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If a wife does not live well with her husband but deals very roughly, she is an enemy

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Devahuti was not unfaithful. The most sinful activity for a wife is to accept another husband or another lover. Canakya Pandita has described four kinds of enemies at home. If the father is in debt he is considered to be an enemy; if the mother has selected another husband in the presence of her grown-up children, she is considered to be an enemy; if a wife does not live well with her husband but deals very roughly, then she is an enemy; and if a son is a fool, he is also an enemy.


In family life, father, mother, wife and children are assets, but if the wife or mother accepts another husband in the presence of her husband or son, then, according to Vedic civilization, she is considered an enemy. A chaste and faithful woman must not practice adultery--that is a greatly sinful act.


(S-B 3.23.3 Purport)




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But a woman accepting another man when her husband is alive during vedic times or present day, anytime she is an enemy. Why only vedic times.

In the same way, when a man is married and having a woman, and if he goes to another women, then in that case he is also considered enemy. Why you have not mentioned that. Rules are not only for woman folks but also for men. A man who visits prostitues is also a prostitute. so he is an enemy to his wedded woman. A man who ill treats his wife just because she is wedded to him is also an enemy.


From vedic times rules are for both men and women and notjust for women only...

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a sincere devotee should not see anyone as their enemy. Chanakya Pandit dealt with ordinary social rules. A devotee should do more than just be moral. If a husband or wife is less than ideal, a devotee will still see his or her obligation to guide such fallen person through life. rejection is easy. redemption of a fallen person takes great maturity and sacrifice.


a devotee will not see himself as bound by social rules - he must transcend them - not merely reject things he does not like, and accept the ones he finds convenient.

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Swami Prabupadha in his purport to explain one of the Gita sloka in later chapters where Krishna talks about celebacy and detachment, that one should not or dont have to hate the family members being married, but if a partner is bad, then its wise to leave the family. So it means that if a wife or husband is not chaste, he advocates not to tolerate and bewith them as a devotee to elevate them since such people who go for physical desires cannot be raised so easily, but rather pull us down. So Prabupada in his explanation has mentioned toleave the family. I dont have Gita book to quote the pages. I will see that and give after few hours.


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