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Universal Aarti -Also called Lord Vishnu Aarti


Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare Swami Jaya Jagadisha Hare

Bhakta Jano Ke Sankata Kshanamen Dur Kare - Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare


Hail to Thee, O Lord of the universe, Remover of sorrows and Master of all!

Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.


Jo Dhyaave Phala Paave Dukha Vinase Manakaa

Sukha Sampati Ghara Aave Kashta Mite Tanakaa - Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare


(O instant) Remover of the troubles of devotees! Thou rewardest those who sing Thy glories and removest their sorrows. With Thy name, happiness and prosperity dawn, and pain disappears.


Maat Pitaa Tum Mere Sharana Gahun Kisaki

Tum Bin Aur NA Dujaa Aash karun Jisaki - Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare


O Lord, Thou art my mother, father and only refuge


Tuma Purana Paramaatmaa Tuma Antaryaami

Parabrahma Parameshvara Tuma Sabake Swami - Om Jay Jagadisha Hare


O Indweller of all beings, Thou art perfect, absolute, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.


Tuma Karunaa Ke Saagar Tuma Paalana Katrataa

Mein Sevaka Tum Swami Kripaa Karo Bharataa - Om Jay Jagadisha Hare


O ocean of compassion, Thou art the protector of all

O merciful Master, help me, who am Thy servant.


Tum Ho Eka Agochara Sabake Praanpati

Kis Vidhi Milun Dayaamaya Tuma Ko Mei Kumati - Om Jay Jagadisha Hare


O life of all lives, Thou art the only one and (still) invisible

O merciful Lord, guide ignorant beings to Thy Divine Knowledge.


Deena Bandhu Dukha Harataa Rakashak Tum Mere

Karunaa Hasta Badhaao Dwar Padaa Mein Tere - Om Jay Jagadisha Hare


Thou art the support (protector) of the weak (friend of the weak or poor), the remover of sorrow and pain,

O my protector, bless me with Thy Compassionate hand, I surrender to Thee.


Vishaya Vikaar Mitaao Paap Haro Devaa

Shraddhaa Bhakti Badhaao Santan Ki Sevaa - Om Jay Jagadisha Hare


Relieve me of passion and suffering (or imperfections or vices),

Bless me with ever increasing faith, Divine love and spirit of service.


Tan mann dhan sab kuchh hai tera ,Swami sab kuchh hai tera

Tera tujhko arpan, kya laage mera - Om Jay Jagadisha Hare


All of my body, feelings or heart and wealth is yours. Swami this is all yours.

This Yours I am giving to you, it does not cost me anything.


Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare Swami Jaya Jagadisha Hare

Bhakta Jano Ke Sankata Kshanamen Dur Kare - Om Jaya Jagadisha Hare


Hail to Thee, O Lord of the universe, Remover of sorrows and Master of all!

Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.



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Karpur gauram karunaa avataaram,

Sansaar saaram bhujgendra haaram,

Sadaa vasantam hridayaarvinde,

Bhavam Bhavaani sahitam namaami 1


I bow to that camphor-hued, white complexioned

(Lord Shiva), who is Incarnation of compassion,

Who is the very essence of (consciousness; the

Knowing principle) of life (of the embodied soul);

Who wears snakes as garlands, whose eternal abode

is in the heart of the devotee, I bow to Him (Lord

Shiva) and His consort Bhavaani (Uma or Parvati).


Mangalam Bhagawaan Vishnu

Mangalam Garuda Dhwaja

Mangalam Pundari Kaaksha

Mangalaaya Tanno Hari 2


Auspicious is Lord Vishnu;

Auspicious is He whose flag bears

the emblem of Garuda;

Auspicious is He who is lotus-eyed;

Hari is the abode of auspiciousness


Sarva Mangala Maangalye

Shive Sarvaatha Saadhike

Sharanye Trayambake Gauri

Naaraayani Namastute 3


O the most auspicious among those that are auspicious!

O the one that grants the fulfillment of all prayers!

O the one refuge of all!

To Thee (Lord Siva and to Thy consort (Parvati),

(known also as) Trayambaka (three eyed ) and Gauri;

To Thee, O Narayani, our salutations!


Twamev maata cha pitta twamev,

Twamev bandhu cha sakha twamev

Twamev vidyya dravinam twamev,

Twamev sarvam mum dev dev 4


you are my father and you are my mother,

you are my friend and you are my brother. you are all my

knowledge and power (wealth) and You are God of Gods

and you are everything to me.


Kayena vacha manas-endriyair vaa


Budhi atmanava prakriteh svabhavaat


Karomi yad yad sakalam parasmai


Narayanayeti samarampeyaami 5



Whatever I do with my body,

speech, mind and senses;

by my intellect, self or nature,

all these I offer unto the Supreme Lord Narayana



Sashankh chakram sakireet kundalam,

Sapeet vastram sarasi runekshanam

Sahar vaksh sthal kaustubhashriyam,

Namami Vishnum sirasa chaturbhujam 6


Apart from many kinds of weapons,

Lord Vishnu bears Kaustubha Mani

(a gem named Kaustubh) on his chest.

This gem is most dear to Him (Lord Vishnu).


Vanshi vibhushit karaan navaniradabhaat

Pitaambara-darun bimb phaladharo-shthaat,

Purnendu sunder mukhaadar bimb- netraat

Krishnaat- param kimpai tatvamaham na jaane. 7


Lord Shree Krishan who has Flute in His hand,

Whose Glory is spreading on all four corners of

the Universe, Who is wearing yellow clothes,

Whose face is glowing like full Moon and has

beautiful glaring eyes. I do not know any other

God except Lord God Shree Krishan.


Apraadh sahasatraani

Kriayate ahanirsham mayya


Daasoayamiti maam matva


Kshamsav parmeshavarh 8


I commit thousands of sins during day

and night. O Lord (Prabhu or Parmaatama),

please forgive me, by considering as your

humble servant.




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