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So you should take care before taking a dip in the Ganga or Yamuna !!!

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We have seen that when sadhus in India take bath in sacred lakes, rivers, and tanks, they generally all show respect for the holy waters by observing certain strictures. Many different sastras describe these basic principles for sacred bathing in similar ways. Here is a list mostly based on the Varaha Purana.


1) One should not take a sacred bath in an unclean condition or after having passed stool. If necessary one should first take bath in some other place and then take bath in the sacred waters.


2) Understanding that it is improper to take sacred bath while wearing dirty cloth, many pilgrims purchase new cloth just for bathing.


3) One should not kick the water with ones feet.


4) At the end of one’s bath one should offer oblations of the water to the demigods, sages, and forefathers.

[Vaisnavas generally offer to their guru, the previous acaryas, the pañca-tattva, and Radha Krishna.]


5) After offering oblations one should come out of the water and wring out ones garments away from the sacred water.


Note: Following the standard of behavior that the associates of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu exhibited when taking bath in sacred waters, the Radhakunda municipality prohibits washing clothes, using soap, or spitting in the waters of Radhakund or Shyamakund.



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