become strong:

siddhanta balya citte na koro alas

iha hoite krisna lagi sudrida manas


And than go to Caitanya Caritamrita, and try to dive in the message of Gauranga nahito tabe ke hoito, and when you will come out of that you will find yourself in Krishna lila


vikriditam vraja-vadhubir idam ca visnoh

sraddha-anvita 'nasrinuiad atha varnayed yah

bhaktim param bhagavati pratilabya kamam

hrd-rogam ashvapahinoti acirena dhira


and serve some senior devotees.





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Statements about moon in Bagavatham have already been proved by science. Yes we cant live with this body in other planets as this body is suited for earthy living.


Scientists are already exploring the possibilities of life in other planets.

By saying other planets are you trying to look for other lokas mentioned in litterature? in that case, they are far reachable than what present day science can perceive with rockets and satellites. there could be surely planets where demigods could be actually living, but I am not sure if they are reachable to study.

Have i answered ur question.


Certainly astrophysics is very intersting. If you are intersted in that, pursure in that line sincerely. One can be a scientists and also a devotee. ONe who is replying you in this post is also like that. Its quite possible very much. But scientific research is highly frustrating and I overcome those when I fixed my mind with Gita. Now I see Shree Hari in everything I do.


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Recently my parents consulted an astrologer and he said that for someone entering university, I should focus fully on university subjects and I should not read the Gita until I am finished with my university studies. He said continue to pray to God but not undertake the philosophy. He was a shaivite by the way. So I just listen to lectures of Bhaktivedanta Swami on cd and read articles on net about Krsna. I have a Gita but I am scared that I will misunderstand it and mess up.

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Bhagavad-gita is very easy for understanding some basic points like this, that you should learn by heart. Maybe you would need one month to learn it, but it will be a great asset.


dehino smin yathA dehe / kaumaram yauvanam jara

tatha dehantara-praptir / dhiras tatra na muhyati


Just as the embodied atma (soul) passes from boyhood to

youth to old age, similarly, after death, he passes into

another body. An intelligent person is not bewildered

by the birth and death of the body.



"The following point may be raised: Since the AtmA is associated

with the body, the body will also be an object of our love.

Furthermore, those who are related to the body, such as sons,

brothers, relatives, grandsons and so on, will also be the objects

of our love, so when they die, we will certainly feel grief. Sri

BhagavAn speaks this Sloka beginning with dehinah, in answer

to this. The jiva in the body attains boyhood; at the end of

boyhood he attains youth, and at the end of youth he attains

body. Just as one does not grieve at the end of boyhood and

youth, which are objects of love due to their relationship with

the ätmä, similarly, one should not grieve for the loss of the

body itself, which is also an object of love due to its relationship

with the ätmä, when it is lost. If a person grieves when

he attains old age at the loss of youth, then he also feels happy

when he attains youth at the loss of boyhood. Therefore, you

should feel happy because when BhiSma and DroNa lose their

old bodies they will attain new ones. Or you should consider

that, just as in one body various stages of growth are reached,

the same jiva attains various types of bodies."



We should start with baby steps, but keep on going.

Do you want to practice bhakti?

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I guess you are misguided by someone who told you not to read Gita saying that Philosophy will not guide yu to science. Please tell that person it is not true. I am from India, I am a scientist working in US, doing my research in life science and I have been devoted to Shree Krishna ever since I know myself. I have been reading Gita much before I became a scientist if not in detail slokam by slokam, but in essence. Later I started reading sloka by sloka and now I read everyday tht keeps me peaceful. Actually reading Gita helped me to be a better scientist and it did not put me down or made me move away from science.

I had lots of questions in my mind whether to continue in science or not, but after repeated reading of Gita it guided me well for all the conflicting questions I had in mind.

But howmuch ever I do research, as mentioned earlier, I used to get frustrated in the begining since results in research is once in blue moon. But repeated reading of Bagawat Gita made me realise that I should not be attached to the results and when I realised it, I became more and more sincere with my experiments in designing to executing and what I consider now is I am only trying to understand The Supreme in His most intricate delicate way in which He has exemplified Himself in every living cell.

When I was working with cells of organisms I had the thought, should I quit research, but when I decided to do so and started applying for elsewhere, I invariably did not get in anywhere nd was rejected, but was able to successfully find a position only related to research.

The Supreme send us to earth for some purpose and thats why He gives us the knowledge to learn something unique. So after reading Gita, I realised that He is the knowledge of this particular science in me, He is my experiments, He comes as result to do some benefit to mankind. If I waste this knowledge what He has given me, I am failing from my duty. Arjuna's duty as a Kshatriya was to fight in war and yet he was asked by Shree Krishna to be detached from results of the war and hence arjuna does not get any sins as he only performed his ascribed duty.


So I am studying in University, working and doing my duty, but I never claim that I have acheived anything or done anything and all my results and award I have received have been surrendered to Lord. Honestly, when my professor praised me for the award I won, I told in my mind that "this praise is for Shree Krishna as He is the experiment and also the results, and I am just a tool in HIS Hands"


When my duties as scientist is over, after particular age, I will become more devoted to HIM and proceed in the path of Spirituality all the time. So I am in the first phase of my journey and performing my duty ascribed to me for which He gave the knowledge.


So if you have inherent feeling or urge to find out truth in something, which is science as in my case, go ahead to the university, but dont be too attached and become selfish like many people who sabotage other's work in science for their benefits of selfishness, dont manipulate, dont do things that would destroy lives..


You can be dedicated to Lord still by doing yur duty with the knowledge you are given.



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I came here primarily to learn more techniques that was not possible in India as research is very expensive in US itself. With more funding here than in India, my technical skills can be more utilised to bring a better outcome and I could do it by God's Grace. Once my training is over here, I am certainly going back to India and have no plans to stay in US. So dont worry, I am not here for the sake of dollars. I can find happiness even if I work for 5000 rupees also in INdia, since I can still be visiting my favourite Narayana temples there which I am actually missing here in US.

Did I answered you? By the way, I really mean what I say, and not just to post something to talk back.


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How is it possible for me to practice bhakti when I will have to face so many impediments such as women at the university. Most likely, I will have to talk to them and associate with them. Being a person with low self esteem, I don't see how I can practice bhakti.


Guest, your story is very encouraging to me, I hope I can do the same as you have done

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I very well agree and even tell others that trying to go to moon and mars is actually waste of money and energy and that money can be utilised by each country for the betterment of the people here. Its not because thats mentioned in Baghwatham, or told by Swami Prabupaadha, but practically and scientifically also its true that our body is capable of surviving only on earth and not on other planets. Our rishis have said this much earlier, confirmed by swami prabupaada and now understood by modern science also. Yet some fools really dont mind spending money, sorry dont mind wasting money.


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I dont find any difficulties in being spiritually oriented while at the same time studying in Unviersity. All that is needed is self control. I am brought up in India and since there itself I never indulged myself in any activiites what other students (some and not all) used to do by smoking, drinking, etc.. but those things never attracted me.


After coming to US also, being unmarried, although I was invited for casual sex good number of times, strip clubs by other friends, social parties, and all that I blatantly refused. First some american guys branded me as gay, that I never cared, but gave them back asking them, do you call jesus christ a gay, because he was spiritual. SO they shut their mouth. The girls who are studying with me really respect me a lot, because I treat them as friends and not look at them as object of sex.


When my boss, or the administrative secretary or other fellow americans invite me for dinner or when we have birthday party here, I make my own indian vegetarian food and I make a point to tell them that If I have to attend a party, I will not take any alcoholic drinks and I will not eat any nonvegetarian food, and so they cook separately for me and not mixing the spoons also.

When once you make things clear to the people around you, they do respect you for what you are and none ever forced me here to be frank.


I fixed my mind with determination that I am here to study and train myself for what I came here and not to drink or dance around. This does not mean that I never mix with people or go anywhere around to beautiful places. I have lots of friends and I am like any other individual but with restrictions on my personal habits and that makes others to respect me and not ridicule. Whoever ridiculed initially, when they realised that did not affect me, changed their opinion after moving with me for a while. So when a person from other country is able to be like this, whats your problem.


INitially you may face some ridiculing from some people if not all, but certainly for sure, I am telling you wouching on God, you will win over if you remain determined and finally everyone will respect you. Self control is something to do with us and not with the society. Dont worry about what others will think about you or talk about you. I regularly go to temple here, which is about 25 miles from my home, and keep doing my prayers, chanting, lighting the lamp twice a day and doing the offering of food before I eat. NO problem...(well..I am born and brought up in orthodox brahmin family so it may appear that all this could have been easier for me), but still self control is something to do with us and not with the surroundings.

ONe of my atheistic friends here now started chanting Krishnaa's name after moving with me for three years. ( I dont preach anyone, anything, but just keep myself clean as described as possible and keep myself devoted to Lord, chanting His name all the time in my mind even while typing this posting)




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Dear Raghavan,


I must say that being a student myself I am very inspired by your words and impressed. Yes, it is hard being an Indian or keeping our spirituality inside of us in this materialistic world. All we need is to believe in Bhagavad Gita and everything will be alright. Thank you for the inspiration.



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Sravan..thats a nice name...Name of a devotee of Lord and one who carried his invalid parents to all the punya Kshethra.....


There is nothing to feel impressed about me..When anyone fixes their mind on Shri Krishna totally, and totally means totally, everything in the world will look secondary to you and no fame or insult will affect you. Its true from my personal experience. It is really not difficult also to like HIM with intense desire for HIM. Just keep reading Bagawathgita especially the chapters 9 to 11 to understand HIM and then from chapter 12 to 14 will inspire your interest towards HIM and from chapters 15 to 18 will make you go to HIM without your knowledge... But dont read just once. Keep reading and reading and reading, you will see HIM really being with you, after which you dont need to put on any effort to self control or to remember HIM. YOu would feel HIM all the time with you in whatever you do, whatever you talk and there is no lonliness in the world after that.

I am not writing all this, but I promise on that SHree Krishna Himself that I am experiencing and I wish everyone experiences it.

Its sad to see many people put the blame on the surroundings and society for their habitual factors and finally regret for their deeds. I think its something to do with us and within us and when we are honest to ourselves first in all means, then anyone can see and feel Shree Krishna and this is the secret.


All this may look like sanyasi life, or very difficult to follow, but beleive me it is not difficult, just fix your total thoughts on Sree Krishna and things will automatically happen. Its is just the self discipline.

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I am working now, planning to study in the near future, also preparing for the MBA entrance exams. I might either go to a regular school or might join a distance education. I have to think about that.


I recite Vishusahasranama, Raghavendra Stotra, Laghu vayustuti and Vijayadasa Kavacha. The above might take around 1 hour. Then I assist my mom, dad and brother in their day to day activities. I try to do this as a service to god. That might take around an hour. Then I study Gita, bhagavata or some biographies of some bhaktas or upanishads. That might take around 1 1/2 hours. Then I study for the exams i.e 1 1/2 hrs. Then I am off to work lets say 10 to 11 hrz.


Only during my offs I give maximum time to reading both spritual books and Mathematics for MBA. Lets say 3 to 4 hrs for Spiritual books and 5 to 6 hours for MBA entrance exams.


How do you manage to remember god inspite of your work and education. I find it very difficult to work, prepare for exams and also read books like Gita, Bhagavata etc and do my prayers.


Althought I do this I can hardy remember god. Well, you are lucky BOSS!!!!


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I can tell you how I think of Lord all the time being in the material life. See if it works for you. Before that, a few words...I am doing my postdoctoral studies after my Phd and so you can imagine how much of time I need to spend for my work, that being away from family also have to take care of my domestic work too.


To be devoted to Lord, is not difficult, When you are disciplined you will become automatically devoted. In India by default we have pictures of God everywhere in the house and in every room and I am sort of used to it. Here in US, I have taken print outs of Shri Krishna's picture and pasted onto all the walls right from near my bed so that I see HIm first when I wake up and in the all walls in hall, and kitchen. I keep on chanting HIS name Krishna Krishna all the time in mind through out the day. But it does not affect me when I read or write. YOu must be wondering whether if it affects the concentration. NO..He is there in one part of the mind occupiying the whole mind actually, while when I do my regular studies, my mind still concentrates on that. YOur occupation is your duty and it is nothing but Shree Krishna again and so if you get concentrated on ur study for a moment forgetting to chant Krishna's name, dont worry, you are still chanting Krishna's name through your devotion to the study, since He is the knowledge in you and He is your concentration. This is how I do.


As soon as I get up, I put on the Venkatesa Suprabatham much before I brush my teeth and then I go, while thats going on, I do the regular work, sometimes If I have to study something, I reduce the volume of it and still can study, nothing really disturbs. I do chant Vishnu sahasranamam regularly, if not everyday. But I make a point to light the lamp twice a day, and keep a glass of water and offer some flower (any flower is fine, evn flower that blooms in the grass is fine). if the potted plant does not flower on the day, then I take a leaf and offer, or whatever fruits I buy, that I offer to HIM as neyvedyam if I dont have time to cook in the morning. If nothing is there, just a bowl or glass of water is enough that I keep in front of the pictures of lord (puja place) where I light the lamp. I chant few slokas if I have time, or else I just say the Krishnaaya vaasudeya sloka which has everything in two lines. when I drive, or cook at home or even while taking bath, somehow my mind will be always chanting Krishna Krishna all the time either consciously or subconsiciously. Actually it prevents me from getting worked up in any situation, it keeps me alert even at red signals in traffic while driving, (He comes to you as alertness)..Beleive me I dont get angry suddenly due to constant chanting. I make a point to read atleast few slokas from BagawatGita everyday as far as possible either in the begining of the day of end of the day before going to sleep so that any hardship you developed on the day that might sit in ur mind to bother you, will be erased. Nothing actually bothers me and I dont feel alone also even with nobody around me. Whenever possible I go to the temple atleast two or three times a week as its 25 miles here in US from my apt. In india, I used to go to temple everyday.


During exams when doing my PG degree, or whenever difficulty or lack of time due to running to work or college, just chanting Krishna's name Hare Krishna or Ohm Namo Baghavathae Vaasudevaya all the time is more than chanting any number of mantras to me. In my opinion, as per Gita, as long as we are committed to our work as the duty, and by chanting HIS name in mind while doing the work, even if we could not do the regular way of worship of chanting all the mantras, its still fine. Initially all this may appear to distract your concentration if you are going to practice, but in course of time you will be chanting Krishna Krishna all the time even when you sleep and this I am telling you from my experience. For me, fortunately I did nto put any efforts anytime, but from my very young age, I keep chanting krishna krishna and it has become part of my life all the time. Any music I listen, including film music, or when I sing myself, there is be only one word in it in the whole song which is Krishna but the tune will be of film music. It may appear funny, but this is how I am. Well..I am not sanyasi, but look like any other person, just disciplined and blessed to Chant HIS name all the time.


When I talk to my friends, invariably it will be a Krishna talk atleast for one minute of the conversation in the middle. While working in a corporate office in India doing part time job to fund my Phd Thesis work, my manager asked me If I would drink with him if I am going to be fired otherwise if I dont party with those guys. I said, I would rather resign my job and leave than associating with such people giving up my faith and principles. I would like to be hired for my quality of work and not because I would party with those people. I am not a finiky, but its quite possible to be very friendly with everyone and make every one like you being a pleasant person and this being pleasant is actually nothing but Shree Krihna again since He is in the thoughts all the time....


YOu have to meet me and move with me to beleive and practice what I say. But it is certainly possible to be totally devoted to Lord all the time being detached from our material contamination. The only people who are worried about me are my parents, since they could not beleive that their son could be happy with God as I told them that I would marry only if the girl is not material minded and pray to Lord with HIM in her mind and be detached. Is there any girl around like this...I dont care....


One who is devoted to Shri Krishna totally actually will not break his head about marriage or driving a lexus, or fame out of his work or downfall or insult and yes it is true.


Probably this public posting is not right to discuss about self occupying the space, bbut I just wrote to give an idea to you, as how I am practicing KC by still living in material life as scientist...For any more questions, please write to smanisas@hsc.usf.edu

as this site is not our personal discussions site.

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