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Why don't you talk to your Deity of Sri Krsna like Vamsidas Babaji Maharaja ???

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His Divine Grace

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


If you think this is a brass-made

idol, then it will remain a brass-

made idol to you forever. But if

you elevate yourself to a higher

platform of Krishna consciousness,

then Krishna, this Krishna, will

talk with you. There is a Vamsidas Babaji Maharaja.

He was talking with his deity. And

Madana-mohana, He was talking with

Sanatan Goswami.


— Installation of Sri Sri Rukmini Dwarkanath. Los

Angeles. 16 July 1969.


You have heard the name of Vamsidas Babaji?

Sometimes, when his things were stolen, his disciples

would cry, “It is stolen!” So he said, “Why

you are bothering? One thief [Krishna] gives, and

another thief [Krishna] takes. That’s all. Who

gave the money, he is thief. And who has taken

away, he is also thief. So why you are bothering?

One thief gives; another thief takes.”


— Morning walk conversation, 13 March 1976, Mayapur.

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