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Where are you now, old friend?

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Where are you now, old friend ?


To Tribhuvannatha Prabhu :





Where are you now, old friend?


Where are you now?




Have you gone ahead to lead another sankirtana party


for Srila Prabhupada in a far distant land?


Are you chanting up a storm and playing the mrdanga until time stops


and there's nothing left but the holy name that you love so much?


Are you preaching to a young brahmacari to run off


on a daring adventure for our spiritual master?




You always said that you were a fighter,


and oh yes, you always fought the good fight for Prabhupada.


Your life was brief on this planet, but you blazed the heavens with your faith and love.


We saw it, we loved you for it, and we wanted you to share a little with us too.


And you always did.




Oh, those Prabhupada stories told from your lips


spoken with absolute conviction and sincerity


went straight to the heart.


"Yes, yes, that's it... love for Prabhupada!"


You lived it, breathed it, and spread it freely wherever you went.




What can I do without you now, O great Vaisnava?




I can only wait,


silently wait and hope for the day when we'll


all be dancing together again at Prabhupada's lotus feet


with you leading kirtan, chanting in ecstacy


and Prabhupada smiling,


nodding his head in approval.


by Padmapani das

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